Shelley/Port Anarch

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Port Anarch.jpg

Port Anarch §§

Where Freedom Exists for all Hobs

What is it?

      Port Anarch is a freezone. It is a traveling island that floats through the Hedge, filled with Hobs and Hedge Beasts. It used to be under the govern-ship of one Captain William Rackham (William Danger Excitement Adventure PIRAAAATTT Careful Rackham, to be precise), a Margrave of the Brim, but he and his Motley disappeared into the Hedge years ago, leaving one of the Hobs as Governor. Now, it floats the Hedge, pausing in places for a time before moving on. It is filled with Hobs of all shape and sizes, walks of life and types of profession. Goods are brought in by roving bands of Hobs, some of them in flying contraptions and some of them on the back of winged creatures and running hedge beasts. These roving bands are often adversarial in nature, raiding and taking what they please. Other times they are as guards to trading groups sent out in caravans from the Port, often taking long routes through the Trods to various Markets close by.

       Changelings are welcome here, as long as they obey the rules. The rules are simple, and easy. "Do nothing you would not want done to you." It is a simple rule, but it is an important one to remember. Everything can happen in Port Anarch. Violence, Sex, Trade, Love, Hate. But if you do it, you had best remember that someone else can (and will) do it to you. Port Anarch has fallen far from when Captain Rackham and the Regulars controlled the hollow. Now it is a hive of villainy and scum, and even darker things that lurk int he shadows.

       Port Anarch is a floating island. It's large rocky form is supported by some sort of Wyrd effect. When it arrives it drops anchor, an extremely large and heavy chain (links that are the size of an ogre across and certainly taller) at which a small flying contraption is used to bring people from the surface up and down to the floating island. The city is built upon steep slopes, eight radial streets equidistant around the island all leading to the central tower. The tower rises above the rest of the city, the Governors office and constabulary are located there.

       Buildings are built in stair-step formations up the streets, broken up by a mix of alleyways and official cross streets. It is easy to get turned around, even with the eight major roads that run up to the central point. Many of the buildings are homes, many more are taverns and the like where hobs drink and make merry until the wee hours of the morning. But the hobs have also dug into the island itself. A veritable warren of tunnels has been added to the island itself - or perhaps were originally part of it. They are small, cramped, dark dank and musty, but it is down here where the shady trading of the Underhull Black Market makes its deals, in dead end tunnels and shady galleries in the rock.

       Each of eight streets ends in a series of docks for various flying ships, though three of the docks have been converted to craggy like structures to be used as stables by the flying beasts the raiders use. Only two of the docks are open to just anyone to tie up, for a fee of course. The rest are under control of various factions or the constabulary.

       This is not a place of steampunk like one might think. This is a place of Shadows and Fear. It may be a Hollow of some kind, but its been drifting and owned by Hobs for so long now that it has taken on aspects of Hedge like quality. Shadows loom as buildings arch overhead, causing a feeling of claustrophobia. Even the main fairways twist and turn, and the alleyways are a veritable maze in which Hobs in tails with knives will come for your blood. There are disreputable types on every corner, and new comers are as likely to be shaken down for protection and guidance fees as they are to simply be robbed, stabbed, and left for dead in a gutter. This is a dangerous place and one must be careful with how they move about within it.

Who resides here?

There are many hobs here, but here are some notable ones.
Threeback.jpg Governor Threeback Widgright: Threeback is the current governor of Port Anarch. He is the very same Hob that Captain Rackham left in his stead. He has retained control by being the biggest, most baddest Hob in a place where all the hobs are ruthless and cruel. He is strong, brutal, but he is also intelligent. More than just cunning, he has plans and plans, and always seems to be two steps ahead of those factions within the Port that would want to take apart of him.
Constable Tiss Reginald: The Constable and Threeback's right hand woman. Tiss.png

What can you do here?

Port Anarch is one of Shelley's domains. If you wish to encounter the Port Anarch Hobs, please +req/st!

  • The Underhull Market - While not a true market like the Market of Roses, the Underhull Market is a place where less ... reputable transactions occur. Souls and Seemings, Kiths and Contracts are some of the things for sale. Stolen goods are reportedly fenced here by Loyalists, Privateers, and Freeholders (and Free Changelings) alike, sold to shady hobs who run a brisk black market trade.
There are a few rules for the Underhull
1. No slave trade. Free Zone for Hobs means -Free.- No hob, changeling, or mortal (or any other sentient or sapient beast) will ever be sold or bought in the Underhull
2. All sales are final.
The Hobs that work for Constable Triss rarely go into the Underhull, it being an even more dangerous place than any of the worst taverns in Port Anarch proper. If they go in, it is in force, and they rarely go in for anything less than for the crime of Slavery - the only real crime in Port Anarch.
Underhull and Players - +req/st Shelley: Underhull Trip if you want to go to the Underhull market. Be warned, it is a dangerous place and the goblins that do trade here will not do so fairly. However, it is a place where things that may be shunned in more civilized markets can be found for sale... or a buyer found...

  • The First Port Bank - Located in the central tower of Port Anarch, at the base and below the street level, is the The First Port Bank. Rumored to have been the treasure room of the Port Anarch Regulars, the Motley that ruled this place years ago, it is now a place where Tokens and less tangible things can be stored... and perhaps even loans made.
The Bank and Players - +req/st Shelley: First Port Bank Trip if you want to visit the bank. A much more civilized portion of Port Anarch, it is relatively safe. The bank might just have the item you need for a specific situation, but you'll have to give it back... with interest. The interest can be ... very ... steep.

  • Raiding Parties - Once Port Anarch has established itself in an area, it often sends out patrols and raiding parties. These raiding parties consists of hobs that, most often, ride flying beasts or crew flying contraptions and raid the local area for resources and plunder.
Raiding Parties and Players - This is more of a 'monster of the week' situation. +req/ST Shelley if you want to use Port Anarch Raiding Parties in your plots.