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These have come up increasingly frequently, so staff is clarifying how explosive mechanics will work on Fate's Harvest, and how they will interact with goblin fruits etc. and the Hedge.

Much of the information on this page is derived from Chronicles of Darkness - Hurt Locker. See p.134 onward.

All Explosives Have...

Every explosive, custom or not, will have values for the following mechanical fields. If creating a custom explosive with goblin fruit, see

Blast Area

This represents the diameter (in yards) of the explosion.

  1. Ground Zero
  2. Primary
  3. Secondary

The number listed is for the primary blast area. Secondary is Primary x 2.


This represents the initial detonation.

Ground Zero

At ground zero, this is Aggravated damage automatically inflicted upon EVERYthing in the radius.


Damage downgrades to automatic Lethal.


Damage downgrades to automatic Bashing.

When dealing with objects, subtract the object's Durability score from the initial Agg. Any Agg beyond that score bypasses Durability entirely.

Explosives also inflict Tilts on their victims. All explosives which do damage inflict the Deafened tilt in addition to any other tags they possess.


This does additional damage to victims struck by the explosion. Roll Force as an attack pool. If the roll is successful, add its Damage rating in automatic successes for additional damage. Damage type determined by blast area.

  • Defense does NOT apply to this attack unless the target has supernatural speed.
  • Mundane armor only applies half of its ballistic rating, and none of its general rating.
  • Supernatural armor is applied fully.

NOTE: This can double the Damage rating if successful.


Only explosives capable of being fired or thrown have ranges.

To use one of these, roll the following:

Strength or Dexterity + Athletics
Dexterity + Firearms

NOTE: When firing an explosive, take -1 to the attack if you don't have a Heavy Weapons specialty while firing man-portable artillery. An (A) next to the range denotes an aerodynamic weapon.


Cost in Resources or levels of an appropriate Social merit to obtain the explosive. Most are black market, and very expensive. If you're crafting the thing, talk to staff per the Equipment/Mundane_Crafting page.

Initiative Penalty

Penalty suffered while wielding the weapon.


Minimum Strength necessary to use the weapon. Applies only for explosives fired or thrown.


Any special effects pertinent to the weapon, like armor piercing.


See the book for a lot of details, but in basic summary, grenades can be lethal (KABOOM) or nonlethal (tear gas, flashbangs).

Hand grenades are always considered aerodynamic.

Using a Grenade

  1. Pull the pin. You now have 1 round to throw it before it detonates, and you are at Ground Zero.
  2. Roll Dexterity + Athletics to throw it.
    If you get a Dramatic Failure while "cooking" the grenade (see below), the grenade blows up in your hand, and unless you have some serious whopper magic, you're either taking the One Arm Flaw or getting the Arm Wrack Tilt for life.

"Cooking off" a Grenade

Typically speaking, because of the way a grenade works, when you throw the bugger, the person you threw it at has their next turn to dodge out of the way of it, since it isn't going to detonate until your next turn comes up on the Initiative roster.

To limit this, you can hold the grenade in your hand an unsafe amount of time, in effect throwing the thing RIGHT before it's going to KABOOOOM instead of being safe.


  1. Arm the grenade by pulling the pin.
  2. Delay your action until a chosen Initiative value.
The grenade can be held into the next turn, and be thrown at your original Initiative, detonating before anyone slower can react.

Grenade Types

  • Fragmentation Grenades: "Frag" grenades spray shrapnel in all directions. Shrapnel is deadlier than the explosion itself.
  • Stun Grenades: Also called "flashbangs". They cause no permanent damage, and give off only a blinding flash and deafening bang.
    Targets within the primary blast area must roll Stamina + Resolve - 4 and succeed or suffer from the Blinded, Deafened and Stunned tilts. Anyone caught at ground zero takes a -5 penalty. Targets in secondary range roll at -2 instead, and only take the Blinded and Deafened tilts.
  • Incendiary Grenades: They ignite and produce extreme temps on detonation, and burn for 30-45 seconds (10-15 turns) after exploding.
    Thermite Grenades: they can melt through an engine block in seconds. They burn at 4,000°F and count as having Armor Piercing 8. Only supernatural armor has any effect at all on the buggers.
    White Phosphorous Grenades: a.k.a. Willy-Pete grenades, these count as smoke grenades. They create obscuring smoke clouds and cover their entire blast area with Armor Piercing 3 rated fires.
All types of incendiary grenades count as inferno-sized chemical fires for purposes of damage (6L/turn to anything in the blaze). Afflicted people can Stop Drop & Roll or dive into water, etc.
  • Smoke Grenades: They do no damage, only releasing smoke in various colours, to mark or to obscure. Cloud lasts 2 minutes (40 rounds) in areas without strong winds. People within primary blast area receive severe form of Blinded tilt. Secondary blast area victims get the lesser form of Blinded. Attacks made on targets hidden by the smoke suffer -4, and escaping the cloud ends the tilt.
  • Tear Gas Grenades: identical to smoke grenades, except they use tear gas, which has Toxicity 3-5. Failure to resist the gas with Stamina + Resolve (minus Toxicity) means victims suffer the Toxicity value in penalties to ALL ACTIONS until they are free of the gas.
  • Improvised Grenades: This includes stuff like pipe bombs and molotov cocktails.
Unlike real grenades, you can't "cook" them. They must be lit on one turn, and can be thrown on the next turn.