Log:Zelda Joins The Harvestmen

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Zelda Joins The Harvestmen

"Christmas is coming and I hate the holidays..."


Byron, Zelda


Zelda approaches Byron about joining the Harvestmen.


Kerrigan's Sacrifice

It's probably weird to catch a very human looking person out in the Hedge. Even weirder to catch them in the Harvestmen Hollow. The Native American woman is a few hairs away from six feet and she's dressed in a Tamarack Falls firefighters uniform. Probably here straight from work. Her long dark hair is braided back and there's a quietness about here. She's just waiting for someone to walk in apparently.

Byron? Byron's been slacking off. Ever since the near miss with the Gentry, the gargoyle has been staying a lot closer to home, but as the paranoia has started to wear off, and that means he's TRYING to get back into a little rhythm while Ashe takes care of Crown and Custodian Stuff (tm). He's not really EXPECTING someone to be here, so when he ducks his head and makes his way through the entranceway, he gets a few steps before pulling up and blinking. Human? "Uh. Hello. I don't think we've met? Though my memory has been atrocious lately."

Zelda gives a look when she hears heavy footsteps and there's a bit of a squint when a huge gargoyle appears. Not the CRAZIEST thing she's seen in the Hedge. But it's up there. She holds her hands up, "I'm not lost and I was waiting to catch Captain Byron, which from description I'm guessing is you." she states. "I'm Zelda Fry. Fae-Touched and sworn to the Freehold for many seasons. I'd like to join up as a recruit." she explains.

Shge says the magic words 'fae touched' and he seems to relax a little, "Oh. Well, hello then." He lumbers his way forward to the closest table and unlimbers the axe he keeps strapped to his back, laying it down, freeing his wings to stretch a little, "I am Byron, and for the moment, I'm still Captain, but hopefully we'll be handing that back to Dielle here in the near future." With that said, he settles down, taking a seat on the ground, folding his knees up a bit to look up at her, "So why do you want to join the Harvestmen? Not that I have any intention of telling you no, I just like to have an idea of what motivates folks."

Zelda follows after him for a moment and offers a hand to shake, "It's nice to meet you, Byron." she tells him. "And I've heard things around the Freehold. I try to keep on top of things. Was meaning to get out here sooner, but had some stuff go down at home." she sighs. Then she looks at him, "Because Christmas is almost here and I really hate the holidays." she tells him in a deadpan way. Then she smiles, "I can't crack heads in my job. I can if I can be pointed at things. Running into burning buildings is a gamble every time I do it so I may as well do something I've wanted to do while I can, yeah?" she looks to him. "Plus I hear you guys don't mind us Wyrdless too much." she adds.

Byron takes the offered hand with a little hesitation, but finally grips it for a moment, then lets go, lowering his voice, "Likewise, Zelda. And as far as I'm concerned, if you're here to volunteer to keep the freehold safe, I could care less, as long as you can see what we can see. Unless you have a nifty ability though, you might be putting yourself in a little danger of getting caught on this side of a Gate you can't open, which would suck in a great many ways. " With that said, he guestures around at the various things that could count as a seat before offering, "That answers my next question...sounds like you're more of a 'hit someone with a stick' than a 'sneaky bitch', so that means you'd be on Dielle's squad."

Zelda gives a smile when he shakes, "Only a few of my family members are Changelings. Cardinal can just make angry hand gestures if she gets all upset at me." she shrugs. "And nah. I haven't learned how to master fire or any of that bullshit really. We just get nightmares and memory loss." she admits as she takes a seat. "And I am definitely not sneaky. One of the few Abenaki Indians in town plus I'm six feet tall. Yeah right." she chuckles. "And yeah, I realize this isn't going to be a cake walk. Neither is firefighting." she nods to that. "I also know I'm seriously the underdog when compared to others, but I'll give you one hundred percent." she tells him.

Byron shakes his head slightly, "I dont underestimate anyone...I just like to give the Fae Touched folks that warning cause I don't wanna assume you know it needs Glamour to activate a gate. But then its always a stupid idea to go into the Hedge alone, even if you're someone like me, so well, just don't go into the hedge without one of us and you're fine. We like you. We don't wanna lose you, especially since you're volunteering to do what a lot of them dont."

Zelda gives him a smile, "Sometimes it's good if we get underestimated. Means people will think better next time." she admits. "And yeah, I know. I've been Touched since I was 16. So 15 years now. Half my life." she states. "Definitely no going in without one or two of you." she nods to this. Then there's a look to him, "I heard about the girl that got strung up. I guess I'm mostly not wanting anymore of our Freehold or community up there. Could have just as easily been a cousin, sister or friend." she points out.

Byron arches a brow at the mention of 16 years and murmurs, "Well, that's fucked up. I'm impressed. But...yeah. Alright. I need to lean on the unicorn to get some folks moving, and I think there are plans to cover for the bridgemason while he fixes some of the looptrod...it'll involve a group of us beating the snot out of these infernal dolls that have been harrassing the area. So there'll be plenty of chances to beat on heads." He pauses there and thinks, then asks, "Considering my phone's not gonna work here, can you write down your number and I'll hand it over to her so she can call you or text you and get you all set up? I'll get you all official like, but you're basically a Recruit until you get formally adopted as a member of a squad. Gives you some time to decide where you fit, but from what you've said, Im sure this'll be it for you."

Zelda gives him a bit of a smile, "It's just part of life now." she tells him. "And you've got a lot to deal with. Especially with your wife wearing a crown. So it's understandable." she states. She does pay attention. Then there's a grin, "Excellent. I do love beating on heads." she admits. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a card, writing her number on it, "My cell is on the back. I've got an officer number as well, but I'm rarely at it unless I'm injured." she chuckles. "And I don't have no problem with being a recruit. We've gotta start somewhere." she states with another smile. Then she's standing again, a hand offered to shake, "I'm going to get out of your hair for the night, Captain. Unless you need me to break blocks or something?" she asks him.

Byron leans forward to take the card and slowly lumbers to his feet, retaking the hand to shake, "The best thing about crown is that its only for three months at a time, and then I get to kidnap her and no one is going to be pestering us when I try to seduce my wife." He winks at that and grins, "I'll make sure Dielle finds you. There are plenty of heads that need beating, so I don't think there's going to be a lack of stuff to do. Thank you, Zelda."