
From Fate's Harvest
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Key and notes

(hxx) - These are entrances to Hedge Rooms
... - Water
(er02>) and the like - the (E)ast (R)iver bank and the (W)est (R)iver bank tend to link directly over the (R)iver (T)am rooms underneath. Hence the special designations
LA09 - All the lake rooms lead to 'Open Water' directly to LA09 where several small islands can be found (Player owned usually)
ER - East River bank
WR - West River Bank
RT - River Tam
LA - Lake
FB - Fort Brunset City
R - Tamarack Road
MT - Tamarack Falls Main Road (Mountain?)
OT - Outer Tamarack
EW - Eastern Wilderness
WW - Western Wilderness
MN - Mine (has about 12 rooms
h - Hedge entrances (so many trods. Use the map in game)

			                                                          |    (h01)
						  	WW07 ----------- WW06	  |     |
 						     /			      \   |    WW02
						    /	  			WW03  /
						   /	   	 		  |  /
  			                          /            			ww01 
			                         /               		  |
			      WW10 -- WW09 -- ww08              MT01 -- WR01 -- WR02 ........... RT01 
				|	        |                 |               |                |
				|	       OT01              MT02  -- -- --- WR03 - RT05-(er02>)RT02........(<rt05)-ER02 
				|	           \              |   /           |                |		      |
			      WW11 -- (h12)          OT02         MT03            WR04 .......... RT03 .............. ER04 -- ER03                       EW04 
			      /	  \	                \         |             /                  |                   	    /                             |
	     WW15 -- WW14   WW12   \_______	 OT04 -- OT03 -- MT04 -- --    |                   |			   /				  |
			 \   |		   \   /             \    |        \   |                   |			  /				  |
			   WW13		    OT05              \   |         \  |                   |			 /				  |
			       \	                       \  |          WR05 -- RT06-(er07>).RT04.......--(<rt06)-ER07 -- ER05 -- ER06 -- EW01 -- EW02 
 			   	 WW16 ------ WW17 ------ OT07      MT05        /					 |                               | \
					                     \      |         /					       ER08                            EW05 \
			 		                      OT06  |         WR06 			                 |                                   EW03 
 			 		                     /    \ |       /			                       ER09                                   |  \    EW07 	
					                 OT08    MT06      /				              /                                      mn01 \   |
 		        			                 |    WR07 				          ER10                                      /      EW06 
 					                         |   /  |				         /                                    (to the mines, and eventually h13)
       			   		               		MT07   WR08 	 			     ER11 
        			 		                /          \
       			 		              	       /           WR09 
  							      |                                 |||
 							      |                                 |||
  							      |                        LA05 ... ~~~ ..................... LA06 
  							      |                LA04   / ...................................... \   FB07
  							      |               /    | / ....... LA09 ........................... \  | |
 							      |              /     LA03 ........................................ LA07| 
 							      |              |         \ ........................................ /  |
							      |	      ______/          LA02 -- LA01 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- LA08  |  
					   		     R01     /                ____|        \                      	     |
 					     			\   /                / .            (h38) ___________________________|
       								 R02 -- -- -- -- FB06                 	 /
						 	        /   \           / .  \                  /  
						 	       /     -- ---     | .   FB04 -- -- -- FB08 
						 	      |            \   /   .   |             |
						 	    FB14 -- FB13 -- R03   .   FB03 -- FB05  FB09 
						 	        \    |       |    .  /  |     /       |
 						       	         \   |      R04 -RT07  FB02 -- FB01  /
					  		         FB12 ____/ |    .     |  \    /    /
 					 		             \     R05    . (h34) |   |  FB10
 					 		            R08   /      .        |   |  /
 							               \  |       .        \  | /
 					  		               R06  -- RT08-- --   FB11 