Log:Birds The Word

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Birds The Word

Fuck is also a word.


Calliope Kraus, Cian, Maxwell Moreau and Maggie Locklear


There's a new arrival at the Wayhouse. Swear bird!



It's a Tuesday night at the Wayhouse and as one would expect, it's not that crowded. There's a few people inside seated in different rooms. There are two people up closer to the door, one is a dark haired woman with dark eyes dressed in jeans and a long sleeved white t-shirt. The other is an older gentleman that has slightly pointed ears and the looks of a butler. They seem to be in conversation at the moment. The woman does not appear to have a Mien.

Calliope bursts through the door, bopping her head to whatever's playing in the headphones on her head. It's loud, whatever it is it's got a beat because Clio is shakin' her tiny birdy booty. In her hands, a sax case on one side and a heavy rucksack in the other. The little blue bird's glow is at its minimum sending an odd deep ultra violet core to her shadow. Also with her comes the sounds of summer thunderstorms and the fine mist of rain and sea salt that can only be felt but not seen.

In follows a shadow behind the bird, almost quite literally. His form is nearly transluscent, his eyes a light-swallowing black. Quiet footsteps come to a scuffing stop as he looks around. That immediate glance towards Clio is filled with a smirk. He's got his satchel over one shoulder, tucked under his arm it seems slightly full. Otherwise wearing a simple shirt and flannel over it, jeans and chucks. Where Cian goes a disturbing quiet follows in his wake, feet stop stomping, dogs stop barking, birds stop tweeting. And then a few seconds later it all returns. Recognizing Clio he gives her a chin up gesture of greeting, the other girl getting a brief glance. Nope don't know 'er!

Maggie looks up when something bursts through the door. Maxwell does the same a few seconds later. The man gives both that enter a smile, "Welcome to the Wayhouse, if you've never been here before we can give you some information for you." he tells them. "Just going over some things." he adds.

Maggie gives a look to each of the Changelings and there's a smile, "Hello." she waves to them. "If you need anything just let us know. I'm Maggie and this is Maxwell." she offers in way of introduction.

"Oh, fuck. No fuckin worries. 'V fuckin been here be-fucking-fore, Nattie fuckin' here?" Clio asks as she carefully lifts a taloned finger to pull her earphones off her head. Grinning irreverantly and then letting her eyes cut towards Cian, "Oh, hey, look the fuck who it fuckin' is. Shhiiit what you fuckin' doin here, shadow man?" She greets as she moves to drop her rucksack out of the way and rolls her shoulders. "Calliope Motherfuckin' Kraus, most folks just call me fuckin' Clio though." She lifts two fingers to her temple to salute before setting the sax case down carefully. "Any-fuckin'-way don't let me fuckin stop that shit." The fowl mouthed bluebird rambles in her Maine accent. "Pleasure's fuckin' mine 'n all'." She heads for the kitchen shamelessly.

Cian stares blankly when Maggie finds him and offers him that wave, the genuine presentation is something that makes Cian withdraw just a hint. The hotseat, the spotlight, physical and proverbial will always make him shrink. "Um," he starts to say to Maggie before Clio launches ahead and he just smirks at her, "Doing what I can to stay outta fucking trouble," just being around the foul fowl means he ends up using 'fucks' like commas. "Cian McCarthy, pleasure," he agrees and then promptly follows the only person he knows into the back towards the kitchen. Also? He's scrawny looking and he probably could use a bite. Not that he has any clue what this place is about, he just sort of stalked the lightning bird - not that the Darkling's saying as much.

Maxwell gives a look to Clio and the Chatelaine smiles, "No problem, we're just the caretakers of the house for the next few hours." he tells her. Then there's a look to the Native American woman with him and a nod before he sits back down.

Maggie gives a shake of her heard, "Nathania isn't in at the moment, but we can get ahold of her if needed." she states. Then there's a look to Cian and another smile, "Nice to meet you, Cian. I'm Maggie Locklear." she offers as they head off.

"What, fuck naw, I don't want to fuckin bug her if she's fuckin' busy and shit." She calls from the kitchen where she is unabashedly looking over what's in the fridge. "Goddamned. Man, some- fuckin' -one's fuckin failing in the beer department. We'll have to fuckin' change that." The fuckbird seeks col leftovers, any will do. Any at all. "Maggie and Maxwell, fuckin caretakers. That fuckin makes you... uhh..fuck what... the gatekeepers or.. way-fuckin-keepers or whatever the fuck they're callin'm these days. Was Nattie one? Fuck me. I can't even keep track." She seeks and finds something.. what? Well, she'll find out when she eats it. Heading to plant herself and start eating food like, well, like a harpy.

"Yeah, I'm with her, no fuckin bothers here please," Cian intones while he follows the bird's example and gathers grub from the fridge, whatever he can find. Even the slightly gross stuff. Actually that slightly molded slice of veg in the back? Fuck yeah. That's his shiz. With a mouthful he manages to mumble around it, "Whuffs uh tiffrentsh?" he asks with a bit of sly smirk as he swallows. Sucking fingers clean, he gives a little belch and doesn't excuse himself in the slightest. "Nice to meet'cha Maggie," he says in a little wave as he comes back and finds a place to lean that's sort of dark, and not in direct light if possible. "So, how's..kicks?"

Calliope says, "Fucknaw, Maxwell, don't fuckin worry. I'll fuckin' grab some beer after I finish fuckin' eatin and bring it the fuck by. I made a shit ton o' dough buskin' and I'd rather fuckin' share than spend it all on fuckin' weed and junkfood." She says around a cheekful of leftovers. "Fuckin' share, and fuckin' share alike. Besides, it's rare anyone is pre-fuckin'-pared for me. Ya'd think I was a fuckin fish."

Cian gives a polite nod to Maxwell as he goes back to reading, his attention shifting to Maggie properly. "New?" he whispers, curiously, even as everything in his hands simply disappears. Poof gone. A more confused look goes back to the swearing bird, "A fish?" he's clearly not getting the reference.

Maggie gives a look towards the kitchen and there's a smile to Calliope, "Thank you, that's very generous of you." the Native American states. Then there's a look back to Cian, "I've been with the Freehold since it was founded, just got around to getting into the Waykeepers." she tells him. "Are you new to the Freehold? Or wanting to learn about it?" she asks.

Calliope handwobbles, "That's not really my fuckin' choice right now. I gotta fuckin talk to the current fuckin' crown, then have words with whoever the fucks in charge of fuckin' Summer around here." The agressivly friendly bluebird yammers as she eats. "I mean, anything you can tell me would probably fuckin' help out." She reaches up to scratch idly at her head before starting to dig into her food again. "Shadowboy might fuckin' want too though." She gestures to Cian with her fork before licking the prongs and then digging in again. Manners are not Calliope's strong suit.

Cian shrugs a bit at Maggie and offers a hint of a smile, "I joined," he replies in a quieter tone, retreating to his shadows for the time being. More comfortable not as the subject of conversation. Clio earns a twitch of his eyes as they settle on her directly with her fork pointing. And he almost hisses, but instead chews on expired tomato. "I do not," he assures in an almost whisper to the loud mouth. Back to his tomatoes until they're done and he can set the dirty dish down somewhere obvious.

"That's what we're here for." Maggie states with a nod of her head towards Calliope. "Last I heard the Summer Councilor was Meredith Ryan. Not sure who else to get in contact with. Paige is also in Summer." she offers. "I can get your name and things, send it to the Waylady so that she knows you need to speak with the Crown." she offers to the bird. Then there's a look to Cian when he whispers and there's a nod, "Excellent." she nods to that.

Calliope bobs her head, "Fuckin' works for me. I think there's fuckin' word about there bein' another one of my folks around here. Should probably fuckin' meet him too, but uh, yeah talkin' to the Crown first would probably be fuckin' best." She finishes the leftovers and closes up the container before setting the form on top of it. "I only fuckin technically know a few fuckin' people here and I've not had a fuckin chance to run into any of them except fuckin' Natty. So I'm not fuckin' stayin in the city, anything I should need to fuckin know about that?"

Maggie gives a nod, "Maxwell and I can get word to November and she can get you set up." she tells her. "And it's good that you know a few people. Most of the people I know are in the group." she chuckles. "As for things to know, there's been a few people from a group called the Soundless trying to catch Freeholders with their pants down or running their mouth about things to mortals that aren't sworn. So watch out for those sorts. I spent a bit of time in Arcadia, but not enough, I've been around a while." she admits.

Calliope blinks and smiles a bit. Is she blushing? "Yeah? Fuck, Well when Lady Iris is ready to fuckin' see me I'm at her fuckin pleasure." There's familiarity there. "Fuckin' Soundless, huh? Fuck, I'll see if I run into one if I cant fuckin conver-fuckin-sate my way out of any fuckin trouble I might fuckin' cause them." She says cheerfully "And bully for you, gives you a fuckin' connection to fuckin' people the rest of us Wyrd soaked fuckin shits don't." She gestures between Cian and herself.

Cian is a good listener, and he watches Clio's reaction with a hint of mirth. Just a crooked smile that dips into his cheek. THe mention of Soundless brings the quiet one a brief head tilting motion. Brows furrow to the fore and he just makes a small noise that's easily concealed by the scuff of a shoe. "The group?" he questions and looks at Clio, she's generally the most forthright person he's encountered thus far.

"She is something." Maggie chuckles to Calliope's reaction. "If you wil give me your name and a number she can reach you at, or a place. I'm not a full member or could help more." she states. "Yeah, some people were running their mouths to the uninitiated and being dumb in general, so the group is afraid our squealers are going to rub off or something." she shakes her head. When Calliope comments on her being connected to people there's a bit of a chuckle, "I actually don't interact with humans as much as people probably think. I'm a Zoologist. So most of my time when I'm not here I'm helping rehab and care for my furbabies up at the Santuary." she admits.

Calliope shakes her head, "No Ma'am, I am against En-fucking-sorcelled in fucking general unless there's no other fucking option. 'S some bullshit to fuckin' make your own fuckin' trauma someone else's fuckin' problem." Clio's stance on involving mortals to some, might be legendary. She may have once belonged to some secret club who frowned deeply on it. But that's another story. "Dontcha worry, and if you're fuckin bright, you won't let no fuckin' squealers name's slip around me either. I don't fuckin' take kindly to that kinda fuckin behavior. It's fuckin Rude." She belches into her elbow. "Any fuckin' way, Clio, she'll fuckin know. Yrrh's already been up to see me a few fuckin' times."

The bluebird clears her throat and a jacobs ladder of electricity travels along her lip ring and lip. "Animals huh? Yeah, don't fuckin' blame you. People are fuckin weirdos. But man.. to get the best food you've gotta fuckin brave them."

"I'm not Ensorcelled so that's alright. Not sure I know any Ensorcelled here." Maggie states with a bit of a thoughtful look. "Either way, whatever I did in Arcadia made me be able to see you guys. I think I finally gave up and ate something." she shrugs. When she is finally given a name there's a smile, "Clio, I will let her know." she nods to that. Then she smiles, "Yeah. I've got a lot of animals up there. I try to make sure everyone's got their own room and no ones cooped up. The bear doesn't like sleeping outside...so he's taken to sleeping in the guest house. Which is amusing." she chuckles.

Cian's face wrinkles a little and he flits a bit closer, but sticks in Clio's shadow for now. Not that he's in her space, but he's close. Getting the picture of what's happening, the Thief is smiling at Maggie a bit. Clio's principles towards Encorcelled is one thing, but, "She just seems touched?" he offers in a whisper to the close bird, the sound of his voice still accented if softened. A look back to Maggie, nodding briefly, if curtly. Then back to scowls, "There's a bear?"

Calliope mutters back, "You seem fuckin' touched, shadow man, don't get too close." She eyes him. "Might think yer up to fuckin' somethin." She teases before turning back to Maggie and bobbing her head right up to the bear. She blinks and wrinkles her nose, "That's uh, that's fuckin' itneresting. He uh, fuckin housebroken or fuckin' something?" She wonders alloud as she hops back up to put the dishes in the sink and washes her hands before slipping back to here she was before.

"Sometimes I guess mortals can get Enchanted or so they call it. They interact with something from Arcadia or spend time there. It's a weird thing. But I'm not pledged to anyone but the Freehold and that was a good...ten years after I got out of Arcadia. I spooned out some guys eyes." she muses. "There's a look to Cian and a nod, "Yeah, there's a bear." she states. Then she looks to Calliope, "I've had him since he was a cub, some hunters killed his mom so he was sent to us. He couldn't go back to the wild sadly." she frowns. "But he's pretty much like a big dog now a days." she chuckles. "I know some Changelings might be uncomfortable with animals, so I try not to invite people out unless they are okay with it." she tells them.

Cian is very touched, so very very touched in the head. The Whisp sort of floats away from Calliope when she mutters in his direction, an apologetic half-smile as his hands almost drift away from her form. Like they were wandering a moment prior. Eyebrows both perk upwards at the mention of the bear as he reseals the flap of his satchel without another word. A half shrug is given to Maggie, not really for or against animals in general. A half smile from the Darkling and his fingers are rubbing together at his hips.

Maggie gives a smile to Cian and Calliope, "I'll send your information to the full Waykeepers so they can get you taken care of." she tells the bird. She stands and reaches for her jacket, "It's late and I still have to get home. You guys have a good night and if you need anything just let us know." she offers with a nod of her head. Then she turns and gives a wave to Maxwell before starting to head out.

Calliope waves, "Nice fuckin' meetin' ya. See ya around. Maxwell." She waves before looking back to Cian and shakes her head at the shadow man. "So, tell me about the fuckin freehold then. I'f I'm stickin around to kick ass and take names for the cause, I should fuckin' know what the cause is.."