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Fate's Harvest staff has a fairly open stance on builds. Players can, effectively, have as many separate builds as they can ICly afford.

Build Requests

Every build request, be it for a private home, a business or a Hollow (Changeling only), should be sent in via the command: +req/build

In the body of the request, please include:

  • Type of build (private, group, business, Hollow)
  • The coordinate and name of where it will be on the grid (MT04, Town Square)
  • Character's dots in applicable merits (Resources)
  • The project's name (A White House, Mandy's Pub & Grill)
  • Number of rooms
  • Room names (and how they connect to each other!)
  • Exit names (if none are given, staff will use linked room's name)

Sample Request

+req/build My Dream Home=
Build type: private
Coord: FB12
Merits: Resources 4, Luxury
Project name: Slate Mansion
Room #: 7
Rooms: I know we're only supposed to have five, but I really wanted to fit in some gardens and a ballroom. Henry's just come into money, and he wants to make himself look good for the ladies!
Entry Hall - links to FB12, Ballroom, Sitting Room and Dining Hall
Sitting Room - links to Entry Hall
Dining Hall - links to Entry Hall
Sekrit Laboratory - dark exit from the bedroom 'pull lever'
Grand Bedroom - links to Sitting Room
Rose Gardens - links to Sitting Room
Ballroom - links to Entry Hall
I don't really care what the other exit names are. Just use what you want.
Thanks so much, awesome staff people! ;)

Build Limits

Build policy includes the following limitations:

Single-owner builds:

  • No more than 5 rooms per build.
    • Staff will only approve 5+ room builds if they fit the theme or are otherwise justified.

Multi-owner builds:

  • No more than 20 rooms, total. It doesn't matter how many people are involved.

Business builds:

  • Businesses follow the same rules as other builds, with greater lenience on room limitations.
  • If you are a business, you must be on +dir.

How do I know if my build is a business?

  • If you sell a product, support, or offer a service, you are a business.
  • If you are a public place, or offer amenities (parks, playgrounds) you are a business.

You are not a business if you are a private home. Fairly easy logic there. Even if you do have employees (butlers, servants, drivers) or offer tours of the property to make people drool over your moolah, you are not a public entity.

Hollow Requests

Trying to build a Hollow? Shoot up a +req/build (not fae) with the same basic details as the example above.

The Hollow merits are applied to your sheet by staff. You cannot purchase them with +xp/buy.

In your Hollow build request, please include any dots in the specific merits (Size/Amenities/Wards etc.) you will be purchasing.

For sanity's sake, please do not include Hedgefruit requests in your build job. Send up a separate job for those according to the standard Hedgefruit rules.

Build Requirements

Every build on the game is built to the same standard. Here is a list of build requirements, for both staff and player edification.

  • Every room on grid must have an Out exit (o;out) which eventually leads back to the public grid of the game.
  • Every build will have a +holding set upon creation. By default the build-owner will be the only player with access to the +holding data. Staff will create the +holding once the build has been approved and @mail the build-owner to confirm their new property is linked and ready.
  • Every exit requires @desc/@succ/@osucc/@odrop, optionally with @fail/@ofail.

Exit Command Examples

You have an exit named Out <O>. It goes to a really fancy place.

Your exit is naked, however, and can't decently be seen in public without at least the simplest of attire.

That is where the following commands come into play.

@desc - This is just like describing yourself. What does your exit look like?
@succ - This is what YOU see when you walk through the exit.
@osucc - This is what everyone ELSE sees when you walk through the exit.
@drop - This is what YOU see on the other side of the exit, AFTER you are in the other room.
@odrop - This is what everyone ELSE sees on the other side of the exit, AFTER you are in the other room.
@fail - This is what YOU see when you can't get through an exit.
@ofail - This is what everyone ELSE sees when you can't get through an exit.

If this is confusing gibberish, an easy mnemonic is to remember 'O for Other'. If it starts with @o-something, it is what OTHER people see. Not you.


@desc o=%tThis is a set of double doors with shiny bronze handles.
@succ o=You walk through the double doors into the room beyond.
@osucc o=walks through the double doors which lead to the fancy place.
@drop o=The room you have walked into smells strongly of lemon.
@odrop o=steps in through the double doors with the shiny bronze handles.
@fail o=You try to open the double doors, but they are locked.
@ofail o=tries to open the double doors, but can't get through. They must be locked.

@drop is entirely optional. It can be useful if you want something to show up UNDER the room desc when somebody walks in for, say, warnings that the room is being watched by security cameras.


(You see the @succ on the exit.) You walk through the bank door.
(The description of the bank and any exits/directions spams the above off of your screen.)
(You see the @drop on the exit.) As you step into the room, the glassy eyes of security cameras overhead observe your every move.

NOTE: For any real warnings about audible code or voyeurism regarding the activities of people in your property, you are required to post a warning in the ROOM @desc. A note in the @drop is not enough.


Players have two weeks, total, to complete all descriptions on their build (excepting extenuating circumstances).

If the player has not responded to their build job within one week, staff will comment to the job to remind them that they have one more week before the naked build is nuked.

If the second week passes with no progress and no explanation, the build will be nuked and the player will be informed. Their job will be closed.

Players, please let staff know if you are going on vacation mid-building. It isn't a problem.

Room Naming Convention

Names go "Bigger Thing - Smaller Thing" here, so players in different rooms of the same build will show up together on +where.

e.g. The White House - Oval Office
e.g. East Bank - Meadowhame Cottages

The roomparent will automatically apply highlighted white ANSI to all room names.

Exit Naming Convention

Exits, including the <text> of the alias, have to fit within 25 characters; they are a three-column list at the base of any room.

Exit names may be the project name or abbreviations thereof when leading from the grid into a build project. No 'Door' names, please. Exceptions to this are, say, private side streets, alleys and similar. Within a build project, use your creative freedom.

All "real world" grid exits will share the same ANSI pattern:

Default text, unhighlighted cyan < > and highlighted white alias text.
Example Exit <EX>

All Hedge grid exits will share the same ANSI pattern:

Default text, highlighted green < > and highlighted white alias text.
Example Exit <EX>

All Twilight grid exits will share the same ANSI pattern:

Default text, unhighlighted magenta < > and highlighted white alias text.
Example Exit <EX>

All Shadow grid exits will share the same ANSI pattern:

Default text, highlighted black < > and highlighted white alias text.
Example Exit <EX>

Where gates between reality levels exist, exits will be marked with two elbow brackets instead of one.

e.g. a gate into or out of the Hedge would look like:
Example Exit <<EX>>

Gates always use their supernatural color, not the default grid cyan. A gate to Twilight or Shadow would use magenta or black, not cyan, even on the side leading back to the mortal world.

Currently no grid for Twilight or Shadow has been built, but plans exist for future storylines.