Gentry/King Nothing

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King Nothing

Always male, King Nothing is a member of the local Gentry played mostly by Rainier, with assistance from Annapurna and other ST staff.

This page is incomplete. Rainier will finish it soon!


The earliest stories of King Nothing trace back to the 1970s.

King Nothing is little more than a shadow to most who remember him, a broad-shouldered darkness singing somber songs as he stalks the Whisperstitch. Behind him, the world falls silent and dies, like winter setting in too quickly, a snap freeze killing crops, leaving the world darker, bitter, unwelcoming. He carries a sewing needle as large as a longsword and a pair of shears that could cut the very fabric of reality, such as it is in Arcadia. Other tools hang upon his belt, evident from their quiet clatter with his every step, but it's hard to know just what they are, obscured as they are by his gloom, until he pulls one out for use. Let's hope he won't be using it on you.

Some say he was human once, that he was taken, that he returned Lost and took up the Winter Crown, that he cared for his people. Once. That was so long ago now.


The Whisperstitch

The King made the Whisperstitch from nothing. He stitched its first forest from forgotten scraps stolen from the edges of others' realms. He patched in memories, some his own, most stolen from his captives, imperfect fragments of the real world filtered through the subconscious to come out not-quite-right.


Idle hands invite trouble. Never let your hands stay still. Never let him see you resting. Never let him see you. He'll steal your memories, your hopes, your dreams, your hands.

Suggested Themes for Escapees

None of King Nothing's escapees should have been taken prior to 1960.

By Seeming

  • Beast - Possible. The wild places of the Whisperstitch could be home to scavengers and skittering things.
  • Darkling - Common. Darkness, death, theft and stealth are constant themes in the Whisperstitch.
  • Elemental - Possible. Shadows aren't the only places to hide. Blend in. Be something else. Be below notice.
  • Fairest - Nearly never. Fairests stand out. Standing out is bad in the Whisperstitch. King Nothing's creations hide, blend in. Fairests rarely flourish here.
  • Ogre - Unlikely. Big and brutish don't do well in the Whisperstitch, but it's possible a few might grow in weird ways.
  • Wizened - Common. King Nothing takes from each of his captives and encourages them to create. Keeping busy is keeping safe.