Log:Serious Dolly Freakout

From Fate's Harvest
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Serious Dolly Freakout

Nathania, Glitch

14 October, 2017

Nat fills Glitch in on her perception of the events of Save Our Crumpets! (log)


Nathania is sitting huddled in a corner of the vardo, surrounded by small mounds of her fluff-tears. She looks an outright mess, whatever makeup she's wearing running and her little stitched nosetip red. Tissues are strewn around, but however useful they are is debatable, with her fluffy tears instead of watery ones. She wails a little, sniffling once, and hugging her knees. She's stripped to her panties and bra, leaving filthy, sewer-muck encrusted clothes in a heap outside.

Glitch comes in from the fields. By the time he's reached the vardo, he can already hear her wails. He's restrained as he comes in, moving slow on purpose, letting his gaze fall on her. His hand slowly lowers from his sword even as he looks around. "Nat," he says quietly, not as used to calming her as the other way around, but easily imitating her own comforting manner, creeping towards her carefully and stooping down.

Nathania looks up, button eyes somehow fuzzy, distant. "Haruki disappeared," she whispers, looking at--no, through--her husband. "Right.. in front of me. Just... like that." She snaps her fingers, and shudders. "Itsy's... gonna... kill me," she wails, the last word drawn-out and miserable.

Glitch walks over towards her, despite her eyes losing track of where he stands, kneeling down easily to reach forward and try to scoop her up in his arms. His voice is slow, monotone, almost cold...but calm. "Itsuki is not going to kill you," he beeps. He waits a while before saying anything else...and waits longer, trailing off. Needing to listen more first.

Nathania curls into Glitch and cries, helpless, terrified. "I tried... to talk Haruki... out of taking... some weird... trinkets..." she begins, breathless, more hesitant than before. She takes a breath, trying to calm down. It -fails-, but she's trying, dammit. "And.. Levi was with us. She.. tackled him. Rolled, didn't hurt... him. Just... held him while... I tried... to talk him out... of taking the trinkets or ... gewgaws. He disappeared. We.. were in the sewers. I told you... we were looking... for that dog... this morning?" She gestures vaguely toward a flyer on the kitchen counter. "And... there was... Wyrd-flavored... writing on the walls. Like done... with a magic crayon. An eye, a teardrop... and a... pair of crossed roses with thorns." She shudders and tries not to scream in terror. "I let... Haruki get... Taken."

Glitch tugs the wailing dolly against himself and just holds her, sitting down on the floor to drag her into his lap, head bend down over her. Not preventing her from winding around him in turn, but cradling her fully. He doesn't say anything. He's just there. Finally, he murmurs, before even attempting consoling: "Tell me what to get from your bag." He knows he's talked her down from more than a few freakouts, and even the latest one employed the bishopric's bag.

Nathania gasps a few times. Then she answers him once she's calmed down a bit. "I need... my Aspersorium, the... cup in the.... silk. And... the water. But mostly... I need someone to tell me... we can get him back." She stares into Glitch's eyes, frantic, needy. "I need to get.... him -back-."

Glitch looks towards the bag, but when she says it like that, he knows. His pixellated eyes lock onto hers and he gently takes her shoulders, forehead leaning against hers. "You'll get him back. Or we'll get him back. Or I'll get him back. We'll find him," he murmurs low. "If we don't find him, we'll find who took him. And we'll kill them, and we'll kill whoever sent them, and then whoever sent them, until we find Haruki," he mutters, a hand lifting to her face. "I promise."

Nathania relaxes. Part of her knows it's a lie, it's an impossible task, Haruki's likely gone. But her irrational lizard brain's taken over for the moment; even though she knows her husband is honestly meaning it, but she's freaked out. "Okay," she whispers, tearfully. "Okay."

Glitch cuddles her close, head hanging over her. He slowly pets her back. "I'll get your items," he murmurs, standing. Standing with her, first carrying her over to the converted bed to put her upon it, then turning to her bag to remove the listed bits. The cup in the silk, the water. He returns with it slowly and carefully, standing over the poor dolly.

Nathania holds her hands out, shaking as they are. "I have... to do it," she whispers, voice hoarse from all her screaming and sobbing. "I have... to bless it. I don't know... what you want me.... to do with... it."

Glitch leans down, bringing the items to her. He looks a little lost, clearly thinking on his feet, but the concern in his eyes is real. If anything, there's a hint of embarassment. "To...help yourself," he beeps. "To make your head clearer. To make thinking hurt less. Like you always do for me." He sucks in a breath, kneeling by the bed with her. "Unless you...need to be sad right now," he adds. He's trying.

Nathania curls into him. "It doesn't... work on me. Has to be... another Bishop." Sadly, Louisa and Sid are unavailable right now. She hands the items back with an understanding smile, and moves to caress his face a little. "Thank you... for trying." She pulls him close. "Cuddles?" she requests, dolly voice starting to go out entirely.

Glitch nods. He puts away the magic items almost thankfully. Dutifully, he rustles out of his hoodie and pants, leaving him in his undergarments too, and joins her on the bed to wind her in his arms again and cuddle her against himself. He strokes her yarny hair and murmurs, quietly and meaninglessly, into her ear. His eyes stay serious, concerned, but intent on offering any comfort he can for the dolly.

Nathania slowly relaxes in her husband's arms. His return's been her greatest comfort, and it shows, especially tonight. She snuggles in, small spoon to his big spoon, gives a little sniffle, and falls asleep slowly, twitching awake every once in a while before falling into a light, restless sleep. She clings to one of Glitch's arms even in her repose, shuddering softly with her dreams.