Adeline Desrochers

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Everybodies Grandmotherly Love

Adeline Desrochers

Nana Adeline is as old as dirt. She's been around since the beginning of time. Your mother's mother remembers Nana Adeline. And she's been a crotchety old hag the whole time. She's lived on the family manor house for the past 80 some year, and as far as anyone can remember she just showed up in the 60's saying that she was back, and they had best give her her old room back.

Of course that's cause Nana Adeline is a Changeling. She was taken just after the civil war, where she managed to get her little Mabel granddaughter out of the way of The Mother Who Feeds, and surrendered herself up instead. She made a deal for 99 years and 99 days and it was honored, and now she's back.

She's a strong-willed woman who doesn't take crap, and doesn't care much either. She spends much of her time gardening, won't sugar coat the truth ever, and is a Spring Courtier whose interests are in growth and life not sex and drugs.

She's got stories to tell you. Maybe you should ask

RP Hooks
  • Blackbird Bishop - Do you need someone to set you straight? She can help
  • Clarity 8 - This Woman, despite being pretty strong in the Wyrd, is -solid-. Maybe you can use that
  • Greenie - She is a gardener and a healer.
  • Goblin Markets - She has some experience in shopping
  • Coming Soon

  • (2018.05.24)
Grandmothering Ben
  • (2018.05.25)
Replenishing The Ranks