Elliot Jones/RPHooks

From Fate's Harvest
Revision as of 23:11, 5 November 2017 by Coeur (Talk | contribs)

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New in town
She showed up in Fort Brunsett not too long ago, a stranger looking to get lost in a city. She's still feeling her way around, getting the lay of the land.

Quiet, reserved, watchful
She tends to be quiet, her manner reserved. Don't mistake that for shyness though! Elliot just prefers to observe her surroundings before committing to anything.

Looking for work
She doesn't seem to have a job and that is a problem! Living requires essentials and essentials are paid for with money, something she seems to be sorely lacking. Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to have skills of any kind -- Elliot is looking for menial work, preferably something that isn't customer service oriented. Need someone to work a stock room? Need someone to sweep your floors? Elliot is your girl.

What's that over her shoulder?
She's always looking, looking, looking -- glancing back, around, up, down. It's like she is worried that she is being followed. But that's why people fade into cities, right? To escape their past? That must be it.

Elliot just .. doesn't .. quite .. fit in. Like, she doesn't seem to get it: the vernacular, the current trends, all that stuff. Maybe she used to be Amish? Or perhaps she escaped from a cult?

...And just a little bit sad
When she smiles, Elliot is adorable. Her eyes scrunch up and practically disappear; her dimples come out in full force. But even when all that is going on, there is a sadness to the girl that never leaves her. It is always there, a quiet, hidden thing that has rooted itself to her soul.