Phantom Tong

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Phantom Tong

A criminal organization with a secret membership, working under the pretense that the chaos they cause keeps the Courts honest.

  • Titles: Dai Lo or Hung Kwan
  • Prerequisites: Wyrd 2, Larceny 3


A changeling must 'court' the Phantom Tong by performing criminal actions or actions against the Courts in the hope that the Tong will notice. If the Tong is pleased, they'll approach the changeling with an offer.


Most changes to the mien are stifled, but in certain light their eyes seem to fade party out. Some even breathe wisps of fog-like breath.


Generally they come from dysfunctional backgrounds or criminal families/gangs. Some truly just want to stamp out corruption within the Courts.


The head of the local Tong is the Dai Lo Dai. This person determines the focus of the Tong. They meet every full moon at different locations. They also tend to have a connection to mortal criminal organizations.


Criminal Network Upon joining, a character takes a free Specialty in Larceny or Streetwise, and any Allies or Contacts related to the criminal world cost new dots x 1.


Nobody found.

Entitlement Logs

None yet.