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RFF - October Sixth Broadcast

Your Host: DJ KA

6 October, 2017

Livestream broadcast: Dreams and Liars


Everywhere. You Can't Stop The Signal.


The Broadcast

The radio, television, phone near you starts to crackle with static, and slowly... slowly adjusts to the station. It's almost like a subliminal vibe being transmitted by frequency for the Lost out there in the regional Freeholds and without. There's a wisp of laughter, and then in comes a voice that is no less animated for being digitalized. "Hello, hello, hello. Breaking through the airwaves that have been silent for far too long, it's dee-jay Ka here to shake up your life. So tune in, listen up, and get woke. You don't have me for long, baby, so you best hold tight. If you're listening, you know how to reach out and touch me. So let's hear it, people. What does your girl need to pass on? Long time listener, first time caller? I promise that I'll be gentle."

DJ KA's digitalized, but female voice, continues after a breath. "I know, I know. It's been too long, and time is so short. We've been quiet. But I promise you, like tinsel-covered trees and gaudy Santas edging in, pushing your Halloween decorations and swag to the side before October's barely had chance to begin, Winter isn't just coming - it's already here. Have a little tune, while I pick at these threads.

DJ KA says, “Doesn't that just send little tingles down your spine? Not that I'm trying to be ominous. No, I'd never do that. Let's switch it over, then, shall we? Caller, you're live on the waves. Speak to us, baby.”

<CALLER> This male voice, while digitalized, is frantic, strident, a little desperate. "This is Number Six. Tell all those Lost out there that they better get found. Don't go near cliffs. Avoid Crystal Falls. And if you know any mortals, for fuck's sake, watch their dreams. The Game Master is angling for us all, my friends. He's here, and he's drawing ever-fucking-nearer."”

DJ KA's intake of breath is sharp, and ends in a whistle. "You heard it, people. There's something fucking around with the dreams of mortals, and a name like the Game Master doesn't exactly give me the warm and fuzzies, you know? Dear Caller - Anything else you can give us? Pass along?"

<CALLER> Number Six says, “I'll give it to you straight, Ka, the Game Master is one of Them. If you have any info or concerns, come to Cat-22. Leave a note for Number Six and it'll get to the right people. NEVER STOP FIGHTING! DON'T LET THEM WIN!”

DJ KA says, “You've got that fucking right, Number Six. Don't go gentle into that good night, you dig? Thanks for passing the bad word along. CAT-22, people. You know what to do. We're strongest when we fight the power together. I'm getting another message through the airwaves, lovely, for those of you that belong to the Freehold, or want to. The Harvestmen need you, and those interested in joining can make their way over to Aspire Arena. Let's take another call, shall we? Speak to us, caller.”

<CALLER>Lily Maid's voice is a sweet siren's, distinctive even if the form of speaking isn't, which it admittedly very much is. "Excepting, of courseness, should not be trusting Number Six with anything. Irresponsibles, and a dick. If having an informations, should be bringing to a Freeholds, to people whose jobs is." A little venom with that sugar, much? "Anyways," trills the caller, "is not only a mortals with problems of dreaming. If having a dreams of oilyness, or feeling like something grabbing at a dreams, this is happening to a Losts, also. Is not connected to other dreams, is own things. Bring concerns to Watchers; is having an active works on all problems concerned. Pleaseandthankyoufortime."

DJ KA's digitalized laughter is almost a bark. "Now, dears. Your Ka can't speak for if this Number Six is a dick or not, but it sounds to me like a problem that goes beyond the Freehold, if it's going after the mortals of our precious town, yeah? And I'm not saying that just because yours truly hasn't had a chance to sign on up with the Autumn's Queen, yeah? We're stronger when we work out a problem together. Don't trust either of them? Reach on out to me, baby, and I'll help you along. But it sounds like we've got a problem of dreams being fucked all around, darlings. Get yourself to one experienced with dreams, if you're having problems. Thanks for the...wait, looks like we've got Number Six pushing through again. And I'm a girl that's all about letting people say things they forgot to. Number Six?"

<CALLER ONE> Number Six snorts. "Oh, I didn't /forget/ anything, Ka, I just have to rebutt that -- you can think I'm a dick all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that the Freehold has done -jack shit- about the problem I mentioned. More action, less talk, Fate's Harvest! Not all of us want to join your little death party, and that's our right. This is Radio FREE Fae for a reason. And yeah, this is about more than US at this point. It's about people we know and love, and strangers who don't deserve what we went through. So put up or shut up."

<CALLER>Lily Maid's voice trills back over the airwaves: "Oh, you." As if she were talking to a particularly silly kid. "Just because you cannot helps burn a bridge, and then another bridge, and then another, does not mean that across those bridges is burned? Is nothing happening. Just means you is not a seeings, because you burnt bridge bridge bridge. As said: to Watchers do a talks, and find work done and work doing on dreams and problems. Cannot be surprised if do not know what is happening in support structure... if stays outside support structure. Is almost like people have a reasons to not do a trusts with you, Number Six. I wonder why that could bes. Maybe because is a walking Secrecy danger, you? Hmmm. Gosh a lots, cannot imagines why you are not getting a regular loop-in reports. Cannot even manage 'I'm sorry,' who would do a trusts?" And still, the voice never loses its musical rise and fall, as if she's singing into the phone subtly. "Pleaseandthanks, Ka, is a problem that goes beyonds, is a trueness, but does not mean people should be asking to do a trusts of someone who fucks over a trusts. So, as done an invites, come to a Watchers, who is doing a works. All Watchers is doing a works on problem this, and other problems, as noting, not even known abouts because is not a trusts." A soft hmph. "Pleaseandthankyou for a times, DJ Ka."

DJ KA's digitalized voice cuts back in, "Truth, this is Radio -Free- Fae. Freeholder or not, this is your channel, baby. We're here for you. We listen, we send it out. You can't stop the signal. Speaking of a trusts, a source that doesn't want the fame and glory of being live on the waves says this - be careful who you trust. I don't think he was referencing our dear Number Six, exactly, as this little birdie came to me before all this." A breath, and the sound of someone giving a really good stretch. "Oh, my stars and garters. We've got another caller on the line. You're on, caller."

<CALLER>Smiley heavy Scottish accent! "Personal pissing contests aside,I'll clear one thing up. Fate's Harvest /is/ working on the dream issues we are having. And I say 'WE' because it's /all/ of us. We've been working on that since the Crown changed. If people would pay attention they would know that. I'm not going to sit here and hurl blame at someone and waste energy doing that when I can be working on a problem. So let me get back to working on the problems that we are working on."

DJ KA says, “And there you have it from one of the Freeholders. Bottom line is this, babes. Stop tearing at each other's throats. Summer's over, after all, and the Sun's time has faded. If you're having some fucked up dreams, or have a mortal friend that's being tormented by The Game Master? Don't keep it to yourselves. Number Six or the Watchers - get someone to help you work it out. Got anything else for me, you fantastic people? I'm here for you. And here's another tune, to get your brain going!"

DJ KA's voice cuts back in, "Ompf. Nothing like a song about some realness, am I right? Of course I am. This is Deejay Ka here, bringing it to your airwaves to get out what needs to be heard. I don't have much longer, but don't worry, we've got at least one more caller. You've got something to say, yourself? Something we need to know? Stay ever vigilant, my people. Caller, you're on."

<CALLER> Lux's voice is male, undisguised, a smooth, calm baritone. It may sound vaguely familiar to Freeholders and Winters overall. "Thank you, DJ. People: divisiveness serves Them. Unify. Pool resources. This is no time to indulge in childish games." The voice pauses for a breath, then continues, brisk, factual and authoritative. "There are corpses left and right. There are children taken in the night. There is another Freehold full of strangers no one has researched, and the Soundless are living up to their name. This is a call to action, folks. If you aren't involved, ask questions until you are. We are not safe. If you think you are, I'm sorry. I hope your awakening will be gentle."

DJ KA's digitalized voice clicks back over, with a little tut. "You heard it here, people. Get yourself fucking woke. If you're not worried? You're not paying attention." She lets out a huff of breath, then continues, "And this one goes out to the Silent Arrow. You've heard the call. Fucking answer it. Don't know what I'm talking about? Reach out and grab me."

DJ KA's voice fades back in, as the song ends. "Now I told you, my loves, that you didn't have me for long tonight. But we've talked so much, and it's been good, hasn't it? I'll take one last caller, before we'll have to say goodbye. But don't worry - it's only forever, not long at all. Caller?"

<CALLER> Crust speaks with a voice that is forced to deep smoothness, but clearly not his typical manner of speaking. "In the words of the philsopher Zack de la Rocha, 'It's not in the paper; it's on the wall.' Think about what is happening, comrades. Don't just listen to this lovely DJ and the stories of others. Open your eyes and look around. Things are happening. Only a fool would think less of you to sit life out and keep yourself out of harm's way. Then again, only a fool would think there is such a thing as a safe place. See something? Say something. It could save someone's life. It could keep someone free. ...Thank you."

DJ KA's digitalized 'mmmmm' is a strange sound indeed. "A man after my own heart. Keep both eyes open, my beloved Lost. Stay away from cliffs. Watch your dreams. Get with Aspire Arena if you want to check out the Harvest Men. Saunter your way to CAT-22 or catch a Watcher if you've got dreams that shouldn't be yours. And wake the fuck up. Now I told you that you didn't have me for long, and sadly that time is coming to a close. I know, I know. It's tragic. But don't worry. I'm always watching. Deejay Ka, signing off with one more for the night."

<As the song ends, the signal goes to static, crackling and robust. As quick as it came, it's gone.>