Shelley/Port Anarch
Port Anarch §§
Where Freedom Exists for all Hobs
What is it?
Port Anarch is a freezone. It is a traveling island that floats through the Hedge, filled with Hobs and Hedge Beasts. It used to be under the govern-ship of one Captain William Rackham (William Danger Excitement Adventure PIRAAAATTT Careful Rackham, to be precise), a Margrave of the Brim, but he and his Motley disappeared into the Hedge years ago, leaving one of the Hobs as Governor. Now, it floats the Hedge, pausing in places for a time before moving on. It is filled with Hobs of all shape and sizes, walks of life and types of profession. Goods are brought in by roving bands of Hobs, some of them in flying contraptions and some of them on the back of winged creatures and running hedge beasts. These roving bands are often adversarial in nature, raiding and taking what they please. Other times they are as guards to trading groups sent out in caravans from the Port, often taking long routes through the Trods to various Markets close by.
Changelings are welcome here, as long as they obey the rules. The rules are simple, and easy. "Do nothing you would not want done to you." It is a simple rule, but it is an important one to remember. Everything can happen in Port Anarch. Violence, Sex, Trade, Love, Hate. But if you do it, you had best remember that someone else can (and will) do it to you.
Who resides here?
- There are many hobs here, but here are some notable ones.
What can you do here?
Port Anarch is one of Shelley's domains. If you wish to encounter the Port Anarch Hobs, please +req/st!