Natasha Fletcher

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The Lost Sister
Ghost Ally •••••
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Who She Was:
Natasha Abigail Fletcher
Date of Birth - Date of Death:
November 1, 1986 - October 7, 2006
Cause of death

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Notable Stats
Virtue / Vice:
Loyal / Stubborn
Aaron Fletcher (and others)


A tragic reunion...

  • Why didn't they believe me... - When Aaron stepped over the bridge which was meant to be on his way home, his sister, Natasha, followed. When he ended up a Keeper of the Twisted Author, Natasha was also lost in Faerie. Though somehow, she found her way our far sooner than her brother. When the twins were reunited in the mortal realm--Aaron was still lost in Faerie. A Fetch was replaced. Natasha had trouble discerning the truth. Things were different between the siblings.
  • What happened to you? What happened to us?... - This eventually lead to a downward spiral in which Natasha spent years in and out of hospitals, in and out of counseling, and eventually lead to her suicide. No one else believed her in that she was taken somewhere and someplace she couldn't explain, and that her brother was not her brother. Years later, on the steps of the decrepit shell that once was their family's home, Aaron (the real one), returned to look upon his childhood home. He felt a presence lingering there. Upon learning the abilities to see the dead through Contracts of Shade, he was able to see the ghost that haunted their home. Upon taking up the oath and joining the ranks of the Speakers, he and his sister were reunited. Both vowing to never leave the other again.
  • You've never seen me upset... - She is not the sort of ghost you want to upset. Especially when it comes to any attempt to lay harm on her "baby" brother.
  • I'm the oldest... - By a couple of minutes. Aaron and his (departed) sister are twins. Not identical.

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