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Triple V Hob Town.jpg

Vociferous Vexatious Village ßß

The Village of Gardening Hobs

What is it?

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras non ligula massa. Vivamus molestie elit enim, ut malesuada est hendrerit tempus. Nulla eu odio erat. Suspendisse sed efficitur dui, eu malesuada eros. Suspendisse tempor ornare mi at porttitor. Aliquam ut orci leo. Nullam feugiat lacus quis sem mollis varius. Sed rutrum vulputate orci sed sagittis. Nunc sit amet massa quis libero eleifend euismod. Maecenas tincidunt interdum ante, at fringilla metus ornare at. In ipsum metus, condimentum eget rhoncus eget, tincidunt in purus.

      Fusce dui enim, mollis quis risus interdum, varius hendrerit ipsum. Aliquam fermentum lorem id tristique volutpat. In convallis, neque vel consectetur elementum, metus est ultricies velit, nec scelerisque velit orci in quam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eleifend ligula a maximus maximus. Aenean placerat ut mi at ultrices. Quisque finibus lectus mollis, facilisis purus vel, rhoncus neque. Phasellus ac eros a felis rutrum porta. Integer nec tellus at tortor egestas pellentesque. Sed mattis leo maximus vehicula dictum. Etiam mollis vel diam varius vulputate. Donec accumsan in orci quis bibendum. Ut ac malesuada dui, vel dictum velit. Morbi ornare nulla mauris, quis mollis nisl ornare vitae.

Who resides here?

There are many hobs here, but here are some notable ones.
Shelleyglyph.png 'Mayor
Shelleyglyph.png 'Head Gardner

What can you do here?

Port Anarch is one of Shelley's domains. If you wish to encounter the Port Anarch Hobs, please +req/st!

  • The Garden - The Garden is a wild, untamed portion of the Triple V. The Hobs here have cultivated this area with all manner of wild growing hedgeplants. Goblin Fruits of varieties not seen anywhere else in 100 miles grow here, specially protected and in natural environments generated by strange hob machinery. They are jealously guarded by the Hobs of the Triple V, but many can be for sale if needed.

  • More to come