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Public Info
Loudmouthed and occasionally full-of-bullshit Briton. Is a pretty damn good blacksmith of all things, makes most of his money with that. Knows a bunch of languages. On the side, does professional research and translations for other people, does freelance writing of many stripes, teaching music, repairing instruments, session playing of traditional music, occasionally busking, occasionally recording his own stuff. Has a good singing voice and a ridiculously morbid sense of humor, was probably a goth as a teenager. He is cranky most of the time and he is a huge troll some of the time. Is legit a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism.
Lost Info
Neirin is a British Thusser/Author/Smith, a Martial Correspondent of the Eternal Echoes, a member of the Winter Court, and has a smithy in Fort Brunsett that specializes in cold and hand-wrought iron weaponry. (He also sells handcrafted stringed instruments there. Check it out: Hammersmith (FB02).)
Hookly Stats
Expression 5: Specs - Songwriting, Writing, Performance
Academics 3: Specs - Research, Historical Weaponry
Crafts 5: Specs - Luthier, Smithing
Alternate Identity: Alan Brixton (a pen name for reviews, fiction, and pop culture crap)
Merits: Eidetic Memory; Striking Voice: Tenor; Fame 1 in each of: Musician, Writer, Blacksmith
Professional Training: Blacksmith
Contacts: Wholesalers, SCAdians, Publishers, Academics
Languages: Cornish, Breton, Irish, Welsh, German, French, Latin, Greek