Talk:Adithan Varma

From Fate's Harvest
Revision as of 16:11, 31 October 2017 by Misparse (Talk | contribs)

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Type Bonuses/Downsides


Earthbones: /9 to Brawl and Intimidate rolls while in direct skin-to-dirt contact with earth.
Telluric: +3 on rolls requiring precise timing; while in mortal world, gain benefit of the Direction Sense merit and always know what time it is.
Woodblood: Gain bonuses to cultivating plants as if possessing Plant Empathy, using Wyrd/2 to determine bonus. Bonus also applies to Stealth and Survival rolls while on soil or natural surfaces. The Woodblood may use this Stealth to conceal herself in naturally growing material even if it logically should not work (i.e. a lawn, a garden, a forest -- not a stand of potted plants).

Active (at W5) (1 glamour)

Elemental: Once per day, spend 1 Glamour to increase Health by Wyrd for one scene
Earthbones: +1 to non-combat strength rolls; may be used more than once per roll.
Telluric: Once per scene, roll Wits + Occult (plus appropriate modifiers) to make use of the Clairvoyance merit.
Woodblood: Add Wyrd to Stealth rolls made in any vegetation which might conceivably cover the Woodblood.


/0 on dice pools involving Manipulation, Empathy, Expression, Persuasion or Socialize except for seeming-affinity contracts


Eternal Summer 5

1: 1 glam (+ 1 wp?) or spit on ember, survival + wyrd, remain at comfy temperature
2: 1 glam or within 5m midnight, Mantle + Strength + Occult, produce small light; 1 more glam makes light bigger
3: 2 glam or eat natural ice, Mantle + Stamina + Brawl, +1 str for 1 succ, +1 for every 3 more succs
4: 3 glam or within 5m noon, Mantle + Presence + Occult, bright light to reveal hidden people + challenge magic hiding
5: 3 glam or target touch/wear gold, Mantle + Dexterity + Athletics - Subject's Defense, TUXEDO LA SMOKING BOMBER, 1 WP for agg

Wild 5

1: 1 glamour or sleep outdoors, persuasion + wyrd, ignore environmental penalties
2: 1 glamour or target has gun, intimidation + wyrd, up to double existing penalties vs target
3: 2 glamour to to aid a mortal, expression + wyrd, environmental bonuses to move, hide, perceive
4: 3 glamour on behalf of 12 mortals, presence + wyrd, conjure weather native to clime
5: 3 glam 1 WP or on family land, survival + wyrd, environment attacks for 50 yards exc. allies

Communion (Earth) 3

1: 1 glamour, wits + wyrd, sense element
2: 1 glamour, socialize + wyrd, converse with element
3: 2 glamour, persuasion + wyrd, distant vision; 1 wp, briefly direct element

Elements (Earth) 3

1: cloak: 2 glamour or symbol of element, protect from passive harm
2: armor: 2 glamour or in significant contact with element, dex + wyrd, 1 armor + 3L contact damage
3: control: 3 glamour or element dominates, manip + wyrd

Eternal Spring 1

1: gift: 1 glamour, Mantle + Resolve + Survival, heal bashing

Separation 4

1: 1 glam or nice shoes, dex + wyrd, weightless walking & falling damage turns to bashing
2: 1 glam or unjustly imprisoned, larceny + wyrd, slip bondage or imprisonment
3: 1 glam or escaping a Lost, presence + wyrd, go through a sealed portal
4: 2 glam or unarmed & no aggression, dex + wyrd, add wyrd defense, even against guns or while KO'd. Move gracefully while Dodging.

Stone 1

1: 1 glam or outnumbered & unarmed, strength + wyrd, boost strength

Oath & Punishment 1

1: 1 glam or chasing oathbreaker, Athletics + Wyrd, Leap 15 feet per success, or half vertically.

Dream 2

1: 1 glam or pluck a Thorn, Intelligence + Wyrd, intuit Hedge features
2: 1 glam or touch temples, wits + wyrd, control contents of sleeper's dream

Shade 1

1: 1 glam or knew the ghost, Presence + Wyrd, talk to ghosts in twilight

Wind 1

1: 1 glam, dex + wyrd, boosts dex

Merit Bonuses

  • Fleet of Foot: +3 to speed, -1 per dot pursuing Ed in foot chase rolls
  • Indomitable: +3 to all Composure or Resolve rolls to resist or contest attempts to bend Ed's will to someone else's wishes.
  • Quick Draw (Thrown Weapons): Reflexive draw weapon when defense applies.
  • Thrown Weapons:
    • 1: Add athletics to init when using thrown weapons
    • 2: Staple limb to environment; succ at damage to specified arm/leg/hand/foot and inflict Impaled. LOSE DEFENSE.
  • Visionary Dreams: Your character receives Prophetic Dreams. Costs 1 Willpower point and a Intelligence + Wits roll.
  • Summer Mantle 4:
    • 1: Spending Willpower on strength roll grants 4 dice instead of 3.
    • 3: +1 Armor
  • Clairvoyance: Once per scene with 1 glamour: Spend Willpower and roll Wits + Occult to scry through a particular occult medium.
