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(Created page with "{{ Log | cast = Glitch, Miranda, Calliope, Etsy as herself and ST | summary = A hedgefruit huntin...")
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Calliope shakes herself and the scent of blood and the clash of unknown armies dies some in the Summers mantle but aside the green go there seems to be a smatterin of dried blood across her armor that doesn't belong to anything. She blinks as the healing takes place and heals both the damage from her own trident and the slippery squid. She looks around to offer a bright and cheerful, "Fuck Yeah, thank you!" To her healer. "Let's get these fruit and get you folks out of here. Thanks for lettin' me tag along. been a while since I stretched my wings." She flicks her wrist and the rident snaps back into a long copper club.
Calliope shakes herself and the scent of blood and the clash of unknown armies dies some in the Summers mantle but aside the green go there seems to be a smatterin of dried blood across her armor that doesn't belong to anything. She blinks as the healing takes place and heals both the damage from her own trident and the slippery squid. She looks around to offer a bright and cheerful, "Fuck Yeah, thank you!" To her healer. "Let's get these fruit and get you folks out of here. Thanks for lettin' me tag along. been a while since I stretched my wings." She flicks her wrist and the rident snaps back into a long copper club.
Glitch nods to Calliope, and looks back to Etsy, rubbing at the back of his head where the wound has healed. He nods at Etsy's words and looks at the others, hoodie bundled under one arm. "Stage clear. We got our loot. Let's get back to base."

Latest revision as of 07:40, 24 July 2017

Attack of Squidtopus

Glitch, Miranda, Calliope, Etsy as herself and ST

24 July, 2017

A hedgefruit hunting expedition goes a bit sideways...


It's late, near closing, but from the sounds of it, a seminar is still going strong in the other room. The storefront itself is all but deserted, with a single browser wandering the aisles and fingering the fabrics and yarns available in the displays. Wearing a shop apron made of intricately woven textiles which would cost a fortune on the market, a too-slender young woman who desperately needs more food slowly moves about the shop to straighten misplaced skeins, rearrange disarranged displays and generally tidy the place up, her mid-back oak brown hair held back by a rolled up kerchief. A broom is leaning against a counter nearby, dustpan awaiting further use.

The mermaid doesn't own a car, but every so often she day-pledges with someone long enough to get a good enough license that will allow her to rent a car. Today it was the mrbl, promising to bring her otter a bag of shellfish from the market. Having left her mrbl at World's A Part so said mustelid can stink up the place by climbing up onto a pile of junk and smashing open oysters with a rock, then throwing the empty shells near Maddox's workshop totally on purpose, Etsy went to pick up Nathania and drove the two of them to the textile store.

Interestingly enough, Etsy's actually quite good driver. Couriers are required to be. She's taken off her white sash, though, and stuffed it into the fabric cross-body bag that she's wearing; it's tatty at the corners but not as tatty as her silk slippers, which seem to almost not touch the ground, though the key word there is almost. She's a flutter of loose fabric with a leather belt hanging around her narrow hips, and from that leather belt, a metal mirror of the 'Victorian hand mirror' style, which doesn't look old at all. It looks like it could have been made yesterday, because robot boyfriends ask metal nicely if it can be super shiny. Yay, robot boyfriends.

Humming a little tune to herself, Etsy holds the door for Nathania, standing back a bit to allow the dolly to go into the textile store first. Etsy likes to knit and sew, but she isn't, well... Nathania about it or anything. "Helloandgoodevening!" she calls toward the store's interior. That has the sound of a scripted phrase recited from rote, but musically so, a sweet siren's song.

Nathania gently smiles at Etsy. "Thank... you for holding... the door. And driving. What... do I owe you... for gas, darling?" she asks her friend, before looking around the store proper. And her eyes get *big*. Buttons as big as dinnerplates, human eyes damn near comically large. "Oh, how... did I not find... this store before? It's almost... like the Craft Nook, Etsy." She looks toward the employee on deck and says, warmly, in her halting little voice, "Your store... is beautiful."

The browser in the shop glances back at the door, when it opens, but doesn't seem concerned when it proves to be two women obviously new to the shop. The voice of another woman, or is it a man?, continues from the room on the right hand wall (if entering the shop), explaining something about the differences between necessary mordants in plant fibers vs. animal fibers, due to the proteins involved, muffled somewhat by the building and by distance. It is NOT a small shop, but it isn't giant, either. Airy, spacious, plenty of room to walk around without knocking things over.

In contrast to the blase reaction of the browser, the aproned woman promptly jumps in surprise, though it's unclear whether the surprise is due to the unexpected arrival or just WHAT has walked into her store. "Uhm. Feel free to look around. We're closing in half an hour, but we open again tomorrow at eight." The voice is normal, a little hesitant, a little tired.

Nathania blinks at the employee, but nods. "All right. We... won't be long," she promises with a softness. "I used to... own a store in my old... hometown. Very similar, in fact." She looks around wistfully, before gravitating to the yarn. She begins to browse, but keeps an eye on her phone in her right hand. The clock on it is visible and slowly flipping through minutes.

Sianna does her best not to look, but it's awfully difficult to ignore the fact that the person talking to her looks like a rag doll. And is that -yarn- for hair? Muddy hazel eyes slide sideways to inspect the varieties of yarn Nathania is browsing through, searching for resemblance. Surely it's a costume. "Uhm. Let me know if you need anything?" She looks from Nathania to Etsy, then glances aside when the browser starts to head back toward the counter at the rear of the room, hastening off to help the other customer check out his goods.

"Mmm," agrees Etsy, her voice a musical rise and fall, that absent noise a gentle glissando. She blinks slowly at the jumping customer, and then turns her attention to Nathania, flipping her hand absently. "No, is a goodness. Is just maybe buy a coffees for me a laters, or help to pick outs a fabrics for dresses. Am think am going to make a shop belt for a Maddox and a dresses for me." Her webbed fingers gently touch the back of Nathania's hand. "Is not unlike. Craft Nook a homes for mer-- for me," she corrects herself as they're addressed. Surely Sianna just misheard her almost start the word 'mermaid' and then clear her throat so delicately. She is the most innocent of mermaids, after all. Her Spring Mantle splays out across the floor, sending illusory runners up bolts of fabric and sprouting tiny white flowers from skeins of yarn. "Yes, am needings," she addresses Sianna. "Am needings very sturdy fabric of making work belts, and is holding off a grease as best can hold off a grease."

Nathania smiles to Sianna. "Sure." And then she looks to Etsy. "Oh. Fabric for... a dress? I'm happy... to help. A nice blue-green, maybe..." She puts down the yarn and heads for the fabric while Etsy addresses Sianna.

Sianna smiles at the browser-turned-customer as she slips behind the register to ring up his purchases, a mildly distressed look cast in Etsy's direction when the .. whatever she is .. starts talking to her again. And -- plants? On her fabric? She blinks twice behind her glasses, then awkwardly bangs shut the drawer of the register, handing over the receipt. Once the man is out of the building, she hesitates, fingers a smidge unwilling to unlock from the counter's edge they are currently clinging to. "Y-you could try duck cloth, and treat it after dyeing it," she suggests, looking toward the small section of undyed fabrics of that variety, in varying weights. Seeing as her store is aimed more at the small-batch custom-made sort of crafter, it doesn't have nearly as many pre-made pre-dyed materials as, say, a big box Joann's would.

"Yes." Etsy is very agreeable tonight, especially where Nathania is concerned. "Am not a thinks Maddox will notice a dress of niceness for a going outs, because is not go beep beep or fly or shoot lasers out of eyeballs, but will make me feel a betters to have a dress of very much niceness for a Maddox and an Etsy." She rocks absently back and forth on her feet, her hands flaring at her sides. If one didn't know better, one might think that her idle motions are the landlocked version of instinctively treading water. "Yes! Am thinks a blue-greens." And then she smiles, close-lipped, at Sianna, nods her head, and drifts toward the duck cloth. "What colors for lightings, you think, Nat? Or maybe an embroideries? And what is you gets?"

Nathania considers. "I dunno, Etsy. I'm... going to get... that carrot-y orange yarn." She gestures to two skeins she'd deliberately set out before wandering over. "Mmm. Blue. And then.. yellow... embroideries." She smiles and holds up a length of satiny fabric. "How's... this?"

A small handful of people start to trail out of the weaving room, calling farewells over their shoulders and, from a few of them, farewells to Sianna also, referring to her as Dr. Doran. The awkward young woman smiles back, and seems abundantly relieved when a shorter, plumper, almost chickadee-like native American woman follows the rest out of the room. She's wearing an apron of slightly less exquisite textile, but still very well woven. "Natalie, would you mind closing up for me?" The woman glances at the two remaining guests, then laughs and shakes her head, waving Sianna off with a light, "Don't worry about it. I'll help them find what they need."

Sianna, immensely relieved, smiles briefly and somewhat nervously to Nathania and Etsy, then walks out through the door in the rear wall of the shop.

Nathania watches Sianna go with big eyes before looking to Natalie with a shrug. Then she glances to Etsy again, holding the fabric up still. "It'll... be a pain... to dye, but I think... I can manage!" she says with a smile. "If I can use... the same dye... on synthetic... yarn as synthetic... fabrics." She shrugs. "We'll... buy enough... for me to... experiment with." She smiles warmly at Etsy, somehow including Natalie in that smile, too.

"If is too difficults to have a dyes, can just make. A Maddox will not, honestly, notices much of colors probably," Etsy sighs, making that little dismissive gesture as she starts gathering up bolts of cloth. Duck cloth for the robot boyfriend and silk for herself. The two materials couldn't be more different. And yet. "What is going to makes for self?" she asks of the dolly, and her smile includes the worker too, even if it includes no teeth at all. Etsy doesn't show her teeth.

Not until she means it.

      • IC Time: Sun Jul 23 22:10:45 2017 ***
      • OOC Time: Sun Jul 23 22:10:45 2017 ***

-> >> Etsy to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 5 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 4 4 5 5 6 8 8 8 10 10 >

===============================-> >> Wyrd + Dexterity No Flags << <-

-> >> Etsy to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 3 Successes 
< 1 3 5 5 7 7 8 8 9 >

===============================-> >> Wyrd + Dexterity No Flags << <-

-> >> Etsy to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 4 Successes 
< 1 2 4 5 7 7 7 8 9 10 10 >

===============================-> >> Wyrd + Dexterity No Flags << <-

-> >> Etsy to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 3 Successes 
< 1 2 4 5 7 7 8 9 9 >

===============================-> >> Wyrd + Dexterity No Flags << <-

GAME: Calliope spends 1 Glamour

GAME: Calliope spends 1 Glamour

-> >> Calliope to Here << <-==========================================

Rolled 2 Successes 
< 1 1 3 4 4 4 5 7 7 8 10 >

====================================-> >> Wyrd + Wits No Flags << <-

The Greenies Need You... to help them collect hedgefruit!

Etsy hung about at Stoneheart until she could gather up a group large enough to take into the Hedge. She is looking specifically for watery fruits -- not actually underwater but growing in the shallows -- to add to the water in the garden at Stoneheart, recently cleaned out by the Greenies. For those who aren't used to how Etsy speaks, this may take a few explanations, and possibly some translation by someone who's fluent in Etsy, but eventually the message gets through.

The mermaid, her tatty silk slippers barely touching the ground, leads the group away from Stoneheart and off toward a hedge lake where large, jagged trees loom up out of the water like mangroves. Their fingery roots stretch down into muddy waters. "Is where a cheeroots is found. A Leos is want some cheeroots also. And oasis fruits. Those for breathing a waters."

-> >> Calliope to Here << <-==========================================

Rolled 10 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 1 4 4 4 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 >

===========================-> >> Dexterity + Wyrd + 6 No Flags << <-

-> >> Calliope to Here << <-==========================================

Rolled 6 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 8 9 9 9 10 10 >

===========================-> >> Dexterity + Wyrd + 6 No Flags << <-

-> >> Miranda to Here << <-===========================================

Rolled 3 Successes 
< 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 >

===============================-> >> Wyrd + Dexterity No Flags << <-

GAME: Etsy spends 2 Glamour

Glitch is there alongside Etsy, covered from head to toe in ragged and filthy mundane clothes for the task. A pair of old dark jeans are duct-taped above the ankle and slim running shoes, and a baggy hoodie hides his torso and arms as well as his flickering face. The twitchy Wizened stares around suspiciously with one hand in his pockets and the other at his back, resting on the hilt of a sword poking from under the hoodie. "Swamps," he beeps out, scanning around. "Swamps are never good." There's a pause as he scrutinizes the others here with him.

GAME: Glitch spends 1 Glamour with reason: Seeming Bonus: 9-Again on Dexterity

GAME: Glitch spends 3 Glamour with reason: Artifice 3

-> >> Glitch to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 2 Successes 
< 4 4 5 5 7 7 8 8 >

====================================-> >> Wyrd + Wits No Flags << <-

A canteen is emptied across Miranda, the water taking on a life of it's own as it begins to cling protectively to the woman's form and she flashes a wisp of a smile towards Etsy. "These lakes can be rather dangerous." She adds, "Careful rooting about in it too much.. I can ask the water about the fruits if you'd like though, or if there's anything that spends too much time around here that we'd rather avoid."

While technically, Clio isnt yet part of the freehold she's been perched out in the slants and surrounding areas waiting for a chance to chat with a crown or the Waylady everyone insists she wait for. So when Etsy and group had passed she'd invited herself along. Slipping through the hedge at an easy stroll, her trident - originally appearing as a length of copper tubing - extended into a trident that matches the strange segmented and banded armor that fits to the little bluebirds form, her hair back in four brads that lay along her spine as she walks. Listening to the others and oddly quiet out here in the danger zone.

"Oh, a tridents! I do likes a tridents," Etsy confides in Clio. She would, after all, given that whole Poseidon kinda association. "Swearbird, is know a Glitch and a Baroness Mirandas? I am only meeting a Baroness nows, because of needing a helps with hedge fruit. Is a Calliope, she is swearbirds," the mermaid makes introductions all 'round. Her attention turns to Glitch and Miranda more fully as the light-footed mermaid edges toward, well, the water's edge. It's tough to tell where she's looking because her eyes have no pupil or sclera, just a sea-change olive color. "Mmm, having an asks a water is a goodness, yes. Will have to do a reaching in for a plants anyways, but is not a badness to narrow down."

The water is mostly still, murky, and of indeterminate depth, even right by the banks. Out past the roots, almost certainly there is something in the depths. Why else would it be so perfectly, almost innocently still? Nothing looks that still in the Hedge and is actually that still, right?

-> >> Glitch to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 0 Success 
< 3 7 >

================================-> >> Wits + Survival No Flags << <-

-> >> Calliope to Here << <-==========================================

Rolled 2 Successes 
< 3 4 5 5 6 7 9 9 >

==========================-> >> Wits + Survival.Hedge No Flags << <-

-> >> Miranda to Here << <-===========================================

Rolled 3 Successes 
< 4 5 7 7 8 9 10 >

===============================-> >> Socialize + Wyrd No Flags << <-

GAME: Miranda spends 1 Glamour

Miranda will move over to the edge of the water and crouch down, gesturing slightly to it and calling upon the ancient contracts with the very element she is standing partly in, "Watery lake, have any beings walked through you in this area, show me what you can, how many, and what they did, prior to the arrival of myself and my companions."

Glitch seems to like the tridents too, eyeing it with mild jealousy from under his hoodie. He flicks his gaze from Miranda to Clio, his pixellated face shifting and blurring beneath the hood. A few steps make sure he's not standing near the water and he makes sure to keep an eye down near it, but there's lots of directions trouble can come from. "Gators," he mutters to himself, apropos of nothing. "And flowers. Poison. Can any of you heal poison...?" he says, lifting his head just enough to show off that videogame-trapped visage a bit more. "There's always poison in swamps."

-> >> Calliope to Here << <-==========================================

Rolled a chance die for a failure
< 6 >

===================-> >> Intelligence + Investigation No Flags << <-

Calliope grins and bobs her head about the stormy trident, made of copper tubing, slectricty and storm-stuff. But when she's asked about knowing the others shakes her head at Etsy, she's dulled her glow to a low pleasent ambient ultraviolet and while in the hedge her usual candor and brashness is subdued some. "Fuck no." She chirps in a practical whisper to Etsy. "Well I know of fuckin Glitch, kinda. Baroness, I dont fuckin think I've had the fuckin pleasure. Calliope Motherfuckin Kraus, most fuckin folks just call me Fuckin Clio though." She introduces herself.

She's not really doing much in the way of helping not that the Melange blue of her eyes are alert and pinning on just about anything that moves wrong.. or doesn't move wrong. Her nose wrinkles. "I can fucking not." She replies half distractedly to Glitch keeping on alert should her Birdy senses tingle. Though she does spot some fruit and she thumbs over her shoulder, "Hey there's somethin' over there."

GAME: Etsy rolled 3, putting herself on the initiative roster at 10.

"Watch out for tentacles from the Mud." Miranda pipes up, flashing that wisp of a smile up towards Calliope as she introduces herself, she moves to start slowly rising up from where she crouched, "I suspect it lives in the muck here.. but I'm not entirely sure how big they grow in these parts.." she adds, "It is nice to meet you though, Clio."

GAME: Miranda rolled 8, putting herself on the initiative roster at 15.

GAME: Etsy directly set "Squid 1" on the initiative roster at 8.

GAME: Etsy directly set "Squid 2" on the initiative roster at 13.

GAME: Etsy directly set "Squid 3" on the initiative roster at 10.

GAME: Calliope rolled 7 + 6, putting herself on the initiative roster at 24.

GAME: Etsy may be clearing initiatives at this location.

GAME: Etsy clears the initiative roster in this location.

GAME: Etsy directly set herself on the initiative roster at 10.

GAME: Miranda directly set herself on the initiative roster at 15.

GAME: Etsy directly set "Squid 3" on the initiative roster at 10.

GAME: Etsy directly set "Squid 2" on the initiative roster at 13.

GAME: Etsy directly set "Squid 1" on the initiative roster at 8.

GAME: Calliope directly set herself on the initiative roster at 24.

GAME: Glitch rolled 6, putting himself on the initiative roster at 15.

There's something over there. Under the water. And along the water. And. Halfway out of the water? Since when do squid the size of Galapagos tortoises pull themselves up onto land like ... wait, are they octopi or squid? Or are they some sort of weird hybrid, like something out of the fever dream of a toddler who got sick the day after going to the aquarium for the first time? Squiddish long tentacles with paddle-shaped ends reach toward Calliope, while octopus-like arms pull them up onto the beach, up onto the mangrove-like roots of the trees. And they're... singing? Communicating with each other somehow in high, squeak-singing sounds.

GAME: Calliope spends 1 Willpower

-> >> Calliope to Here << <-==========================================

Rolled 18 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 >

==========-> >> Dexterity + Weaponry + 10 + 6 9-Again and Rote << <-

-> >> Calliope to Here << <-==========================================

Rolled 10 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 >

======-> >> Dexterity + Weaponry + 10 + 6 - 7 9-Again and Rote << <-

There's a price to be paid for having the trident up and when there's a threat that's the price gets paid. Activation curls Electricity up Clio's arm and she brightens a bit and the electricity plays along with her armor searing at the flesh underneath it making her wince. She moves fast and the sound of thunder and the clash of unknown armies sounds behind her as the tiny Legionnaire moves into action. Don't ask her to do anything smart; smart is not her MO. But she is a summer and so protection is her bag and she gets into position to keep the squidworths from reaching for the Mermaid and her friends. The scent of ozone has released as the trident sinks into the squishy squid flesh.

-> >> Glitch to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 0 Success 
< 1 1 2 3 4 7 >

==============-> >> Dexterity + Weaponry.Sword + 2 - 7 9-Again << <-

Glitch grimaces as the tentacles reach out and grasp for them. He shifts into a stance, grips his sword in one hand, and takes a wide swing at one...too wide, the tentacle easily slipping clear of it as the blade whooshes through the air.

-> >> Etsy to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled a chance die for a success
< 8 10 >

=========================================-> >> 9 - 13 No Flags << <-

The tentacled creature from the mud has Miranda stepping back a step, her hand reaching for her hedgespun revolver on her hip and drawing it out from it's holster, preparing to defend herself from the flailing limbs and biting beaks.

Game: Calliope takes 1 Lethal damage.

-> >> Etsy to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 3 Successes 
< 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 5 5 6 7 7 9 10 10 >

=========================-> >> Presence + Empathy + 5 No Flags << <-

GAME: Etsy spends 3 Glamour

GAME: Etsy spends 1 Willpower

-> >> Etsy to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled a chance die for a failure
< 5 >

=========================================-> >> 9 - 13 No Flags << <-

-> >> Etsy to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 0 Success 
< 4 >

==============================================-> >> 1 No Flags << <-

-> >> Etsy to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 1 Success 
< 7 9 >

==========================================-> >> 9 - 7 No Flags << <-

Game: Glitch takes 1 Lethal damage.

Two squid flail at Calliope; the swearbird is quick, but not so quick as to completely dodge the flailing tentacles -- they land on her skin and pull away bits of luminous birdness when they come away again, leaving bloody sucker-marks on her hand and arm. That has got to sting. Glitch? Gets a tentacle on the back of the neck, as the squid tries to pull him in, fails, and pulls away some of his skin, too.

The mermaid lets out a startled little noise and pulls back; her Spring Mantle flares out around her, summoning the plant life itself to her aid. Mangrove roots and draping vines grow profusely, stretching to try to grab the octosquiddles. "Not a goodness!" Etsy squeaks. Thanks, Captain Obvious.

GAME: Calliope spends 1 Willpower

-> >> Calliope to Here << <-==========================================

Rolled 12 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 >

======-> >> Dexterity + Weaponry + 10 + 6 - 7 9-Again and Rote << <-

GAME: Etsy removes "squid 3" from the initiative roster.

GAME: Glitch spends 2 Glamour with reason: Omen 2

-> >> Glitch to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 1 Success 
< 1 1 2 3 5 5 7 8 >

====================================-> >> Wits + Wyrd No Flags << <-

-> >> Glitch to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 1 Success 
< 2 4 4 5 7 8 >

==============-> >> Dexterity + Weaponry.Sword + 2 - 7 9-Again << <-

-> >> Glitch to Here << <-============================================

Rolled 5 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 5 6 6 7 8 8 10 10 10 >

==============-> >> Dexterity + Weaponry.Sword + 2 - 7 9-Again << <-

Wincing at the sting that lands on her getting through her armor clio lets an undignified squawk that sounds suspiciously like a 'FUCK' even in mid battle. She already has one injured so her trident swings wide and the bluebirds light flares a little as more lightening cracles along her armor and collects in the base of her trident and then crackles up it into the squid as she moves again with deadly precision.

-> >> Miranda to Here << <-===========================================

Rolled 5 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 2 2 3 3 3 7 7 7 8 8 10 10 10 >

===============-> >> Dexterity + Firearms.Pistols + 3 No Flags << <-

GAME: Etsy removes "squid 1" from the initiative roster.

The revolver of Miranda's isn't quite like anything in the normal realms, it's some amalgam of brass and clockworks, combined with organic components, and when it fires, a chryssalis is shot out from the barrel and into the mud squid. Shortly after it impacts, the chrysalis explodes, sending shards of it's shell out as tiny bits of shrapnel.

Glitch grasps at the back of his neck as that massive tentacle rips free of it, the sound of tearing fabric and flesh ringing out. The hood is ruined, flapping away in the breeze as blood flows from the back of his neck. His pixellated face and hair is fully exposed as he eyes the squid with a steely gaze. He focuses, concentrates, and brings the sword up in front of his face before stepping forward rapidly. One fast lunge has him duck under the tentacle's path, as if knowing where it's going to move, and swinging his sword across its flesh in a massive arc that hacks deep through its thick body without fully severing it.

... and that shrapnel literally explodes the squidtopus from inside. Glitch gets engulfed in gobbets of green goo. Grossness.

-> >> Etsy to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled a chance die for a failure
< 9 >

=========================================-> >> 9 - 13 No Flags << <-

-> >> Etsy to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 3 Successes 
< 6 10 10 10 >

======================================-> >> 5 + 3 - 7 No Flags << <-

-> >> Etsy to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 2 Successes 
< 1 1 1 2 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 9 9 >

============================-> >> Wits + Medicine + 5 No Flags << <-

GAME: Etsy spends 1 Glamour

GAME: Etsy spends 1 Willpower

-> >> Calliope to Here << <-==========================================

Rolled 6 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 10 >

===============-> >> Dexterity + Weaponry + 10 + 6 - 7 9-Again << <-

Glitch stares straight forward, sword held in a dramatic pose. Miranda's shot slams directly into the deep wound he inflicted on the squid, blowing it wide open and throwing gobs of green goo and chunks of rubbery flesh directly into his face and all over him. Standing still, he slowly turns, staring directly at Miranda with a blank expression...before raising his sword dramatically while still covered in goo, posing it off. "Combo Attack."

GAME: Etsy may be clearing initiatives at this location.

GAME: Etsy clears the initiative roster in this location.

The squidthing flails at Clio, the last of its kind (for now) on a desperate mission to protect its precious hedgefruits. It wails atonally now, not so much musical, as vines reach out to grapple it.

A line of little white flowers pops up across the muddy ground like an indicator line connecting Etsy and Glitch; the mermaid skitters back behind Clio, taking shelter behind the swearbird as her Eternal Spring contract closes up the wounds on Glitch's neck.

Still without breaking a sweat Clio's in motion, she hasn't stopped the whole time and to be fair the bluebird of friendliness isn't looking nearly so friendly. The trident stabs, slices and skewers causing zots of eletricity to mingle with the copper on the prongs sizzling the brackish blood. Poor Squid, unfourunately Clio has very, very little symapthy for the hedge or much in it. The tiny Summer whips around with a final strike swinging the squid corpse in the air and into the ground with a splat at breakneck speed. Her breathing is steady and she looks around with bright eyes wide and .. hops in a quick little circle. Like a canary checking it's surroundings.

GAME: Glitch recovers from all damage.

-> >> Etsy to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 6 Successes for an exceptional success.
< 1 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 >

============================-> >> Wits + Medicine + 5 No Flags << <-

GAME: Etsy spends 1 Glamour

GAME: Etsy spends 1 Willpower

GAME: Calliope heals 1 Lethal damage.

Glitch swings his sword out to the side and halts it suddenly, flinging the green goo off of it. He sweeps it into one quick spin, raises it, and sheathes it on his back with a click. Then he pulls his goo covered hoodie off entirely, leaving him in a black faded tshirt and a haphazard set of straps to hold the scabbard on his back. His arms are pixellated much like his face, and after he wipes that off with the hoodie, he looks to Calliope with what appears to be respect. "Good battle," he mutters, voice tinny and distorted.

"That was unexpected." Miranda says as she puts her revolver away into it's holster, glancing over towards the others, "I suppose I should take a look around and see if there's any fruit left about." She says with a little hmmn.

-> >> Miranda to Here << <-===========================================

Rolled 4 Successes 
< 2 3 5 5 7 7 7 8 9 9 10 >

======================-> >> Wits + Survival.Hedge + 1 No Flags << <-

Tiny mermaid keeps hiding behind tiny bird; as Calliope moves to attack, Etsy moves to follow her, looking as gracious and sleek as her hedgebeast otter as she deftly usese the Summer as a human -- bird -- humanbird shield. "Is a goodness of done fight," she asserts, straightening the white Courier sash across her body. "Is maybe gets a fruits and goes, not is liking to maybe get dragged into waters if is only mermaids, only one for breathing waters and fight underwaters." Her head tilts toward Miranda, "Good for warnings, Baroness. Thankyou."

-> >> Etsy to Here << <-==============================================

Rolled 2 Successes 
< 2 3 5 6 6 7 9 10 >

================================-> >> Wits + Survival No Flags << <-

Calliope shakes herself and the scent of blood and the clash of unknown armies dies some in the Summers mantle but aside the green go there seems to be a smatterin of dried blood across her armor that doesn't belong to anything. She blinks as the healing takes place and heals both the damage from her own trident and the slippery squid. She looks around to offer a bright and cheerful, "Fuck Yeah, thank you!" To her healer. "Let's get these fruit and get you folks out of here. Thanks for lettin' me tag along. been a while since I stretched my wings." She flicks her wrist and the rident snaps back into a long copper club.

Glitch nods to Calliope, and looks back to Etsy, rubbing at the back of his head where the wound has healed. He nods at Etsy's words and looks at the others, hoodie bundled under one arm. "Stage clear. We got our loot. Let's get back to base."