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Latest revision as of 17:56, 4 October 2017

Harvestmen Meeting: October 2017

"New Recruits!"


Glitch, Dielle, Rorschach, Cornelius, Polk, Byron, Ashe


The Harvestmen have a meeting and a change of leadership. Again.


Kerrigan's Sacrifice

Most times that people have seen Ashe during her reign she's been happy and not stressed. That would not be the case this evening. The Autumn Monarch is standing and going over a file of some sort and there's a bit of a hand wobble to Uvall, the bat that's hanging from her crown. "We'll figure it out." she tells him as she looks to him. Then she gives a look to Byron who is there with her. "When everyone gets here we'll get started." she tells him with that stitched smile of hers.

Byron has found himself a big of rocky outcropping to park his butt on, with that huge axe of his conveniently leaning against the wall nearby. He flashes a wan smile at Ashe when she talks to Uvall, but doesn't add commentary. Instead, his attention shifts to look around the room and mutter, "I don't remember it being this large in here. Guess its been a while."

Dielle comes in with Polk at her side. She's escorting him through the hedge. They both have weapons on them, because, y'know, hedge, and she's explaining, "We firebombed the hell outta this place, but if you see any seedlings, say something before they can grow up. Y'never know what's gonna grow up to be a damned people-eater." She's dressed for the hedge, as best she can for a woman with no armor. But there's leather pants, and a leather vest, and the cowboy boots and hat, as well as gun and bow and arrows. Maybe a few other things.

DL adds, upon walking in, "Hey, y'all. Tony, here, wants to be a recruit."

Slipping out from behind a training dummy--someone might have noticed that it had horns that were not there previously if he or she was paying very close attention--a man is known to only one person in the room appears. He gives a flourish of a bow and calls out just loud enough for everyone present to hear. "I suppose you're wondering why I've gathered you all here tonight. Well. I haven't, actually. I'm just here to help out." Cornelius breathes a quick breath on the back of his claws and rubs them against his tattered robe. "You know. Kick ass, take names, consider orders, and basically be the most overqualified and devilishly handsome--perhaps a little too literally and less figuritively on that descriptive handle; alas--recruit that has ever been recruited in all of recruitery."

Tony Polk moves into the cave, looking around. He's in a grey jacket with his trademark green ballcap. Khaki cargo pants with a thick belt and trailrunning shoes. He doesn't look like much but he's wearing one helluva rapier with the cage done in gold and lead. The dark leather sash that it hangs from on his left hip looks like he normally wears something like a vest over it. "I'll keep my eyes peeled. Not quite sure I want to know why its so specific to maneaters," he mutters and looks to the people as he approaches. The introduction from Dielle has him lift a hand in greeting. "Hey all." Southern drawl without it sounding like he might take three hours to consider supper.

There was no sound other than the creeptastic clacking from the echoing darkness. The reflection of two red eyes were above in the darkness of the hollow and slowly descended down the wall. One could wait until it passed the shadows, but the darkness of the shadows stretched with it concealing whatever that was that had voice like nails ticking on tile.

That would be the scout leader returned. His face looked up at them and slowly his body rotated 180* to set foot on ground orbiting his own head as if there were no veterbre to consider. Limbs popped into and out of and into joint again. The long read coat which was the only thing that wasn't desaturated of colour around the Moon's thick mantle was flared a moment, and he stepped forward with a flourish of a bow of his head and offered up to Ashe, the still heart of something perhaps the size of a rodent once.

Glitch pushes his way in as well...wearing a rather nondescript outfit, perhaps to try and downplay his jarring mien. He scans the room with his pixellated gaze, bits flickering and flashing across his face, hands stuffed in the pockets of his hoodie, before he wanders to somewhere on the periphery of the group. Being as inobtrusive as he can.

Ashe gives a look around to everyone when they start to arrive and theres a look to Cornelius and a 'really?' look as she chuckles. She looks back to the rest, "Thank you all for coming on such short notice and I apologize for the short notice." she tells them. "Please take your ease." she states.

Byron arches one obsidian brow at the new faces and murmurs, "This might be more than we had show up for things before with Jonah. That's encouraging." He actually flashes a smile at the Roach and Dielle, offering a nod of recognition to Polk and the others that sidle in from the wilds of outside, "Good to see folks."

Ashe gives a look to Rorschach and then the dead critter heart and there's a smile to Rorschach and a signed 'thank you' to him as she takes it.

Dielle goes to find a seat, perferably something where she can turn it around and straddle it. She beams at Ashe and Byron and hat-tips to them and the Inkblot. Then she surveys the crowd. "Hot damn, there's actual people here! Hey, y'all."

Polk dips his head respectfully to the crown. "Ma'am." There's a casual note of it, not mocking or disrespectful. The Beard smiles (potentially) but its hard to be sure on his face. Eyes flick to Byron and there's clear recognition there. Yep, end of summer crown court. Hands fold in front of him as he looks to the others but Tony really doesn't seem like he's intending on doing a lot of talking, just keeping post by Dielle.

Cornelius gives Polk a tiny wiggle of four fingers in wave, then a big, overdone wink. After this greeting, he looks back to Ashe and shrugs. He lips the words 'You're not my mother' at her, but is clearly being obnoxious rather than rebellious. "This is where I stand in the back and don't speak until spoken to, ri-" The question ends prematurely as he looks over at Byron. "Damn, dude. Who did your makeup?" He makes a big 'okay' sign with one hand while smiling and nodding. "And I thought the Queen was gonna win best costume this Halloween for suuure."

Rorschach folded his other, spidery hand over hers when Ashe took the heart. On the upshot it wasn't radioactive so this was a plus. Even better it wasn't as bad as the last thing he handed her or Byron. Banner day. He turned and dipped his head to Dielle <<Sister>> he signed and with that a hop back to teh wall where the roach scuttled up to descend and possibly bite teh head off interlopers woth those twitchy mandibles or watch without being stepped on. Bugs man. The two new fellas got a curious look from him. If only he blinked. Ever. That'd be nice.

Ashe gives a chuckle, "No. No I am not." she shakes her head at Cornelius. Then she looks to the others. "So we've spoken to Rorschach and to Dielle about the current Captain being absent for so long and we sadly will be replacing her." she states. "Byron Whelan will be taking back over as Captain. Dielle will be his second. If there are any complaints. Please see me about it. Paige will be moved to Lieutenant if she chooses to return to us." she explains.

Dielle looks pleased at the turn of events up until mentioning Paige will be a lieutenant, and opens her mouth. Then she closes it again and looks pleased at herself for not sticking her foot in her mouth. PROGRESS.

Polk looks over to Rorschach while those unblinking eyes look at Tony. For his part, Tony just looks right back. Polk looks like most every other enchanted or Fae Touched. There's a hint of something different about him, but no clear mien had taken more than a very thin hold. When Ashe speaks his attention goes back to the crown. Ey, Dielle getting some kudos. He looks over to her and gives a low thumbs up from his clasped hands. And a very subtle smile. The Beard concurs.

Ashe has a heart and she looks like it's a good gift to give an Autumn. :D

Byron mmms softly as Ashe mentions what she has planned and waits a moment to add, "I hope to depend on Dielle to fill me in on what the Lieutenants have been doing before now, so we can get back to moving along. There are some outstanding things the Freehold needs the Harvestmen for, and those of you I know, I know do good work. So its just a case of getting the whole thing up to working order. Those of you that don't know me, I used to be part of the Harvestmen a while back and ran it for a while, then I stepped down when Paige took over. I was told some help was needed, and this is my Freehold too, so whatever we need, lets do it."

Rorschach signed back from the architrave <<Good. I have too many speaking rolls around here>>. The bemandibled bug turned a wry grin. Not a peep from him unless someone spoke ASL. Though he did sign forward to Byron <<Soon, we hunt.>> Two fingers reached up and swiped down one anteanna. Keeping them clean or having a neurological tic was up in the air.

The horned man known as Cornelius stops with the comments, for the moment, but he is likely waiting for an opportunity at another. Silently, he looks from one Lost to another as he waits.

Dielle twitches her eyebrows at Tony, and grins at The Bug. She nods at Byron and says, "We'll fill you in, Bossman. Good to have you back, though, for however long we do." She looks waaaaay too pleased for her own britches.

Ashe gives a dip of her head and then steps back. She doesn't look happy. But that's probably because she's just made the first big move as Queen and there's probably going to be blowback.

Tony upnods to Byron. "I've got a lot of stuff in storage that I've used in the past to help arm and armor up freehold militias and volunteers. Loaner gear, but it works. Some additional toys. Let me know if you want to discuss." That seems to be the sum total of Tony's offering to the group, then the FT goes back to being seen and not heard.

Glitch looms on the outskirts of things, listening...but making himself a little more physically noticeable. Waiting to be called on in turn, essentially. He taps a foot nervously to himself.

Byron bobs his head slightly at Dielle and then Polk, "Good. If we weren't having a regular gathering, that ought to start, but I'll corner Dielle and Inkblot and get ramped up before anyone starts planning things. We're going to be busy, and that's if nothing suddenly decides to get worse, so if you're willing to step up, there's going to be plenty to do." When Glitch looks like he's waiting, the gargoyle tilts his head and clears his throat, "Whats up?"

"Okay," Cornelius says as he once more steps forward and begins to speak in a meeting he was not even invited to. "I, for one, would like to give a round of applause to those that have just climbed the rank ladder." He gives a slow but heavy three claps and immediately follows it with, "Which one of you wants this fine," he waves a hand down along himself like he is a gameshow prize, "piece of Wyrdy goodness to fight by your side and, on quiet and sweet moments we will not discuss outside of the troop, share wine and harrowing tales of exes with?" He seems oblivious to anyone waiting to speak.

Rorschach eyed the gathering like shadows do. There was an approving nod at the offer of armaments. Though when the Winter spoke there was a few clacks and a trill from mandibles twitching signing to Dielle. There was a tilt of his head gesturing to Cornelius, then a snappoint to him and a point down by the ground nearish the bug. Apparently the scutmaster had some ideas about this. Congrats? Condolences? Bring hand sanitizer? Who knows.

Dielle grins at Cornelius's speech, then eyes The Bug and says, "I think that means that Robbie's claimin' you for his squad, but I'll be happy to borrow you from time to time. Besides, I ain't got any exes to tell sad tales on, although I got a whole store of them kinda tales, from bein' a bartender. None of 'em happened to me." She takes a breath and lets it out. "Boss man, I'd like to let the other groups know we're on call again, in case they need people to go with 'em and fend off Hedge critters."

"I'll get my gear unpacked tonight, boss." Tony finishes the statement with a nod and a look to Dielle. Wanna help? Cornelius does get a chuckle from him, though and he moves to lean against the cave wall.

Glitch waits for Cornelius to say his...thing. When Dielle mentions being on call, he steps forward to finally speak. "I'm here to fill you all in on what brought me to town," he beeps, slowly looking around. "And what I brought here with me. Several days ago, Loyalists attacked my wife," he intones. "They were after me."

Cornelius's gold-gleaming eyes look towards the bug and he, for the life of him, tries to squat down, keep eyes on the unblinking thing, and move towards where he was pointed all at once. It looks more than a little ridiculous. He looks a little less confused as Dielle explains, and replies without pulling his eyes away from the twisted, glowing creature he watches. "So, uh, Robbie? Can I call you leut? Don't worry, I won't get it confused with loot, as I refer to that as swag, shwag, earnings, tactically acquired items or, from time to time, well, loot." He shrugs a little at that, standing up straight. "I'm...." The word 'Loyaltists' catches his ears, and he looks over at Glitch, falling silent.

Byron gives Rors an odd look that might contain some amusement, but he nods, listening to the others, while he reaches out to place a large hand on the small of Ashe's back, sort of luring her in closer to him, "Well, I'm pretty sure the Queen will listen to me if I have something we need to broadcast to the Freehold, but lets take a few days to get our act together before we ring the dinner bell and tell everyone we're open for business." He pauses there and offers, "If you're new and havent had a chance to catch up, the Harvestmen have their strength in squads that work togther as a unit whenever possible. That doesn't mean two folks from different squads CANT go on adventures together, it just means, if you are used to fighting with the same people at your sides, you get used to each other's tactics and you get Better. So we'll work on that and start regular patrols out in the Hedge again." When Glitch talks about Loyalists being after him and his wife, he eyes Ashe questioningly, as if checking to see if she's heard about this, then asks him, "We'll need everything you have on them, including when you ran into them last. Thats something we might need to make the whole freehold aware of, to keep an eye on, depending."

Rorschach signed back to the Captain <<Waterfall. Not far out from what I can tell. Ask him for me: Loyalists or Privateers. Report I got in was that they were bounty hunters, not beholden. Different nature of threat. If they were privateer head collectors we can hit up market and try to get the drop on who's looking to buy.>> Apparently Rorsch did do research. A finger reached down and tapped Cornelius on teh top of eh head. Okay he was solid. Real. Still there. All good things so far.He reached into his jacket and scribbled on a note two things. One was passed to Cornelius. The second was left in the book and turned around Reading: IS YOUR BLACKBIRD OKAY? which was aimed to Glitch.

At almost the same moment as Rorschach kis asking, Dielle says, "Jesus, Glitch, are you ok? Is Nattie ok? That's some deep shit, man!" She's horrified. It shows.

Ashe gives a nod to that, "Go on." she tells Glitch.

The tap to the head causes Corenlius to startle, look up, and whisper, "That is why my robe is brown." He takes the note, reads it, gives Rorchach a thumbs up with a smile--as if he was not just scowling--and goes back to paying attention to the meeting.