The Parliament of Victors

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The Parliament of Victors

Champions and slayers. Victors that have to keep winning.

  • Titles: Noble Champion
  • Prerequisites: Wyrd 6, One combat-related skill (Brawl, Firearms, Weaponry) at 4, Presence 4


The changeling must get the attention of the entitlement through their deeds, then they are approached and an offer is made.


The mien becomes larger than life. Antlers get larger, more impressive. Scales shimmer. The mien also inspires intense emotion. An aura of celebrity.


Members are 'the best'. They have to be a hero of some sort. They're also generally very prideful and more than one has the Vice Pride.


There isn't much of an organization, especially since there is only one Victor per freehold. There are semi-regular gatherings, however.


Note, these privileges last only until a Noble Champion loses a challenge or fails a notable task, only to be reclaimed when they redeem themselves.

Stacked Odds All Physical rolls are exceptional at 4 successes instead of 5.

Hero's Veneer The character gains Striking Looks at 2 dots. If they already have it, they get +1 to all Presence rolls, on top of the Striking Looks bonus.

Mighty Blow Once per game session, the character can spend Glamour and add Wyrd to a single combat roll based off Brawl, Firearms or Weaponry. If successful, it's dramatic and showy.


Nobody found.

Entitlement Logs

None yet.