Edith 'Ed' Miller
Apparent Age
Glimpse of the Past
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam hendrerit dui eu ligula euismod, quis lacinia eros malesuada. Sed luctus vestibulum finibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent interdum mi mi, sed iaculis leo egestas vitae. Donec facilisis mattis nulla eget elementum. Phasellus auctor, urna in consectetur dictum, ex urna malesuada ex, sed consequat nulla sapien eu arcu. Suspendisse auctor, neque ac elementum mollis, metus justo consequat arcu, aliquet imperdiet massa erat vel arcu. Vivamus eget iaculis nisi, ut cursus mauris. Nunc at varius felis, sit amet vehicula orci. Nunc at tincidunt orci, sit amet dignissim urna. Etiam et vulputate mauris. Praesent leo nibh, aliquet et consectetur vel, venenatis eget dui. Curabitur quis tincidunt dui, vel commodo augue. Proin blandit tellus non justo blandit, vitae hendrerit quam ullamcorper.
Pellentesque tellus arcu, sodales nec ultricies a, auctor id libero. Nunc nec iaculis lacus. Donec et nisl consectetur, scelerisque sapien sed, ultrices nulla. Aliquam nunc lorem, sollicitudin at lacus et, commodo faucibus felis. Duis et viverra diam. Vivamus in metus in sem maximus tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Roleplaying Hooks
Mortal .. but she can see you
Ed isn't a Changeling but she can see all your spots. Does it bother her? Not in the slightest but she tends to give a wide berth to the strangest of y'all -- too powerful for her tastes.
So gosh darn nice
God dammit, she's so frickin' sweet. Always smiling, always with a friendly word, always with a helping hand. If she weren't so nice, you'd hate her.
The Pie Hole
She runs a little bakery-slash-cafe in Tamarack Falls called the Pie Hole. She strictly observes the Vermont apple pie law -- if you order a slice, it will come with your choice of glass of cold milk, large scoop of vanilla ice cream or slice of cheddar cheese weighing no less than 1/2 ounce.
Need a job?
Down on your luck? Need a job? Talk to Ed! She can set you up with a job, either at the Pie Hole or at the little farm she owns.
Local girl
Born and raised in Tamarack Falls, she's been here pretty much her whole life. Ed did run out west for a few years to find herself after her older sister, Lou, died but she came back home when her parents' health started to decline. Seems pretty settled and content to stay now.
Miller time!
Yup. She's a Miller.
You can't choose your family...
Stuff! Things! They will go here.
Stuff! Things! They will go here.
Everyone else
Friends, enemies and everything in-between
Stuff! Things! They will go here.
Stuff! Things! They will go here.
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