Knighthood of Utmost Silence

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Knighthood of the Utmost Silence

Entitlement knighthood of the utmost silence.png

Knights that help Changelings leave situations by stealth and guile, be it evading the eyes of the Gentry, or getting out of jail quietly and setting up a new name.

  • Titles: Silent Knight
  • Prerequisites: Wyrd 3, Stealth 2, Subterfuge 2, Weaponry 1, Mantle (Winter) 1



They tend to wear light swords when freehold laws allow it, and in public, they tend to carry hidden fighting knives. There's very little worn that distinguishes them in regards to their clothing. Their mien, however, has no visible mouth. It can be hidden in shadow or completely invisible.


They often recruit fugitives, con artists, actors and other people who have exchanged old lives for new. More recently they've also begun recruiting bureaucrats and IT experts.


There's little formal organization. They meet on irregular occasions called by the most senior person, called the Quiet Marshal.


The Shadowkiss The knight kisses some exposed part of the recipient's body and spends Glamour. For a day, there is a -3 penalty to all attempts to uncover information about the target. Other Knights are unable to benefit from this.


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