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(Combat notes for Beatrice. Watch out.)
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Beatrice in Combat Cheat Sheet


General Unarmed Strike

General Grapple Strike

Inflicting Tilts

Special Abilities

  • Choke - Grapple maneuver. Must first have succeeded at Hold move. If more successes than twice victim's stamina, they are unconscious for (6-Stamina) minutes. If unsuccessful may repeat each turn and stack successes until successful.


Basic Defenses

Resisting Tilts

Situational Defenses

Combat Merits

Abilities granted by each merit

General Merits


No penalties with off-hand.

Choke Hold

Grants new grapple maneuver Choke.

  • Choke - Grapple maneuver. Must first have succeeded at Hold move. If more successes than twice victim's stamina, they are unconscious for (6-Stamina) minutes. If unsuccessful may repeat each turn and stack successes until successful.

Danger Sense


Fast Reflexes 3

Fleet of Foot 3


Hardy 3

Heavy Hands 3

Indomitable 5

Iron Skin 4

Iron Stamina 3

Iron Will 2


Style Merits

Boxing 5 (Style: Striking)

  • Head Protection * - Defense is +1 against attacks using Brawl skill. Attackers have -1 penalty to headshots.
  • Defensive Jab ** - If an opponent misses with Brawl/Weaponry, they take 1 bashing that ignores armor. If Dodging, change to 1 bashing per 2 successes that exceed attack (Min 1, round down).
  • Knockout Artist *** - Target's size 1 lower for Stunned Tilt. If taking a penalty for aimed headshot, target's size 2 lower for Stunned Tilt.
  • Combination **** - If Brawl succeeds, roll Dexterity and add successes as extra damage.
  • Out for the Count ***** - When inflicting Stunned Tilt, lasts for number of turns equal to damage dealt and target unconscious unless they spend a point of Willpower.

Close Quarters Combat 5 (Style)

  • Firing Lines * - Can run to cover instead of falling Prone as reaction to a ranged attack. Forfeits action, cover must be within twice Beatrice's Speed.
  • Hard Surfaces ** - When grappling, may inflict lethal damage as a Damage maneuver. Immediately ends grapple.
  • Armored Coffin *** - When grappling, add target's armor as a bonus to dice pool. When using a Damage maneuver, ignore opponent's armor. Can't be used with Hard Surfaces.
  • Prep Work **** - When doing melee/brawl surprise attack, Dexterity+Stealth is rote.
  • Turnabout ***** - When using Disarm, step results up one level. On a failure, weapon dropped. Success, you take the weapon. Exceptional success, take weapon and opponent takes two bashing.
    • Note to self: Do I really need this? Other abilities disarm better, namely by breaking hands.

Grappling 5 (Style: Grappling)

  • Sprawl * - Add 2 to Strength for resisting overpowering maneuvers.
  • Small Joint Manipulation ** - Take -2 to attack roll cause 1 bashing per 2 successes, min 1, and inflict the Agony Tilt. If targeting a hand that hand cannot hold objects until healed.
  • Joint Lock *** - Requires Grapple. Attempts to overpower Beatrice cause 1 bashing. Any successful overpowering maneuvers by Beatrice cause an extra 1L damage.
  • Lock Flow **** - +2 to Grapple when declaring in advance you are attempting a Joint Lock. (Requires Joint Lock Maneuver)
  • Positional Dominance ***** - Inflinct 1 bashing per two successes scored, min 1, on any successful grapple check regardless of manuever used. If using a damaging grapple attack, add this damage to the base damage. Use of this merit is optional.
  • Standing Throw * - May inflict Knocked Down Tilt as Grapple maneuver. If not prone, target breaks free. (Not learned)
  • Takedown ** - May force target prone instead of establishing grapple. May also choose to cause bashing damage equal to successes rolled. (Not learned)
  • Ippon *** - When using Drop Prone with the Takedown maneuver, double potency for purpose of inflicting the Stunned Tilt. (Requires takedown) (Not learned)
  • Dynamic Guard **** - While prone, enemies suffer Beatrice's Dexterity as penalty to Grapple. Cannot get up from prone while using Dynamic Guard. (Not learned)
  • Tap or Snap ***** - In the turn after using a successful Joint Lock maneuver, allow opponent to choose Beaten Down Condition or suffer an Arm or Leg Wrack (beatrice's choice) and lethal damage equal to the successes scores. (Requires Joint Lock Maneuver) (Not learned)

Martial Arts 5

Parkour 2

Police tacitcs 1

Street Fighting 3

Strength Performance 4

Trained Observer 3

Unarmed Defense 4