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Full Name Emilienne Rose Ladet
Birthdate October 26
Apparent Age Early 20's
Place of Birth New Orleans, La
Occupation Sassy Pest
Sphere Psychic
Virtue Confident
Vice Hasty




  • Etienne - The big brother. The rock. The absolute pain in the...
  • Title Here - Text Goes Here
  • Title Here - Text Goes Here
  • Title Here - Text Goes Here
  • Emibanner.jpg

    Snapshot Observations
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac orci ac turpis imperdiet interdum malesuada non enim. Nullam et diam dui, vitae suscipit dui. Duis non nunc diam, a bibendum lorem. Cras semper mollis dui sed imperdiet. Donec interdum, est hendrerit porta gravida, ipsum est condimentum mauris, eu dictum erat eros non quam. Vestibulum gravida quam dolor, convallis vulputate elit. Maecenas in odio ac augue lacinia luctus et at dui. Praesent at mi augue, non convallis leo. Ut gravida congue neque, in blandit ante elementum non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut vel scelerisque felis. Duis hendrerit euismod nisi, vitae pharetra orci suscipit at. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed ultricies felis. Cras vel ipsum neque, at placerat massa. Integer et leo vitae purus porttitor viverra vel et ipsum.

    RP Hooks
  • Transplant - Born and raised in New Orleans. Yes, she has an accent.
  • The ride - Emi is a romantic at heart, she loves all things vintage. She tootles around town on a vintage moped with sidecar.
  • Horacio - Most the time, she can be found (unless the brother takes him) with a French bulldog pup. He even has his own goggles and helmet for the sidecar.
  • Crime pays - Need a getaway driver? Or someone to transport that contraband? You know who to call.
  • Poker - Emi, loves a good game of poker. Cards in general but poker has a special place in her heart.
  • Jazz -Want to see her melt, jazz.... want to know if she likes you? Maybe she will sing you some.
  • French temper-So you see, Emi has a stutter.. except if she is speaking french, so guess what language she yells at you in.

  • Logs
    No logs have been posted yet.

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