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Beatrice in Combat Cheat Sheet


General Unarmed Attack


  • Unarmed attacks deal +1 damage.
  • Unarmed attacks deal Lethal damage.
  • Unarmed attacks may be considered a 2L weapon.
  • On a successful Brawl attack, roll Dexterity and deal successes as bonus damage.
  • On a successful Strength roll, add an additional success to the result. This may make it an Exceptional Success.
  • On a successful unarmed attack, opponent suffers -1 to their next roll.
  • If attack's successes exceed opponent's Stamina, may apply Knock Down Tilt for free.
      • Putting it all Together: Attack deals 3L damage, gains an extra success, inflicts -1 to opponent's next roll, lets you roll Dexterity for bonus damage, and inflicts the Knock Down Tilt if successes exceed the opponent's Stamina.

Initiating a Grapple

Strength+Brawl-Defense to Initiate a Grapple

  • Add opponent's armor as bonus to initiating a grapple.
  • May take -2 to attack roll to cause 1 bashing per 2 successes, min 1, and inflict the Agony Tilt. Target loses use of a hand until hand is healed.
    • Agony tilt not on the tilt references list for Fate's Harvest
  • On a successful Strength roll, add an additional success to the result. This may make it an Exceptional Success.

During a Grapple

Strength+Brawl vs Opponent's Strength+Brawl. Winning chooses one option from below, or two if exceptional success. Rolled at highest initiative.

  • +2 Strength for Resisting Overpower Maneuvers (You don't declare if you're overpowering or not until you win, so this must be rolled after an opponent wins the grapple and declares an Overpower option)
  • Attempts to Overpower Beatrice cause 1 Bashing to opponent.
  • Successfully Overpowering an Opponent may cause an extra 1L damage. This damage is in addition to all other effects.
  • May Inflict 1 Bashing damage per two successes scores, min 1, on ANY successful check during a grapple. If using the Damage option, add this to the Damage.
  • On a successful Strength roll, add an additional success to the result. This may make it an Exceptional Success.

Grapple Options

  • Standard Option: Break Free - Take standard Grapple check. Success is treated as reflexive action, allowing another immediate action. This is the ONLY Option that is not considered an Overpower option.
  • Standard Option: Control Weapon - Draw a weapon or turn opponent's weapon against them. Keep control until your opponent uses this option.
  • Standard Option: Damage - Deal bashing damage equal to rolled successes. If you previously succeeded in a Control Weapon action, add the weapon bonus to your successes.
  • Standard Option: Disarm - Must first have succeeded at Control Weapon move. Disarm acts as normal other than being rolled as a Grapple.
    • +2 dice when using this option (Must declare in advance?)
  • Standard Option: Drop Prone - You and opponent are made Prone. Must Break Free before standing.
  • Standard Option: Hold - You and Opponent both lose Defense against incoming attacks.
  • Standard Option: Restrain - Must already have succeeded at a Hold move. Opponent suffers the Immobilized Tilt. If equipment was used to Restrain opponent, you may leave the grapple.
    • +2 dice when using this option (Must declare in advance?)
  • Standard Option: Take Cover - Use your opponent's body as a shield. Ranged attacks made against you automatically hit them. See the Human Shields rules.
  • Special Option: Small Joint Manipulation - May take -2 to attack roll to cause 1 bashing per 2 successes, min 1, and inflict the Agony Tilt. Target loses use of a hand until hand is healed.
    • Agony tilt not on the tilt references list for Fate's Harvest
    • If declaring this option in advance, gain a +2 to the attempt, effectively eliminating the penalty.
  • Special Option: Choke - If more successes than twice victim's stamina, they are unconscious for (6-Stamina) minutes. If unsuccessful may repeat each turn and stack successes until successful.

Disarm Attempts

Strength+Brawl vs. Opponent's Strength+Athletics. If in a Grapple, use that roll but below modifiers still apply (Never impacted by defense - worth remembering!)

  • When using Disarm, step result up one level.
    • Dramatic failure is just a failure.
    • Failure still causes enemy to be drop their weapon.
    • Success allows you to take their weapon.
    • Exceptional Success allows you to take their weapon, and they take two bashing damage.
  • On a successful Strength roll, add an additional success to the result. This may make it an Exceptional Success.

Inflicting Tilts

  • Stunned Tilt: Treat opponent as 1 size smaller, 2 sizes smaller if targeting their head. Tilt lasts for turns equal to damage dealt and target must spend Willpower or be unconscious.

Special Abilities

  • +1 when attempting non-combat Feats of Strength.
  • Rote on up to Strength+Stamina dice when attacking an immobile object out of combat. Rest of dice pool rolled without Rote.
  • Ignore 3 points of Durability when damaging an object.
  • Prep Work - Dexterity+Stealth is Rote for Brawl/Weaponry ambushes.
  • Parkour Benefits to foot chases, Athletics penalties, and resisting damage from falls


Basic Defense

  • Base Defense: 9
    • May gain +1 or +2 to Defense by also taking an equal penalty to Offense for the turn. Must attack this turn.
    • May designate one Opponent at start of turn. Attacks from that Opponent do not reduce Defense, and if opponent's dice pool is reduced to 0 by Beatrice's Defense they lose 10-again for the rest of the fight.
    • Automatically deal 1B damage when missed by AAAAA
  • Defense Vs Brawl: +1
    • Additional +2 if attacker is Unarmed, and Beatrice is not Dodging.
    • If opponent misses, they take 1 Bashing that ignores armor.
  • Defense Vs Grapple:
    • Treat Strength as 2 higher for resisting Overpower Maneuvers.
  • Defense Vs Melee:
    • If opponent misses, they take 1 Bashing that ignores armor.
  • Defense Vs Ranged:
    • May move twice Speed to reach cover as a reaction if shot at, sacrificing any other action that turn.


  • When successfully Dodging a brawl/weaponry attack, deal 1B for every two successes exceeding the attack, minimum 1.
  • When successfully Dodging an attack, may designate another legal target as the new target of the same attack. May be done once per turn, may not force an opponent to target themselves.
  • Alternative to Dodging: May roll Strength+Brawl instead of Defense. If you score more successes than your attacker, deal 1B per extra success and inflict the Arm Wrack or Leg Wrack Tilt.


  • Natural 2/0 armor against Bashing Damage.
  • When hit, may spend 1 willpower to downgrade 2 Lethal damage to Bashing.

Resisting Tilts

Situational Defenses

  • Ambushes: +2 to detect ambushes
  • Aimed Shot (Head): Attackers take additional -1 for aimed shots at Beatrice's head
  • Foot Chases: Need 2 less successes to evade, those pursuing have -3 pool

Combat Merits

Abilities granted by each merit

General Merits


No penalties with off-hand.

Choke Hold

Grants new grapple maneuver Choke.

  • Choke - Grapple maneuver. Must first have succeeded at Hold move. If more successes than twice victim's stamina, they are unconscious for (6-Stamina) minutes. If unsuccessful may repeat each turn and stack successes until successful.

Danger Sense

  • Gain +2 on reflexive Wits+Composure rolls to detect ambushes.


  • Ignore 3 points of Durability when damaging an object.

Fast Reflexes 3

  • Increase Initiative by 3.

Fleet of Foot 3

  • +3 Speed, anyone pursuing suffers -3 to foot chase rolls.


  • Size is six instead of five. This confers several advantages, most notably 1 extra health box.

Hardy 3

  • +3 to all rolls to resist disease, poison, deprivation, unconsciousness, or suffocation.

Heavy Hands 3

  • +1 to Unarmed Damage

Indomitable 5

  • +5 reflexive bonus to Composure or Resolve to resist or contest attempts to impose another's will on Beatrice both mundane and supernatural.
    • Version is House Ruled

Iron Skin 4

  • Natural 2/0 Armor against Bashing
  • When hit, may spend 1 willpower to downgrade two points of lethal to bashing.

Iron Stamina 3

  • Reduce all penalties from fatigue or injury by 3.

Iron Will 2

  • When spending Willpower to contest or resist Social interactions, may substitute Resolve for normal Willpower bonus. If contested, roll with 8-again.


  • Negates environmental penalties to Survival

Trained Observer 3

  • Perception checks benefit from 8-again.

Style Merits

Boxing 5

  • Head Protection * - Defense is +1 against attacks using Brawl skill. Attackers have -1 penalty to headshots.
  • Defensive Jab ** - If an opponent misses with Brawl/Weaponry, they take 1 bashing that ignores armor. If Dodging, change to 1 bashing per 2 successes that exceed attack (Min 1, round down).
  • Knockout Artist *** - Target's size 1 lower for Stunned Tilt. If taking a penalty for aimed headshot, target's size 2 lower for Stunned Tilt.
  • Combination **** - If Brawl succeeds, roll Dexterity and add successes as extra damage.
  • Out for the Count ***** - When inflicting Stunned Tilt, lasts for a number of turns equal to the damage dealt and target unconscious unless they spend a point of Willpower.

Close Quarters Combat 5

  • Firing Lines * - Can run to cover instead of falling Prone as a reaction to a ranged attack. Forfeits action, the cover must be within twice Beatrice's Speed.
  • Hard Surfaces ** - When grappling, may inflict lethal damage as a Damage maneuver. Immediately ends grapple.
    • Absolutely no reason for Beatrice to use this. Her unarmed attacks are already lethal.
  • Armored Coffin *** - When grappling, add target's armor as a bonus to the dice pool. When using a Damage maneuver, ignore opponent's armor. Can't be used with Hard Surfaces.
  • Prep Work **** - When doing melee/brawl surprise attack, Dexterity+Stealth is rote.
  • Turnabout ***** - When using Disarm, step results up one level. On a failure, weapon dropped. Success, you take the weapon. Exceptional success, take weapon and opponent takes two bashing.

Grappling 5

  • Sprawl * - Add 2 to Strength for resisting overpowering maneuvers.
  • Small Joint Manipulation ** - Take -2 to attack roll cause 1 bashing per 2 successes, min 1, and inflict the Agony Tilt. If targeting a hand that hand cannot hold objects until healed.
  • Joint Lock *** - Requires Grapple. Attempts to overpower Beatrice cause 1 bashing. Any successful overpowering maneuvers by Beatrice cause an extra 1L damage.
  • Lock Flow **** - +2 to Grapple when declaring in advance you are attempting a Joint Lock. (Requires Joint Lock Maneuver)
  • Positional Dominance ***** - Inflicts 1 bashing per two successes scored, min 1, on any successful grapple check regardless of maneuver used. If using a damaging grapple attack, add this damage to the base damage. Use of this merit is optional.
  • Standing Throw * - May inflict Knocked Down Tilt as Grapple maneuver. If not prone, target breaks free. (Not learned)
  • Takedown ** - May force target prone instead of establishing grapple. May also choose to cause bashing damage equal to successes rolled. (Not learned)
  • Ippon *** - When using Drop Prone with the Takedown maneuver, double potency for purpose of inflicting the Stunned Tilt. (Requires Takedown) (Not learned)
  • Dynamic Guard **** - While prone, enemies suffer Beatrice's Dexterity as penalty to Grapple. Cannot get up from prone while using Dynamic Guard. (Not learned)
  • Tap or Snap ***** - In the turn after using a successful Joint Lock maneuver, allow opponent to choose Beaten Down Condition or suffer an Arm or Leg Wrack (Beatrice's choice) and lethal damage equal to the successes scores. (Requires Joint Lock) (Not learned)

Martial Arts 5

  • Focused Attack * - Reduce penalties for aiming at specific targets by one. May ignore one point of armor on enemies.
  • Defensive Strike ** - May add one or two points to Defense. Reduce attack by an equal amount. May not use with Dodge.
  • Whirlwind Strike *** - Requires Defense available and not Dodging. Deal 1B to all enemies in arm's reach each turn, on their turns. May spend 1 Willpower to instead deal 2B until your next turn.
  • The Hand as Weapon **** - Unarmed Strikes cause Lethal damage.
  • The Touch of Death ***** - May choose to treat Unarmed strikes as Weapons with 2 damage rating.
  • Leg Kick * - May reduce Defense by 1, in exchange for causing the Leg Wrack Tilt if Brawl attack deals at least one damage. Normal penalty for targeting a leg is ignored. Multiple uses just extends duration. (Not learned)
  • Cutting Elbow ** - Penalty for inflicting the Blinded Condition is reduced to -2, so long as opponent has human-like anatomy. Attack must inflict at least one bashing damage. (Not learned)
  • Trapping *** - When hitting with a Brawl attack, may set aside as many successes as Brawl Skill and add those to Brawl Attack next turn. If she sets aside all successes, she makes contact but deals no damage. Cannot use follow up if unable to reach enemy on following turn. (Not learned)
  • Inch Force **** - In response to Grapple attempt you may counterattack reflexively once per turn. Roll attack as normal. If the attack scores more successes than opponent's Strength, she automatically breaks free and inflicts standard Brawl damage. (Not learned)
  • High Momentum Strike ***** - If your Initiative is higher, you may allow an enemy to attack first with Brawl or Weaponry. If the opponent scores 0 successes, you may make an immediate counterattack. The counterattack inflicts knockdown if it makes contact, and you may roll your Brawl dots as bonus damage on the attack. (Not learned)

Parkour 2

  • Flow * - In foot chase, subtract Parkour rating from successes needed to pursue or evade. Ignore environmental penalties to Athletics equal to Parkour rating.
  • Cat Leap ** - When using Dexterity+Athletics to mitigate falling damage, gain an automatic success. Add Parkour rating to threshold of damage that can be removed by this roll. Will not work on a terminal velocity fall.

Police tactics 1

  • Compliance Hold * - +2 to Disarm or Immobilize an opponent in a grapple.

Street Fighting 3

  • Duck and Weave * - May reflexively take a -1 to all actions to use higher of Wits or Dexterity to calculate Defense. May not use if you already rolled without penalty this turn.
  • Knocking the Wind Out ** - On successful Unarmed attack, opponent suffers -1 to their next roll.
  • Kick 'Em While They're down *** - If attack's successes exceed opponent's Stamina, may apply the Knock Down Tilt for free. If opponent within reach tries to get up from prone, may reflexively cause 2B damage.

Strength Performance 4

  • Strength Tricks * - +2 bonus to Performance and Intimidation rolls that demonstrate your talents. Additional +1 to other non-combat feats of Strength.
  • Lifting ** - If a feat of strength requires a Strength+Stamina roll, you gain the Rote benefit. Does not apply to running, jumping, or combat rolls. If damaging an immobile object the Rote benefit applies to a combat dice pool no larger than Strength+Stamina.
  • Push/Pull *** - When moving an object laterally, double your effective Strength. If the object is on wheels or friction has been minimized, multiply Strength by 5. If practical considerations require equipment such as ropes or a harness, the quality of that equipment may provide an additional bonus.
  • Stronger Than You **** - Whenever you succeed at a Strength-based task, add +1 success to the total. This applies in combat.

Unarmed Defense 4

  • Like a Book * - When fighting unarmed opponent and not Dodging, increase Defense by half of your Brawl (round down).
  • Studied Style ** - Designate an opponent as a Reflexive action at the start of your turn. Their attacks do not reduce your Defense. If you reduce that opponent's dice pool to 0 with your Defense during a fight, they lose 10-again quality on attacks for rest of the fight.
  • Redirect *** - When you successfully Dodge an attack, you may designate another legal target as a new target of the same attack. May only be done once per turn, may not force an opponent to target themselves.
  • Joint Strike **** - May roll Strength + Brawl instead of Defense. If you score more successes than your attacker, deal 1B per extra success and inflict either the Arm Wrack or Leg Wrack Tilt.