Talk:Aiden Flynn

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RP Hooks
  • Manager of Last Chance - Last Chance is a mainstay in the community. The primary business is a junkyard knowing for always having the last one of those old, ancient parts you must find. It also includes a diner that seems to be ripped out of the 90s, along with the community arm of the business that is a local shelter and soup kitchen. It's known for a place that souls down on their luck can go.
  • Hope Broker - In the right circles, the rumors are that Aiden acts as a go between to someone who can get you what you need. He doesn't deal in desires... he is the one you turn to when you are at your breaking point. When your loved ones are dying from a disease and can't get into the right clinical trials. The one you turn to when you have a broken heart that won't mend, that has driven you to drink. If he feels your story fits? He'll get you in touch with the man that makes it happen. Be warned, it always comes with a price.
  • Charity Work - Aiden is known well around town for all of his charity work. From soup kitchens to scholarships for the poor, he seeks ways to make an impact in the local community in a good way. It's given him a measure of fame, a face that one might know if they read the local newspapers.
Vinnie: Devious Minded. Your payment will come due some day.
Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus
You're own Personal Jesus,
Someone to hear your prayers,
Someone whose there

Aiden Flynn
Date of Birth
October 31st, 1980
Apparent Age
Late 30s
Manager of Last Chance
Played By
Eddie Vedder

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