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Ashe Meets Ziv

"Just take it slow."


Ashe and Ziv


Ziv comes to talk about joining the Custodians and finds more bats!


The Whelan Chronicle

Office hours for Ashe have been going on since about one in the afternoon, but the woman is still there in the room and going through folders. Seems like she's getting stuff together for a meeting. She's dressed in the usual black dress and boots. Her hair is down today and there's a pretty life like bow in it that resembles a bat. Or wait, that's Uvall being cheeky. His wings lightly smack against the side of her head, "When does dad get home?" he squeaks to her. "Dad gets home after his hedge trip." she tells him quietly.

Ziv is trying to be polite, by human standards, most of the time she's around others - and she's dressed nicely. Today she's decided to deviate towards a starry blue-black dress, with plain leggings and sandals, because claws + shoes sucks. In accordance with being nice, rather than just waltzing right into the room she knocks before entering, tucking her wings/hands back behind herself neatly.

There's one final wing slap from the bat with the bright red eyes and then the knock is heard. Ashe lifts her head and there's a smile, "Come on in." she motions to the woman in her doorway. "Are you here about Custodian things?" she asks Ziv. "We have drinks and snacks if you'd like as well. I try to make sure no one leaves hungry." she chuckles.

Ziv pokes her head in, ears forward, and then steps into the room a little edgily. "Yeah, um, Custodian things," she agrees with a nod of her head before proceeding forward towards where Ashe says. "I was told that you're... the one to talk to, about that type of thing. I'm pretty new here," she admits, and then pauses before saying in a slightly abashed manner, "Oh, excuse me. Um... Ziv Allendale, at your service."

Ashe smiles, the stitches in her cheeks pulling a bit as she does, "Oh excellent." she states. "Come on in and have a seat. I'm Ashe Whelan, the Custodian Elect." she offers in introduction. "It's nice to meet you Ziv. This is Uvall." she points to the bat on her head, because to Ashe, it's perfectly normal to have a live bat on your head. "What can we help you with?" she asks her with a smile as she relaxes for a moment.

"It's nice to meet you," a single dip of Ziv's head accompanies this, though she seems somewhat distracted - and uncomfortable - by the stitches on Ashe's cheeks. She might be caught doing a little more than slightly staring at them. The bat on Ashe's head, however, distracts her and she gives an abrupt grin, "Oh, hi Uvall." It's a bit of a chirp in a greeting, and then she looks back to Ashe, "I wanted to ask about joining, or um, at least getting involved. And how I do that."

The Shadowsoul gives another smile, this one gentler. Sadly the stitches are still prominent and that's not something that can be helped. Uvall waves a wing, "Hello!" the hedge beast chirps back. He then starts to teeter totter his way down Ashe's head and down to her shoulder. To watch better. Ashe then gives a look to Ziv, "That's fantastic. I've been looking for more recruits for the Custodians." she admits. She does seem genuinely excited. "Well, what are your skills?" she asks as she grabs a pen and a pad of paper. "Getting involved is easy, we can bring you on as a recruit and have you do a few test missions and things with the other Custodians." she tells her.

"Um... well, I admit that I'm... not too... well-versed in things," Ziv says more quietly, tearing her dark eyes away from the stitches on Ashe's face. She lifts up a wing, counting off on the tines as she starts to speak, "I've... learned a bit about Fae-things, as part of my uh... education since coming back. I'm um... pretty stealthy, and have some... abilities that let me get into places if something needs to be found there..." She pauses, flicks an ear, and then shrugs, "And I sing pretty well." Not that that helps much. Trying to, perhaps, get her eyes off the stitches on Ashe's face she focuses on Uvall.

Ashe gives a nod to that, "Basically we are collectors and keepers of Occult lore. And other lore as well. We make sure that if something goes on and it's weird that it gets looked into and we add it to the Library in the Freehold." she tells her. "Stealth is always a good thing. Sometimes we need to obtain information in less than ethical ways, so I'm sure we can use that ability to our advantage. Obviously we don't put people in danger for things, but it might come up." she tells her.

Uvall for his part chitters a bit to the other bat, "Mom, did you see her wings?" he asks Ashe. "Yes baby I did." she tells him with a smile. Then there's a look back to Ziv, "The bat population is rather low here, so he's so happy to see other." she tells her with a smile.

"Not... too concerned about that, or anything. Um, just wanting to get more acquainted and settled. I haven't been out of the Faerie too long," admits Ziv, her ears flattening down to the sides and then flicking back. She nods, though, and wonders, "Where would you suggest I start?" But the commentary from Uvall, and Ashe explaining it, draws a laugh from Ziv and she admits, "I'm pretty happy to see him, too! I've met a few bats here... but um... not many. I'm hoping to kind of... start a safe house for them, when I can get some land more out of the way. So that they and I can help each other."

Ashe gives a nod, "Some of us sort of blur the lines with the mortal authorities as it is. So understandable." she tells her. "How long have you been back? If I can ask." she states. Then she gives a gentle smile, "As far as where to start, we'll get you a mentor, someone that can show you the ropes and then we can give you a solo mission. Recruits are recruits for about a month and then we promote you to join the rest of the gang." she explains. "I like not being an overbearing boss." she adds. Then she grins, "He's mad because we've not had bat time. I mastered fang and talon for him." she muses. "And my fiance has huge wings, so he fits in with us." she muses.

Then she moves back to Custodians, "Are you a member of the Freehold? If you are, that's fantastic. If not I'd have to have you start there first." she admits.

Ziv listens intently, for the most part, at least nodding along to what Ashe says with pinched brows. With the last question, she says in answer, "I spoke to Logan... and um, still need to get wholly sworn and everything. But it's underway." There's a light shrug of her shoulders, that gives a brief ripple through the membrane of her wings. At the commentary about Fang and Talon, she grins a bit and says in answer, "I only recently got to wholly stretch my wings in a while, too... it's been um... a few months since I've been out. I can understand how Uvall would be restless."

Ashe doesn't seem disappointed or anything, she nods to that, "They've had some backlog over there, so it's no problem. As soon as you are sworn to the Freehold we can bring you into the Custodians as a recruit, I think you'd be a good fit for the group." she smiles to that. "If I need to send a message to Helah I can as well." she offers. Then she grins and Uvall moves down her arm and stretches his wings, "He's a bit of a comedian. If you'd like to go flying sometime we can do that." she tells her.

"...It might be for the best. Maybe. I don't really um... want to be a bother." Ziv's voice softens a bit on the latter part and she flicks her ears again - in fact, they're pretty much constantly moving. Gaze falling to Uvall, she reaches out a wing towards him, extending the fingers partially into a fan while she answers Ashe. "I... would like that. It's been awfully lonely here, a lot of the time."

"You aren't a bother. So don't think like that." Ashe shakes her head at that. "We're all fresh from the Hedge at some point and sometimes we need others to help. It's not a bad thing." the Autumn assures the Winter. Uvall waves his wing at Ziv and then toddles a bit closer to Ziv, his wing touching hers, "He's a vampire bat, so they won't be as big as most." she muses.

"...I don't actually know what that means," admits Ziv with a small clear of her throat, but she doesn't shy away from the other bat's touch. On the contrary, she brushes one of her wing tines against Uvall's own, and then looks back up at Ashe with a faint grin, "Trying not to, but it is difficult sometimes. Kind of um... feel lost. Wish I could do more." Another shrug, then she notes, "But I'm learning, gradually."

"Just give yourself time. You just got out of hell. Almost literally." Ashe tells her. "So we'll get you set up with the Crown and get you properly sworn to the Freehold and then we can get you started out with the Custodians." she tells her. "Sound like a plan?" she asks. Then there's a look to Uvall who shakes the wing a little and then starts to scamper back to her, "Vampire bats are a small species of bat. Not like Fruit bats and others that grow bigger. He's just a little guy is all." she admits.

"...I will," promises Ziv, finally giving a little more wholesome of a smile than she's given for the most part since walking into Ashe's office. She watches Uvall scamper back to the Autumn, soon returning most of her focus to his mistress. "Oh. He does look a little different than some of the bats around here, too. They're very... hmm... small also."

"Good. Remember that we're here to help as well. Whether you're a member of the Freehold or not. We need to look out for each other. The Freehold is an added level of protection as well." Ashe states to that. "I am going to be curious to see what the new season brings though." she admits. Then she gives a smile as Uvall climbs back up her arm, "Uvall is what is known as a hedge beast companion. So he has a mask and a mien like we do. I've had him since I left arcadia. I actually didn't know he'd came with me till a few weeks after when I found him in a bag." she chuckles. Then she looks to Ziv, "You'll be alright. Things might be rough, but you'll get through them." she tells her.

"I've been thinking about going to see if I can help anyone, or if they'd be willing to... hm... come out here," says Ziv, with a nod after the explanation about Uvall that Ashe offers, tucking her feet in together while she listens. A light breath is given out, and she admits quietly, "I know. It's more I'm just not... really used to being human, I guess." Her smile is a touch rueful, on that topic. "...But I know it'll pass. Um, is there anything I can do to help you out, in the meanwhile?"

"If you start up a bat rescue or a rehab place I'm sure more than a few people would help with that." Ashe tells her with a smile. Then she listens to her and there's a nod to her, the silver in her eyes swirling for a moment, "It's hard when we first return. I understand that." she states quietly. "And as we get higher in Wyrd we become less Human. The thing to remember is that you're out. You're with people who will try their damndest to make sure you stay safe while you reacquaint yourself with the real world and after. So ease yourself back in, there's no rush." she states. There's a smile when she asks about helping out, "You can follow up with Logan or another Waykeeper and see if they can get you a meeting with Queen Helah as soon as possible. That's all for now really." she offers.

Ziv's ears twitch a little more than usual, and she lets out a breath in addition to a nod regarding what Ashe says. "I'll definitely do that," she offers, to the last part. Then going back around to the first, she admits, "I could... probably do that. It's not too um, terribly different than what I sort of had in mind. A little more work, maybe, but I should be able to do it..." Another ear twitch. "Maybe I will. Um, meanwhile, could I get your number and stuff?"

Ashe smiles, "Excellent, having a plan to work on might make things a bit less stressful." she tells her. Then she shakes her head, "If you need any help just let us know." she states. Then there's a nod as she writes down a few things on the paper in front of her, "The top is my cell. The second is email and the third is the phone here. If Byron answers just let him know you're looking for me." she tells her as she writes. Then it's carefully tore off and handed to her.

"...Is Byron your fiance?" wonders Ziv, reaching out to take hold of the paper in acceptance and giving an inclination of her head. She looks over the writing, and then tucks it into her pocket. Her dress has pockets! Fancy that.

Ashe gives a nod to that, "Aye, he is. You usually can't miss him given wingspan and height." she chuckles. "He's a fellow Autumn and a Custodian. So you'll get to meet him as well." she tells her. Dresses with pockets are the best! Ahem. "I'll be scheduling another Custodians meeting soon. So we will get you that information as well in case things are handled." she states. Then there's a look to the clock and a sigh, "Sadly I need to get going for the day. Is there anything else I can help with for the moment? If you have issues, please feel free to call either of those numbers." she offers.

"Oh... nope. Looking forward to flying, though," admits Ziv, sounding a little more cheerful on that topic - she's even lessened the staring at the stitches in Ashe's face. She gives a little curtsey, and then says, "Nice to meet you, Ashe... and Uvall... hopefully we'll um, see each other soon."

"Be safe in your travels, Ziv." Ashe states with a smile as she starts stacking the folders. Uvall helps by climbing back up onto her head and laying on her. Because lazy bat is lazy. "I'm sure we'll see each other soon and we'll get to have a flight time." she tells her.

"Bye for now!" chirps Ziv, before heading out the door.