Library/The Wild Roses

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Librarian's Note: The following is a collection of scraps and rumors, inconclusive sightings and hints of dangers we have yet to face.

Author: Rorscahch's Journal
Hand of: Rorschach
Date: 27 April, 2017

(The text is written in all caps, large and small, in red pen)

That day in the Tangletwist Trod Damion, Tom, Oberon, and myself encountered a small man with a broken carriage. we were each trying to find our own path to the Market. The spiney little man's name was Thudlump. He was fleeing the Wild Roses and asked us to help fix his cart.

In exchange for this he offered bags of trinkets to us all, which were generally accepted in exchange for not telling the Wild Roses where he was fleeing to. Seems the goblins were not happy with this guy and that he was not welcome to do trade there. We accepted the offer and with that he fled with his cart.

None more has been heard from him since.

Curious to find out why. Market trip imminent.