Aaron's Hedge Beast

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Mister Manx, Esq.
Hedge Beast Companion •••
Changeling Companion
Aaron Fletcher
Date of Birth (?):
Mister Manx, M, Mister Scratch, Smiley

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Appropriate Attributes & Skills
  • Intelligence •••   Strength ••           Presence ••
  • Wits ••                  Dexterity •••      Manipulation ••
  • Resolve ••            Stamina •••        Composure ••

Notable Skills:
  • Academics ••
  • Investigation ••
  • Occult ••
  • Brawl ••
  • Stealth •••
  • Animal Ken ••
  • Empathy •••
  • Subterfuge ••

Wyrd Relationships (Contracts):
  • Separation ••
  • Moon •••
  • Fang and Talon (Felines) •
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“Oh, you can't help that,' said the cat. 'We're all mad here.” - Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Mr. Manx, whose birth name is hard to pronounce in human tongue, was born to a little of other feline-like creatures. The litter was bred for a Cleareyes looking at creating a network of thieves to his Motley. However, the kitten that became Mr. Manx was born with a different set of bestowments altogether, and along with it partially blind in one eye (due to a scuffle with his brothers and sisters who didn't like him either; and its irremovable smile, was considered too creepy to keep. Mr. Manx was about to be turned into "leather" and "rope" by a wandering Goblin Marketeer. Fortunately, Aaron happened to be wandering the roads and heard the mewlings of the soon-dead hedge-kitten. Aaron traded the Goblin a golden fidget-spinner, feeling that he could use it to hypnotize patrons into paying heftily for his future wares, for the cat's meager life. The cat decided that it might do better with Aaron as a companion than on it's own. Besides--Aaron promised it fish, which it never had before and found it liked a lot.

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Descriptions and other Random Tidbits
Mortal Mask - The cat is a slim and elegant looking cat. His coat is a black that looks indigo blue in the right lighting, and who could blend in total darkness if it had the chance. average in its height, but the weight seems to be on the leaner side of things. Cat fanciers would depict the breed of the cat as a Bombay cat. They are as the "small black panther," and for good reason. There's a certain amount of curiosity and intelligence behind those eyes that look like two cut pieces of amber.

Faerie Mein - The cat takes on an appearance that is, in a word, eerie. Its slim frame takes on a lankier nature, seeming to be nothing more than skin and defining bones along the shoulders spine, and even its tail. Its regal neck stretches and slides the same way that Speilberg's Reese's Pieces loving alien did back in the 80s. Its eyes a sickly yellow that almosts seem jaundiced and malevolent at the same time. In spite of all of these things, the one thing that makes it stand out is its smile. Wider than any cat could (or able) to smile, and its rows of sharp and yellow-tinged teeth.

Disposition - Mr. Manx is rather intelligent, and compliments Aaron when discussing more occultic subjects. He's playful around Aaron as well as "clever" (aka smartass) around Aaron as well. Perhaps sarcasm is a better word. He likes learning. Loyal to Aaron and Sasha (whenever he sees her in the Hedge), but cautious around others. One thing Aaron does know about Mr. Manx--when he doesn't want to stay someplace, he will usually find a way out. He's fond of Green M&Ms, and really dislikes when Aaron plays the game "M&M or Skittle." whenever he talks, there's always a hint about him that makes it seems like he's always hiding an ace in his figurative sleeve.