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Event 21

3 April, 2017



Ice Cream Shop

Paige slips over to the counter to get a milkshake, just a plain old chocolate, before she grins at the people about to willingly give themselves brain freeze. "Anyone need my phone to post something? Or to blindfold me after I'm done with my shake?" she asks/offers.

"Not sad," Haruki says to John. "I wouldn't have thought... but you did take us to that party. That was so much fun by the way. Thank you." He takes Paige's phone if she's offering it. He'll post a photo of a cute bunny rabbit in a top hat. Everyone needs more rabbits.

"Thank you." Tai replies, sliding her phone back into her pocket before she glances at Rorschach, "Milkshakes?" She asks, then pulls out her wallet to start pulling out money, heading to the counter to place the order for milkshakes, more than one in case others require them, like buggy.

Cardinal leaves the milkshakes and refills to the tall, tousle-topped teenager who's grudgingly pulled himself away from his phone to actually work for the paycheck he's going to be taking home. The redhead who had been working the counter? Gone. Okay, no, not gone. It's just that she's not behin the counter anymore. With that sketch she'd been working on and a few colored pencils in hand, she's tucked herself away in a booth where she can watch the chaos without having to work it. That's what she pays What's-His-Name for. For all that she seemed intent on working on that sketch, though? She's spending way more time watching everyone else with that silent, happy smile again.

Rorschach hopped up on the stool and whiltled for the room's attention... what he'd DO with it was... anyone's guess. He held up 4 fingers and gestured the whole room should join at the counter. yes. All were in. he hopped down and let AJ and Tai get closer as they were short. he couldn't fix that part.

You paged Ian with ‘Too many people in here to play havoc with the +poseorder . . . so: page! :)’

There's the sound of a duck quacking. "Oh, that's me," AJ says, and quickly pulls out her phone. She eyes it, then she sighs. "Oh, damn, um... Sorry, guys, I don't think I'm going to be able to stick around!" she says, with a frown. "One of my babies ate something and now is throwing up, and my cousin's all panicky... I'm sorry!" she declares, aloud. Since surely everyone is sad that AJ will have to go.

Paige grabs her milkshake while Haruki plays wiht her phone, and leaves money on the counter for it, along with a tip for the bored employee. "It's one of the items on the checklist. Chug it for brain freeze." She holds up her shake and grins. "C'mon guys. Chug!" She watches AJ, and does look sad. "Aww, give them hugs for me, AJ!"

"I think we all try to drink our drinks, and see who drains it fastest," Haruki says to John. He bids a farewell to Aj, and he heads over to where Rorschach and everyone else is. "I hope they feel better." Tai informs AJ when it's announced that she's going to have to leave, reaching for one of the milkshakes, stepping out of the way for anyone else needing to grab any, "Should someone count and say go so we all start at the same time?"

When the milkshake competition seems like it's going to be a thing, Ian declares "I'm in!" He holds out his couple of bucksa nd offers them to the milkshake maker before he takes up a seat with the others at the counter. "Come on," he says to John, though he doesn't know the man at all, "Everyone in."

John looks up as John and Haruki kind of drag him over and in, and says: "My name is John Preston, I am pretty new to town. Hello, everyone!" Then he says, "I would like an extra-large peanut butter cup shake!" to the milkshake clerk. Enthusiastic, this Winter, in an unusual display. "Thank you, thank you," AJ says, to Paige and Tai. She waves to Haruki. "Oh, and babies are foxes. Not... you know. I have foxes," she explains. Then she wiggles fingers and turns and exits.

AJ heads out the streetside door.

Paige lifts her shake in a toast to Ian, looks around, grins, then starts drinking it down. Chug, chug, chug..."Ah!" Her free hand goes to her temple and she winces. "That sucks even when you know it's coming!"

Tock readies his brain and closes his eyes, awaiting the start signal and hoisting the tall glass of chocolate-y delicious goodness and tilting back his head: *glugluglugluglugluglug* goes the milkshake, downed with a steady hand and mechanical precision, drained to the very last ounce of chocolate yumminess and replaced, empty, onto the counter alongside his payment and tip. Tock silently counts off the seconds before his brain cramps from the cold: "1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . 4 . . . 5 . . ."

Ian lifts his shake in toast to Paige and then he tips it back, drinking, drinking, drinking. Okay, so the Spring may be good at some things, but milkshake chugging is not one of them. He gets about four glugs in before he suddenly pinches his nose and tries to warm his palatte by rubbing the roof of his mouth with his tongue, "Oh fuck that's cold... ow ow ow ow..." Even the little tendrils that are constantly sprouting and curling from his mantle curl up and shiver before vanishing. John has checked number 4 off your list.

Bottom's up! Tai lifts her milkshake and tilts her head back and just starts to drink it, eyes squeezing closed as the cold starts to set in, and she maybe gets a third of the way in before she has to stop, grimacing at the cold. There's an unhappy hiss, and her free hand is rubbing hard at her eyes.

There's no way Haruki's going to win this race, especially since he's not really trying. He does slurp down some of his non-dairy frozen smoothie though. He doesn't get much though, before he's shivering.

With that, John gets his milkshake and begins drinking. Glug glug glug, chew chew, glug glug glug, chew chew--the peanut butter cups slow him down a bit, but then he starts to drink them whole. Luckily, he doesn't choke, but he seems happy about it nonetheless!

Rorschach took the straw out. If there was anything the ROach was not interested in it was things getting in the way. He opened up that great black hold of a stomach and did his damndest to slam that thing in one pass. Breathing...could wait. FOr those that saw the marvelous and frightening side of things one antenna started to twitch like it might be going into a convulsing state of shock. This was not a deterrant. After he took a moment and looked like he might- nope! he was good! It was gonna be okay. As an encore he started helpping others with that trick where... he started to eat the paper cup. The boy must have had some terrible friends daring him to do ridiculous shit because he took to comsuming the cup like a dartoon eats an ear of corn.

Cardinal's soundless giggles at the brainfreeze spreading through the ice creamery are not quite entirely soundless this time around as her hand claps twice against the table, the colored pencils rattling with the vibration. Her boots stomp with a bit of giddiness before she sinks forward onto the table, leaning on her elbows, hands lifted to cover her mouth as she watches the crowd with wide-eyed delight. And open voyeurism. There's a chance this is all just a show for her amusement. Such a wonderful show it is!

Paige waits until the brainfreeze has started to subside before she looks at her list again, hmming softly while a foot lightly taps. Then she grins impish and looks up, studying people and clearly pondering something. Who to con into helping her check something else off, maybe. "So who wants to share a guilty pleasure?" she asks hopefully, while still studying peoples.

Tock blinks and squints and squeezes his eyes shut again and again to work his way gradually through the brain-pain and orders a hot cocoa malt to chase it away with, this beverage to be enjoyed at a more leisurely pace. He toasts the crowd with chocolate held high aloft and proclaims:

A frozen brain is numbed from pain . . . 
by chocolate delight! 
We celebrate: It's Spring again . . . 
We're _April's_ Fools tonight! 

Ian smirks over at the giggling Cardinal and walks up to her table, and before she can get away, he reaches out with his cold cold hands from holding onto that shake, and claps them down at the back of her neck, cold cold cold. He leans down then and drops a kiss on the top of her head, grinning all the while.

This time it is Tai's phone that rings, and she pulls it from her pocket, "I'm sorry....I need to take this." She sets her unfinished milkshake down, and steps out the door to take the call.

"Already said," Haruki says to Paige. "Can't get much more of a Guilty Pleasure than Rocky Horror. What's yours?" He smiles at Tock's toast. He glances at Rorschach... is he??? He looks away, no staring, everything's perfectly normal. "I think you won."

Cardinal's eyes go wide as her bottom lip is caught beneath her teeth to hold back... well, nothing. There's no sound. Not even a muffled startlement. It's just wide-eyed surprise at the contact of cold fingers to skin. One hand whips out to give a light shove at Ian's belly as if she might actually want to shoo him away, but the smile which follows that kiss to her head is nothing shy of adoring, even as it lingers when she looks back to the rest of the crowd.

You paged Rorschach with ‘Hey thanks for playing that character. I was constantly thinking all these high -Wyrd folks were way, way, way too normal and sane until Tock met Rorschach! :) :)’ "My only real guilty pleasure is sweets. Lots and lots of sweets," Paige tells Haruki with a quick grin. "Not sure how much of a guilty pleasure it is, though. Lots of people like sweets, after all. But it's what I do, though."

Rorschach looked to Tai concerned but nodded to her and signed <<I'll be here>> He looked to Ian and winced still chewing the last of the cup and laughing silently as Ian and Cardinal's antics. Paige asked though and he shrugged. His kind had no shame whatso ever. Why not and it'd help some folks score some pointage.