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MT04 -- Tamarack Falls - Meetinghouse Graveyard
'''LAST TIME in [[Log:Meeting_Neighbors|Meeting Neighbors]]:'''
"Oh no!" calls Edmond, honestly dismayed. "Listen: I am Edmond Basumatary! When I hear you come home I will knock and have leftovers for you, okay? Or if you hear me playing you can
knock!" He finishes chopping the spinach, and then looks sadly at Kelsey after Elliot flees, his hands pausing for a moment in their deft work. "Did you ''hear'' her stomach? I feel
bad now. I hope she does not have an entirely hungry shift."
One of the things that Czcibor might notice about this area, is that for whatever reason there's a bunch of bats flitting about overhead - if he's capable of seeing them at all in
the dark. They likely won't be much longer, as their food supply is quickly dwindling, and the weather grows colder. In fact, it might be surprising that they're still out at all.
Something has them livelier than usual.
Maybe it has something to do with the small figure that's lingering in the shadow of one of the taller obelisks, looking out over the rest of the graveyard and the church nearby.  
That's a lot of syllables to try to fit between Elliot's 'have to go' and her being out the door. Kelsey doesn't try to get any in edgewise. He eyes the door behind Elliot instead,  
Ziv's, perhaps surprisingly, not actually bundled up for the weather. She's not even wearing shoes - though she is wearing an asymmetrical hoodie, oversized, with a very large pair
with a tight little frown and knit eyebrows. "Well, hey," he says after a moment. "If it gets really bad, she could always eat her coworkers."
of pockets and leggings. There's also a silver grey scarf for accent, down below which hangs a delicate silver snowflake pendant.
Hopefully he's kidding.
At least he's a little short to be Hannibal Lecter.
And it's the second place tonight that Czcibor Kowal has come to be alone and indulge in vices like misery and despair and self-loathing and temper tantrums and physical sensation,
and found it already occupied by someone he knows. But-- she's winter. She's winter, she'll get it, won't she? Part of it. Or maybe she'll just make fun of him for his outburst, his
chastisement at the cafe--
The entirely mortal-looking Elemental in what is unquestionably the Captain's greatcoat hesitates, uncharacteristically indecisive. He looks up at the flying bats, scrubbing at his
The bats are darting about overhead - it's difficult to tell whether they're really chasing insects or not. It could be that they're just glorying in the feeling of flight and being
alive; like when a human runs for no reason other than the sheer thrill of it. For tiny, leathery winged mammals they're incredibly agile. Occasionally among them there's a flash of
silver runes on wings - a hedgebeast, no doubt. If Kowal has seen him before, he might know the tiny fellow as Ziv's companion, Neville.
From beneath the obelisk, Ziv calls out, "'Lo. Are you... Hey, Czcibor, is that you? Wouldn't really expect you to be out here. It's not... much of a really Spring place. Or... for
"..." Edmond turns to give Kelsey a slow look, but apparently decides 'eating coworkers' is a joke, because he just shakes his head and smirks and picks up the cutting board to
types like you." Probably, she means, it's more a place you'd find Darklings a-lurking. But Ziv isn't a Darkling. Is she?
brush all the chopped spinach into the simmering and popping ghee, stirs it with a wooden spoon, and adds a little of the simmering cream. He opens the overhead cabinet again to
take down more spices and starts putting them in with all that, eyeballing amounts; he talks all the while. "I never see her with groceries or takeaway food," he says, corner of his
mouth turning down a little until he blows his bangs out of his face with a quick upward puff of breath.
"You're right," Kelsey concedes to that slow look. "She's too close to my build, they could fend her off with a knife and probably carry her around like a backpack if she tried a
garrote." He wanders closer to the so-named kitchen, leaning on the side of the counter to try to get a look at the overhead cabinet, or at least at the spices actually involved.
"So either she eats at work, or she doesn't eat? That goes with the nervousness."
"Typecast me already?" comes the Pole's voice with an unsteady laugh, to go with his unsteady tread as he approaches, pulling his coat closer around him, hugging his arms to
himself. "Didn't expect anyone to be out here except--" His voice cracks a little bit. "--except ghosts," he tries again, still trying to sound genial, careless. Trying.
It might fool another elemental, maybe. Ziv can tell, however, that he's not only on the edge of tears, but on the edge of losing it completely; all that high-wyrd massive presence
Edmond rolls his eyes at Kelsey, but makes room for him to peer into the cabinet or around his shoulder to see what he's doing, what he's adding. What he's doing right now is
is coiled up in a tightly-bound knot of horror and grief and fury and betrayal, with a scathing side of 'because of COURSE' topping it off as a fascinating little insult.
dumping the rest of the bit of cream in with the spinach and spices and a little bit more ghee, and then getting out a frying pan and putting the same combination of ghee and spices
in the bottom of ''that'', then dumping the cubes of paneer into that to let them brown and sizzle some. "She probably eats when she can," he says quietly, then sidesteps Kelsey
gracefully and opens up the fridge to take out a ziploc of cooked rice. A steampot's bottom section's filled with about three fingers of water and the basket put in it, and then the
cold cooked rice goes in the basket with a lid on top. "Part time jobs are kind of shit. So are irregular jobs, but at least with mine, sometimes I get a lot of money at once."
Another shaky laugh. "Ghosts are pretty good company if you can't hear them except in your memory."
Far side of the counter, not actually in the way. Mostly, anyway. "Yeah," Kelsey says, to the 'eats when she can.' And again, "Yeah," overlapping with 'so are irregular jobs.'
There's a brief smirk at the 'sometimes I get a lot of money at once.' "Let's face it. If our jobs weren't shit, we wouldn't be living someplace like this. I'm a little worried
about what might be paying rent for inside the walls."
"...Think a lot of people would disagree, about hearing ghosts in your memory. Maybe that's the worst type of ghost, depending on what it says," offers up the small Windwing, from
"Eh, I like living in places that are like this," says Edmond with a philosophical shrug, then grins, teeth once more bright in his evening-sky face; his stars glitter with
within the shadow of her obelisk. Dark eyes, gleaming in their depths like a nocturnal creature's, track Czcibor's movements. It might be a rather... eerie look, really. Or perhaps
self-amusement. "Unless they do not let me repaint the walls. Then to hell with them." He takes a spatula and starts flipping the cheese cubes on their sides to brown them more
he doesn't notice, considering his current state of mind. "...Dunno, don't think I'd want them talking to me, too much. That's not really my type of memory-ghost, though."
evenly, and the scent of the food is already growing thick in the air. "When you are poor and everyone around you is poor, you are not judged for the wealth or status you may have.
There is no one to dictate what you can and cannot do, and you may give as much as you like without it being charity."
There's a small shrug, that sends a ripple through her wings. Even though she's fairly lightly dressed, the cold doesn't seem to bother her very much. "So... I guess I know that you
shouldn't respond too much to memory-ghosts. What's wrong, Chee?"
For all that the primary note in Kelsey's mien is candleflame, his eyes are one of the bright leaf-greens common among plant-kin. And those bright green eyes are drawn to that
glitter, particularly striking as it is against the dark background of Edmond's skin, then the red of the walls.
Conversation, however, is not derailed by any mentally-numbed 'your stars are pretty' remarks. "Is that why you haven't fixed the problem?" Kelsey wonders. "An aesthetic or moral
preference for poverty? Not that I've fixed it either, mind, but I haven't been here as long."
"In my memory's when they were still okay," Czcibor answers. That's what he answers even when she asks what's wrong, and the last word breaks, and he brings his hands up to his face
to scrub viciously at his eyes, silver-irised despite the presence of his Mask. He turns away from her so she can't see, which is stupid, stupid; he doesn't leave because he needs
to tell ''someone'' and he can't tell Petra and Ziv just called him 'Chee' and that's something he misses too.
After a moment, his voice is muffled, but it sounds so human; there's nothing echoey or resonant about it, it's just flat on the cold air like anybody else's. "And the dead ones are
The boy of stars with hands of wood and feet of clay, he glances up from his frying in mild surprise. "...problem?" he echoes vaguely, then goes back over everything that just got
safe. They're safe. Maybe I failed to keep them alive, but I didn't fail in keeping them from getting Taken or taken ''back'', and I didn't fail in keeping them from ''turning
said and focuses. "Oh. Neither aesthetic nor moral. Primarily convenience. And also--"
into'' the monsters... and on top of every-fucking-thing else, the guy I like apparently already has a boyfriend, which is exactly what I fucking get for letting myself start
falling for someone again in the first place--"
Here Edmond looks ''distinctly'' self-amused, and even the stars in his hair twinkle brightly, and the ones in his eyes are practically suns. He flips the cheese blocks again, not
even paying attention to them, and absently takes the lid off the spinach and stirs the pot again. "--when I come into money I buy nice clothes and new strings and pen nibs. I do
not have an airtight identity, so banks and things of that nature are awkward, anyway. And I like to move around. It is easier to pack and leave if everything fits in a shitty
little car."
''That'' grin is like sunlight itself.
Ziv's quiet for a little, and turned away Czcibor can't really see her, but then there's the scuff of her claws against the ground as she comes nearer. Until, suddenly, the batling
is bringing her wings up around him and hugging him from behind. Should the wings contact skin, they're cold - and her mantle seems to drift around them, without Czcibor's mantle to
push it back. With it comes the smell of a fresh winter morning, along with frost and mist, and a few snowflakes drift through.
Kelsey spreads his own hands, distinctly non-wooden, even if their shadowed places take on the lilac hue and soft, uncannily even textures of flower petals. "I can't argue," he
says. "Given that you've just seen me hauling most of my worldly goods. Most; I have a shipment of inventory catching up with me soon. But there's something to be said for nice
clothes and emergency funds. Or in your case, for feeding your starveling neighbor, since you seem intent on making that a habit."
Smol bat, attached wings-inclusive to tol soldier in enormous coat: there's not skin at first, because his hands are up by his face, but upon stealth-hug, Czcibor drops one of them
The grin turns decidedly sheepish. "She is nice and she is hungry. I do not like it when people are hungry and it is not on purpose." Then he shrugs blithely, and shuts off the heat
down to hug Zig's arm/wing to him. He laughs a little again, and it comes out sounding wet and gets followed by a sniffle, and that just makes him laugh more. And then he gently
under the cheese, moving to pour the excess ghee into a warm glass jar and dump the fried cheese into the spinach, stirring it again. He also takes the lid off the steamer, and
detaches Ziv from him partway so he can turn and kneel, sort of, and she'll be taller than him by a bit, and he hugs her back and there are still things that are funny, like having
un-clumps the rice before replacing the lid. As he opens the fridge again and takes out a tetra-pak of mango lassi, he notes offhandedly, "She has a job, she also may not be
his mask up means he ''can'' cry, but that also means he can get a sinus headache, but he really needs to let this one out. And in the middle of it, his face in her shoulder,
starving for much longer. It does not matter to me: I like to share. Can you put this on the table? Glasses are in the cabinet next to your head."
there's a very muffled, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-- you don't need this shit-- I'm sorry I snapped at you anyway-- now I'm ''really'' sorry--"
There's a wicked little spark in those green eyes now, and it's echoed in the sly smile -- but that smile's a conspiratorial one, rather than cutting. His tone's teasing, too, but
it's not the kind of teasing that pushes away. "You don't know her well enough not to have to tell her what name to call you by. But you know her well enough to know she's nice?
''That's'' interesting." Then Kelsey threads himself in, careful of Edmond's range of motion and of avoiding jogging elbows, to retrieve two glasses. Given the size of the kitchen,
this does put him in thwacking range. If thwacking occurs, he's likewise careful not to drop glass (or plastic) or spill lassi, even if he's pouring at the time.
Ziv is steadier on her feet than might be expected, for being so small - for their size, bats are surprisingly strong. As Czcibor leans against her, she curls her wings up around
him as a protective shield, patiently letting him get it all out for the time being. When he speaks - starts to apologize - she leans over and licks the top of his head a few times.
It might be her version of a comforting head-kiss.
"You don't need to apologize," she says, soothingly, and when she does so there's something of an echo in her voice - it's an odd quality, that he might have heard before when she
Eyebrows lifting at Kelsey over his shoulder, Edmond looks prim suddenly. "Of course she is nice. She may also be an axe murderer, but if so, she is a nice one. It is perfectly
sings. "If you need to get it out... get it out... sometimes we all need a good cry. And I don't mind. It's why I'm Winter."
possible to be both nice and evil, or nice and completely batty in awful and dangerous ways, or nice and also sometimes utterly awful." The prim literally only lasts through what he
says, and then Edmond's laughing as he turns the heat off underneath the spinach cheese thing and puts the lid on it. "You, I think, are not nice, but I believe I like you anyway. I
am very nice, but I will also steal a corpse from a police morgue in payment for a fancy sandwich. Nice is not a very telling descriptor, you see."
"I am ''terribly'' nice," Kelsey says brightly, letting lashes flutter back at Kelsey over his own shoulder before he goes to set the pair of glasses on the table. "If only because
'nice' is a word that's meant almost anything, one time or another. Including polar opposites. Everyone's nice for ''one'' of them or another."
And it's actually taken as one: he has known so many Beasts; he has known so many kinds of affection and caring--
He drifts back doorward, but only to listen at it for a moment (anyone in the hallway? No-one in the hallway) before adding, "That's a remarkably specific example. I feel like I
should stock up on fancy sandwiches."
Czcibor takes Ziv at her word, and just cries, wrinkling her sleeves where he grips them too tightly, though he takes care not to grip her ''arms'' so. It takes him a while. It
takes him maybe about thirty seconds, but thirty seconds feels like forever when you don't cry often and never let anyone see it if you do. And there's such loss in it-- but there's
also such ''fury'', helpless and desperate despairing rage, boundless and echoing like his voice doesn't, right now.
It finally winds down, and there's another laugh (how much hurt ''does'' he cover that way?) that sounds like it needs a kleenex, and there's him sitting back on his heels and
"Well," says Edmond, pulling shallow bowls down and spooning rice into them first, "it needed doing, and I happened to be hungry. So I said I would do it if they bought me a fancy
fishing a handkerchief out and using it for himself for once, and laughing again. "Do I hate myself enough right now to wait through getting the headache, or will I chicken out on
veggie sandwich from the--"
it and let my mask go?" He sounds wobbly, it's not quite gallows humor, but it's autopilot.
It's really not ''much'' of a hitch. And it's so smooth afterwards.
"--cafe, the Cat-22 Collective place, down the street thataway." That part gets an inclination of his chin. "But," he says with a breezy smile as he finishes spooning palak paneer
on top of the rice, then brings both bowls over to the coffee table and sets them down, spoons and all, "the newspaper said it was a paperwork mixup, so obviously no corpses were
ever stolen and I am having you on. There is clearly no need to stock up on fancy sandwiches, unless you are just planning to be nice to me."
Ziv is patient, she's busy stroking Czcibor's back and hair, like a mother might a child, while he lets it all out. When the currently mask-wearing Elemental sits back from her she
lets him go, unconcerned with any possible tears and snot he might have gotten on her shirt - or maybe her fur, as well. "Or you could..." Ziv offers, with a little wave of one of
her wings, probably understanding that difference between the mask and Czcibor's usual Elemental state. "...Go somewhere warm and have something to drink and stuff."
The batling's head gives a small bob after this, and she reaches out to put the tip of her wing on his shoulder, the pair of fingers that make it up curving against his coat. "It's  
He's having a conversation with a Fairest. A Fairest whose Mantle, weaker than Edmond's as it is, is still candlelight flickers and Autumn flowers. There is very little chance that
pretty cold here, and... Hot chocolate is -pretty- nice."
that hitch goes unnoticed.
If it is, though, it is filed away somewhere for later, not pounced on on the instant. "Should I not be nice to you?" Kelsey asks blithely, glancing back kitchenward to see whether
anything else needs carrying. "If you like me better ''not'' nice, I could always be mean. But that seems terribly out of balance when you've just been cooking for a pair of
strangers. Well. A stranger and a near-stranger."
The Polish man -- he can't look any older than twenty-five; sometimes he acts like he's forty, sometimes he acts like ... god only knows -- gives Ziv a watery, silver-eyed smile,
Edmond flops onto the couch and picks up the bowl he sat in front of, then sticks his tongue out at Kelsey. Mleh. And then he bursts out laughing. "I met both of you today! Just
wavery and still upset, but heady from the ragged fit of release. "If that is a hint you would like hot chocolate, I would be happy to go get some with you. But I don't want to go
because I have seen her in the hallway does not mean I know her. But now you are both near-strangers! I have no bread to break with you, alas, but perhaps this will suffice."
someplace I can't tell you things, and I don't want to go someplace anyone else will see me."
Apparently nothing else needs carrying: the burfi box is still on the table for after, and Kelsey brought the drink and glasses over, and there's dinner right there. As if to
punctuate, Edmond salutes with a spoonful and then stuffs it in his mouth.
Kelsey slides onto the couch on the other side, tucking themself in prim and small. The second bowl is collected and held delicately in his lap. "Breaking rice seems perfectly
appropriate," he says. "One grain's as good as another." His mouth curls upward at the corner nearer Edmond. And he deliberately fishes ''one single grain'' of rice out of his bowl
with his spoon, divides it neatly in half with the spoon's edge, and deposits one half on the edge of Edmond's bowl before eating the other. Then taking an actual spoonful and
trying with enough to, oh, actually taste. A pleased sound follows.
"I have a house. It's... also for this," says Ziv, honestly, patting her wing on Czcibor's shoulder and remaining near to him for the time being. If he wanted to, he could rather
easily lay back into her. "I know... a lot don't like to be upset in public. It's okay, I don't either. Or we can stay here if you want to." Her voice is soft, and she truly doesn't
sound concerned in regards to where they go - even so, there is at least concern written into the lines of her expression when she looks at him, brows drawn upwards and dark eyes
There is a sound that is almost a snort of laughter except that Edmond catches himself just in time and avoids getting spicy up the back of his nose. Then, with almost-grave
deliberation -- the suppressed smirk keeps tugging at the corners of his mouth -- he picks up the half-a-grain delicately and puts it in his mouth, watching Kelsey the whole time.
Okay, putting his fingertip in his mouth afterwards probably wasn't necessary, but there it is.
'I have a house' appear to be the magic words. Czcibor puts a warm -- warm despite the fact that it's ungloved, it's flesh, and it's cold out -- hand over the wingtip on his  
Perfectly matter-of-factly, but with a real smile for the sound of Kelsey appreciating his cooking, he goes back to eating his own bowl.
shoulder for a second, and his smile goes lopsided, looks laced with relief. "That sounds good. I mean, going to your house, not staying here. Staying here is in some ways
comforting, and is in some ways merely more self-flagellation, and I am told that that's a terrible and pointless habit."
He starts to get up laboriously, then rolls his eyes and dissipates, and a warm spring breeze curls around Ziv and ruffles her fur, smelling of roses and gunmetal and wisps of
smouldering sage. His voice is a soft sussurus in that wind. "Except fuck walking, I'm too tired."
Probably not necessary. Probably also not necessary: Kelsey answers the gesture with a glance through lowered lashes, head deliberately angled to allow it to be emphasized. Then
returns to his turn at primness, eating with a certain degree of delicacy. And without the American tendency to want to talk all the time while eating. Apparently he really ''does''
appreciate the palak paneer. That, or he might be concerned that he could break out laughing if he tried to say anything.
"...Sooo, what are we going to do then? I'd usually fly, or are we doing something else...?" wonders Ziv, but there was a nod there when Czcibor said 'pointless habit' - as if she
Eyebrows ''up''. For like a second. And then Ed just grins, bright and wide and delighted, and curls up in ''his'' corner of the couch with ''his'' palak paneer. He himself is not
probably agress that self-flagellation is absolutely not going to do the Captain any good! Her nose shivers a few times, as she sniffs at the air.
actually inclined to start laughing should he stop eating, or say anything, he's just hungry-- as evidenced by the fact that he manages to scarf the whole thing in two minutes and
still be on the civilized side of eating quickly. When he's done, he unfolds his legs and puts the bowl down and picks up his lassi, hyper-aware of Kelsey being there, but he still
doesn't say anything, just drinks his drink.
One thing that can be said for the place, as brightly and busily decorated as it is: it's meticulously spotless, and there's neither clutter nor mess. Absolutely everything is in
its place except what he'd just finished using to cook. It's warm, it ''looks'' warm with the fool-the-eye colors, it's someone's version of homey, and it is ''flawlessly clean''.
The books are alpha by author for fiction, and clearly grouped in topics and organized within those, and all lined up precisely so their spines are flush with each other; the spice
cabinet had been organized-- there's no mail or letters visible, the sarode is on its stand and its case is leaned against the wall behind it; the keyboard is broken but it's not
trailing guts or anything-- and the inbox and outbox of the typewriter are aligned with the edges of the little table it's on, and the chair is pulled up flush against its front.
The floor's seen better days, but from the cleanliness of the rest of the place, the guy probably washed it with a bleach solution when he moved in. After ripping up the unsalvageable carpet once it didn't respond to cleaner.
"Well," whispers the wind, a laugh in its warm voice, "I'm not invisible, I'm the air. So fly away! I'd say we could play tag, but since I don't know where we're going, I'll just
follow you."
The question is whether there's anything that can even be done for the carpeting, or whether it's custom-designed to reject carpet shampoo. One does not ask these things. One simply
does not.
Kelsey's rate of consumption is somewhat slower than Ed's, given time taken to savor, but soon enough he has his own glass cradled in his hands instead. The first sip may have been
a little overly quick; that's still more spice than most Americans are entirely used to. But not too much more in this case.
A nod from Ziv and then she turns to call up, trilling, into the night air. One of the bats from above responds and drifts downwards in order to land on her shoulder. It's - perhaps
"That," Kelsey says at length, "was really good." And definitely better than the amount of food visible in among the luggage he was hauling in, which if the rest of his bedding was
surprisingly - not the hedge beast that's almost certainly up there. A stroke of its back and then shadows seem to wrap around Ziv, warping - and then reducing her size. A quick
stuffed in there with the pillow, probably amounted to 'maybe a handful of breath mints.' "I think your neighbor has a better thing going than she knows."
shake, and then the 'new' bat clambers upwards to take off, winging it into the air - but not so fast that air-Czcibor can't follow.
Edmond looks supremely pleased with himself, toes curling around the edge of the couch cushion from where he'd drawn his legs up, and shoulders hunching in a little bit as he ducks
his head and beams at Kelsey, eyes little half-moons. "I am so glad! I was not allowed to cook when I was small, but I watched everything I could when I hid in the kitchen. I have
been watching cooking youtube videos and reading recipe books a lot since I got back, but I had not cooked for anyone else yet. You can come here for dinner any time you like!"
Air-Czcibor is, thankfully, also considerably faster than non-air Czcibor. He is only a light spring breeze in the middle of the oncoming winter chill, but it's still much more
freeing than literally leaden feet. He rises up into the sky and tracks specifically Ziv-bat, focus on her, and for now, like this, he can forget how full of sorrow and anger he is,
and just slight in ruffling fur and providing updrafts and downdrafts and flitting along beside and around and with Ziv and her gathering.
"Now that's a dangerous offer," Kelsey says, brightly sly and teasing again. He curls sideways and tucks his own knees up onto the couch cushions, toes pointed but shoes not
touching the upholstery. His hair, on the verge of lambent, curls down the front of his shoulder. "For all you know, I might eat you out of house and home. Or shall I buy groceries
for you to make up for it? Then you'll have more to spend on pen nibs."
It is not a pledge phrasing. It skirts close to it, but it's not.
The bats do, in fact, all turn and follow the new one that's joining them from the ground. It could almost be a specific Contract, but this likely has (for the most part) a more
natural cause. Soon there's the whole swarm of them, drifting through the spring breeze created by Czcibor. If he counts, there's about fifteen or so total - give or take.
The swarm of bats leads the Spring Courtier on towards the eastern side of Fort Brunsett, up near the hills where there are less buildings and it's more out of the way. Over one of
the smaller ones they circle, and then settle, shadows spiraling off of Ziv as she drops back to the ground as her more humanoid self. The normal bats chitter and chatter among
themselves, staying in the air and enjoying the warmer wind brought about by Czcibor's presence. He might notice a few of them have some sort of white markings on their nose...
Kelsey does not avoid Edmond's eyes, but meeting them is a quick thing, a flicker up and then away to his mouth, or his hands on the dishes, or the set of his shoulders. "I think I
should tell you," they say softly, "that I might flirt, but it's not serious. That I'm not actually -- mm, let me not use that saying. That I'm not actually looking for a
relationship. Or even for a hookup. I think right now you're having fun with it, and I think right now you're okay with it just being having fun. But I don't want to risk it getting
serious for you when it isn't, it can't be, for me."
Whether or not he'd have given that warning if Edmond's storm-warning summer-night Mantle weren't strong enough to push his own back ... that's a question for later, maybe. Or maybe
for never.
Breeze, whoosh, drift, shoooosh, drift, follow, play. Czcibor does notice the bat-markings, but doesn't know what they mean-- and he remains air for now, letting them play in the
His body language had gone still for a moment; now it eases, a shift of weight, a light little bend-and-stretch like a breath against a candleflame. "If you still were to write a
warmth, and he whispers to Ziv as he ruffles her fur, "I kind of don't want to turn back, but I also want hot chocolate. Dilemma! Hashtag elemental problems. Why do some of your
letter to me, knowing that -- why, then you might address it to Kelsey Williams, and it might get to me okay."
friends have white noses?"
Edmond pauses with the dishes in his hand, on the way to the sink, and the storm warning doesn't change. There's no anger ''here'', there's no heat of wrath, no lashing of a
monsoon, only the quiet chirping of crickets and the steady hum of the cicadas amongst the background sounds of living in a cheap apartment with thin walls in a bad neighborhood. He
doesn't look away from Kelsey, and nothing about his body language shows a gathering of tension.
"...Huh?" Ziv asks, in response to the hashtag comment, possibly, or something else. Her eyes lift to the bats zipping around overhead, and then she answers with, "They're... sick.
Only there's a faintly amused, faintly sad little quirk to one corner of his mouth, and then he goes on moving again, to put the dishes in the sink and turn on the water so it runs
I need to find someone that can help me treat them, soon, who knows about hedgefruit tinctures or something... It's why they're with me. The winter's not going to be good for them,
hot, eventually. While he waits, he takes out a dry erase marker and he writes 'Kelsey Williams' on the fridge in a gloriously graceful, looping, antique hand. As he writes, and
if they don't have good access to food and stuff."
then as he re-caps the marker and goes back to the sink, he speaks.
"That is all right. I believe I will survive this vast and aching disappointment. Please do not think it creepy if I date guys who look a little like you-- it is only that you
''are''," he glances over his shoulder and grins at Kelsey, "my type. If we are to be friends, that is perfectly lovely. If we are friends who flirt, that is lovely also. Only if--
you think you are flirting too much, please do not stop the friends part, only the flirting part."
"Ohhhh," whispers the wind, and it resolves into a small man-sized tornado, which further resolves into a man-shaped one, and then all of a sudden finishes forming into a tin
"I may have guessed the your-type part," Kelsey admits, with a gloriously exaggerated show of modesty. Fortunately, he's still on the couch, so he can't actually scuff a toe on the  
soldier, whose Mask is no longer strengthened. Still in all black, but with dark grey metal skin and its usual shining scars and abrasions, and no hint of the tears or puffy eyes.
floor. "That is. I did notice that your neighbor and I look a ''tiny'' bit alike. Just a touch." Small, thin, blond -- he doesn't have that smile, granted.
He does stagger a little on forming, hastily shifting all his weight to his right leg, but he doesn't pay it any mind, only looks up at the bats. "I don't know an awful lot about
them, but I'm learning -- most of my healing's been through contracts. I do have a bunch of preserved fruit, though, which I'd be more than happy to give to tide them over. Can
normal bats eat hedgefruit?"
It's a moment after that he uncurls from the couch, slipping over toward the counter, trailing behind and regarding the handwriting on the refrigerator. "If ''you'' think," he says
lightly, "I am flirting too much ... please tell me, so that we can also stop the right part there. I don't know what you find acceptable, and what you find beyond the pale." He
pauses. "-- is that an idiom you know? English is made out of weird."
"I... don't know. I figure if a mortal can, they can? But these probably shouldn't. They're insectiv... Insect... they eat insects," explains Ziv with a gesture up towards the bats
"I," says Edmond comedically self-importantly, "even know the ''origin'' of that phrase." Comedically; his fingertips are on his chest for a moment, which leaves suds on navy blue
overhead. She turns to move towards the door then, fishing a key out of one of her pockets. A quick glance back to Czcibor is given, and she pauses before starting to unlock the
hoodie-front. Then he finishes up and actually dries the dishes and puts them away. "Also, she is safe from being my type, I am not attracted to girls. I fear I break many, many
door. "You don't want to leave your mask up? It seemed to... do you some good."
hearts just by walking around."
He ''sounds'' completely serious, but there's laughter in his eyes as he turns back to look at Kelsey, and there's fondness there. "I am a great deal older than I look, or act,
Kelsey. I think if you start groping me I will ask if you have changed your mind about hooking up, and if you say you have not, then I will inform you that you are in fact flirting
too much."
The tin man waves a hand, and the Mask comes back up, zooping his snowdrops and petrichor back into the magical aether from whence they came. "It came undone when I turned into
Kelsey steps back from the counter at this news --
air," he says with a shrug. "I mostly put it up because it's easier to get hurt and it's possible to cry and I didn't want to see Spring all over the place when all I wanted to do
was explode." It's all so matter-of-fact. "I still don't. But it's also just a very useful lie and I hate lying. So: pros and cons."
-- to give himself room to drop into an extravagantly courtly bow over his left arm, right hand out in a fluid flourish, left foot drawn back in poised counterweight. He holds the
pose for a moment before straightening. "I'll keep that boundary in mind, and on your own head be the rest."
There's an instant's pause. "Mmm. I should tell you that I'm occasionally a girl. But only occasionally, and briefly, and honestly it almost always seems to happen when I have a
knife in my hand for reasons entirely unrelated to food. So it shouldn't be a problem, I think." He cocks his head to the side inquisitively; the motion makes a bright ruffle out of
the contained firefall of his ponytail. "I hope."
"Oh! Well... no spring here, at least for a while," indeed, Ziv's flower bed is quite barren at the moment, as is the window box, in preparation for the colder season. Opening the
The voice in the back of his head screaming at him about why in the world he's opening his mouth on the subject in the first place is consigned ruthlessly to the same internal box  
door, she steps inside to the comparatively very warm cabin, which carries with it the faint scent of cinnamon and other spices. "This, though, is a little more homey than a
as the urge, a few moments ago, to touch that hint of sadness at the side of Edmond's mouth. The only hint of either unexplained touch of irrationality is a faint, faint brittleness
in his smile.
The Captain lets out a distinctly embarrassed laugh. "Yes, well, when feeling gothy, where better to goth out than a graveyard?" As he steps in behind Ziv, then
Edmond looks faintly taken aback, but then shrugs and smiles. "Well, you are not interested in hooking up-- or a serious romantic relationship-- anyway, so yes. That is fine." He
closes the door behind him, he's already shrugging out of his coat: it ''is'' comparatively warmer, and a renewal of the heightened sensations of a body that's not
leans against the counter himself, then, across from Kelsey. "If you were, I--"
made of hollow-cast lead makes for distinctions in temperature. His silver eyes soften at, indeed, the hominess of the space. "Thank you for inviting me."
The Elemental pauses, looking even more startled, and shuts his mouth. Then he frowns a little, and when he looks back up at Kelsey his eyebrows are up, like this is news to him but
it's topical and relevant so he's going to damn well share it anyway. "If you were, then for you, I would be willing to work on it. And I don't know why. I have known you less than
an hour, and that seems a silly thing to say. But-- just-- there is... trauma. So please do not surprise me by being-- ..." His mouth shuts again, as he looks for a way to put it.
Finally he sighs and straightens up, running a hand through his thick starry black hair. "I do not think you would do that. But in the interest of full disclosure, I will... freak
out. If you are a girl and you start coming even close to the line I have drawn already."
There are also, currently, icicle type lights draped along the upper bannister, which casts a soft glow over the cabin even before Ziv reaches over with her wingtip
to flick on the lights and illuminate the... kitchen. So it's about half illuminated, leaving the rest in soft, pleasant light that's still partially shadow. "You're
welcome," she chirrups, heading along into the kitchen before starting to fish around into the refrigerator. "It's why I have a nicer home in the first place, so I
can have company... make yourself at home, and um... Anything you want to talk about?"
In the meanwhile, she's taking out some milk and putting it into mugs.
There's a quick shake of Kelsey's head when Edmond trails off on the request not to surprise him. Another quick shake when Edmond is finished, and now the tail of his hair is hardly
a tail at all, as opposed to a bright half-glowing ball of dandelion fluff. He pulls it back over his shoulder and runs his fingers through it. "No," he says. "That's not something
I'd do. That's -- we've all got trauma. The way we get along is by not ''stepping'' on it. And I understand. I --" He hesitates for an instant. "There are things that make me freak
out like that, too. I'll remember that's the same for you as ... as glass elevators are for me. So if I ever shift like that when I'm near you, I'll back off. Probably across the
room. If that's okay, if that won't upset you."
Czcibor's quiet for a moment, losing himself in the icicle lights. It's not quite long enough a silence to be awkward, but his voice is really quiet when he ''does''
"That is over-okay," says Edmond with a little shake of his head and a chuff of a laugh, bracing his hands against the edge of the counter. For what it's worth, he hasn't backed
speak. "The second problem is just... stupid. I'll get over it. The first problem-- is-- I met a girl who I think lives in Fort Brunsett? I met her in the woods when
off, hasn't even telegraphed it. "I can be close to you. I have many friends who are girls-- I do not avoid touching them, being near them. Hugs are okay! A kiss on the cheek is
I was working up to the catch to turn into air, and I was just sitting on the mountainside near one of the entrances to the Looptrod. I'd just been killing
okay! Just-- not-- just not anything that... hmm... that a sister or a mother would not do," he finally settles on, looking wry, looking apologetic.
briarwolves with Vorpal..." He shakes his head, then moves over to the futon and sits on the edge of it, still holding his coat. "She looked exactly like an old
friend of mine. Someone I dated on and off, back in Vienna. Almost exactly like. Physically exact. A star-wolf, my friend had called herself, part wolf and part
Telluric... she had a similar way of speaking around her teeth, she had the same constellations, the same mannerisms... but it wasn't her. She said she didn't know
the girl I was talking about. She said she looked exactly like someone who was not... the girl I was talking about, but that it was not something to talk about,
there; we'd gone back into the hedge so she could claim some of the biggest briarwolf corpse..."
Straightening up a little more, the starry boy looks down at his wooden hands, then glances up past Kelsey, and moves around the counter again to head back to the couch and the
lassi. "We do not step on trauma, yes, but sometimes related things can be stupid and awkward and upsetting to people we like, and I am sorry if-- this is--"
His hand closes on his glass, and he picks it up and holds it in both, and he just keeps looking down at it. "It is not you, or what is a part of you, and it is not me, and it is  
Ziv listens to this while she stirs in one packet of powdered hot chocolate, and then puts the first mug into the microwave, letting it run for a while. A few steps
not any of my friends who are girls, and it is not any other girls, it is just-- Her." He actually shuts his eyes and there's actually legimitately a flinch that ''stays'', like
are taken to put her nearer to Czcibor, and a little further away from the hum of the microwave, so that she can hear more easily. A small pinch comes to her brows, a
someone unused to alcohol getting a mouthful of straight scotch. A faint breath, and he forces himself to relax, and his words are quiet and firm, a resolution. "Someday I will be
line forming at the center of her forehead - it's there, but hard to see, considering her short, black fur.
able to make myself get past it. I am sorry. Our conversation was fun! And then I went left."
Rather than giving her thoughts at the moment, she gestures with a wing for Czcibor to continue, dark eyes on him.
"...we used to be afraid," he finally says, voice low, not the resonant hum it is normally when this quiet. Just there, in the air with them, his words and his hands
clutching the wool of his coat. "The lot of us, who were lost and new to all of this, in Vienna. We used to be afraid of what could make one of us into one of Them.
We used to be afraid of what might make one of us finally snap. And we were afraid when we saw it happen to some of us in stages, piece by piece by piece, losing
their minds or their hearts, and nothing we could do could stop it. No words we could say, no hopes or havens we could offer. She-- I knew her when she was human, and
I tried to protect her from those of us who wanted to keep her locked away for her own safety, but I couldn't. She was Taken by one of Them, and I was there when she
came back one of us." He looks up at Ziv, and his face is blank, and his eyes are distant. "I watched her go from small and afraid and powerless to one of the most
powerful among us, as I lost other friends in other ways, and as we all grew in power and scope, and lost the things that we treasured. When my brother got Taken
again, and my motley went after him... when I came back, she was gone, and so was her cat-man boyfriend."
He lets out a breath. "This girl looks exactly like her. And she says she looks like someone who is not my friend. And she doesn't like cats. And I know that if we
lose ourselves, we become Them. What are the odds, Ziv? And that this girl should be here, in Vermont, new, just after I arrived?"
Ziv continues to look thoughtful, not immediately answering what Czcibor says. Eventually, her voice is very soft as she answers, "I'd be... really, really careful
about this, Czcibor. In this case... it... it really sounds... fishy, in this case. Either she... could be the person and is lying, since... well." She kind of
gestures with a wing, in indication of Czcibor. What could that mean. "...It could be she doesn't remember... or it could be someone made to... look like her. To
trick you."
The last part is said very quiet, with an almost dire undercurrent to Ziv's tone. She seems about to continue, when the microwave chimes. That gets a blink, and then
she goes to take the mug out, and add another packet of hot chocolate powder to it, mixing it up with the spoon held between her thumb and the upper ridge of her
"I ''know''," the Captain says miserably, hunching over on the couch, putting his head in his hands. "You haven't even-- it's not to trick me. She's not her, and she
knows she's not her, she knows who she is. She has an accent from this area, even. I think it's worse. I think she's innocent, and that-- that the girl who was my
friend, she's one of Them now, and she took this girl and made her to look like her. And put her near me. I'm terrified that she might know where I am. I'm furious
that she might do this to an innocent girl. I'm-- I'm--"
Ready to explode, as he'd said before. "She's so new. So young. This isn't her fault. She was hurt just as we were. Whoever she is, she survived it just as we did.
But she's too ''new'' to be Liane, this girl. She doesn't have the magic. But she has the same habits born of horror-- starving, being without-- and going for the
liver first if allowed at the guts. If she's a trap she doesn't know it."
Leaving her own mug of hot chocolate on the counter for the time being, Ziv circles around to where Czcibor is sitting and reaches out to try to take one of his
hands from him. If successful, she presses the mug into it, curling her own chilled, leathery wing around his fingers and holding it there. Her voice, when she
speaks, is incredibly soft - scarcely above a whisper but fervent. "It is -not- your fault. You... you can't control everything that happens, Chee. You can't do it...
you're just... part of this world like the rest of us. If you -could- control everything... you'd be one of Them, too."
The hand's successfully taken, the mug pressed into it, the wing curled around hand and mug both-- and bright, red-rimmed silver eyes, too canny, too ''aware'', and ''far'' too
present here in this moment as well as in too many others-- they look up to meet Ziv's warm gaze. "I know," he says heavily, "and that's how I get by. But sometimes it's too big.
He trails off and looks away, tightness around his eyes and breath caught in a lump in his throat. His voice is even quieter when he finally continues, still not looking up,
"...sometimes I think I must be part of the problem. Even-- determined as I am not to be like Them, not to ever, ever become one of Them, sometimes I think just connecting with
people at all is dangerous for them. Normal human beings and Lost ones alike. There's an entire year-- I don't remember at all. I don't know what I did, in it. I know I went mad.
And I know I deliberately forgot why, so that I could claw my way back out. Whatever I did that was so bad... was ''that'' like Them? Did I kill someone? Did I kill someone to
prevent them from becoming one of Them? Because sometimes, in the blackest moments, it seems like that might be the only way to stop it."
His other hand comes up to wrap around Ziv's around his and he looks up quickly. "I wouldn't. I couldn't. Because until the moment it's too late, there's hope." And then his
expression is this horribly lost thing, falling down and battered and broken and how long has he been standing against thoughts like this? "It just keeps being too late."
For her part, Ziv listens, ears oriented towards Czcibor and very, very quiet while she does so. Most of it, what would she even say? It is possible, that even inexperienced as she
is, she knows what he's talking about - or understands it. Sometimes, when you've shut away entrenching yourself in higher functions, it becomes easier to understand some things.
"...If you did," she eventually says, very softly, keeping that melodic quality to her voice. "...You can't change it; and you probably shouldn't... all we can do is move forward.
Looking at the past is like... like being stuck in a trap. Quicksand, maybe. There isn't anything you can... really do with it, except let it hold you back. Keep you from growing.
Keep you from trying again."
Her tongue - mottled pink and black - slips out to wet her lips briefly before she continues, "I've... heard that you can't -really- make anyone do anything. Not really... I mean,
I guess there's certain masterminds and stuff... but on our level? We can't. There's always... part of them there that's going to do it." An ear twitch. "...You can try to save
someone. Pull them away from a path. But... if you do the best you can, and they still walk on it? It's... not your fault. Sometimes, things are just out of your hands." Which she
gives a squeeze, a strange feeling considering the spindly state of her fingers and the cold webbing between them.
There's a very small laugh from the elemental on Ziv's couch, and he glances back up at her again, and finally, his eyes look a little less lost. He looks down at his cocoa, and  
gently disentangles his hands from hers after the squeeze. "But," he says, smiling a little lopsidedly, "hot chocolate is ''not'' out of my hands."
He takes a careful sip, and after the heat of it startles him, the taste of it is savored tremendously. He actually visibly relaxes. "This is better than stupid cognac and stupid
filet mignon," he observes, tension melting away by stages. "I wouldn't want to ''make'' anyone do anything anyway. And-- you're right. About the past. Most of the time-- most of
the time I don't even think about it. It's just that sometimes something happens and I can't help it, and it ''is'' quicksand. And I miss so many people... but all I can do is be
the person they believed I am."
Ziv straightens out of the kneel she'd moved into, one wing stretching towards Czcibor in order to drape the first few fingers of it over his shoulder and allow him, however
temporarily, to wear it like a half-cape. "Yeah... and I -know- it's hard. I've... not even been out, or seen as much as you have... and I still feel it, too. I kind of worry over
people. Feel... certain things..."
Allowing that to trail off, the batling shakes her head with a small puff of breath, before pushing a smile to her dark lips. "But... you can't let yourself drown, too. Some of
them... that's even what they may want. You may have believed them your friends in the past... but they aren't now... and they will hurt you. Or try to." Her voice grows more quiet
towards the end of that, where the volume had increased prior. A small squeeze with her spindly wing-fingers is given.
Czcibor leans into that touch a little bit, still smiling, though it's even smaller now. "I know that, too," he says very softly. "I have killed Gentry who were once my friends. I
know that too late ''is'' too late. That's-- it's why I mourn for them even if they still live -- because the people who were my friends are gone as surely as if they were lying in
the ground. But--"
His hands curl more tightly around the mug. "But they ''were'' my friends. If I stop believing that, or if I think I was misled or lied to, that's the path that starts turning into
no trust for anyone. That's the path that leads to insanity and murder, to preemptive, preventative deaths. And I won't. I won't do that. So I will mourn for my friends, and
whenever I find out about one-- I'll either go get drunk in a graveyard or I'll rampage through the hedge and kill briarwolves until my temper's out of my system. I don't know. Or
I'll cry on you, maybe," he finishes, looking up again with a much more wry smile.
Ziv sinks down onto the couch next to Czcibor, tucking her claws under and outwards, knees together. Thoughtfully, she puts her wings down on her knees, looking off around the room,
"...I think that's... a good way to handle it." It's said agreeably, as she leans over to nudge her shoulder against human-Czcibor's, while the Elemental's busy allowing himself to
feel and cry and whatever else he needs to do, at the moment. "You can... remember things, and wish that they'd turned out better... because there's hope there... but when you get
One ear turns, and she nods, dark eyes moving back over onto Czcibor's face. "...Thinking about how things could have been different, being... bitter. That's when things get bad.
Yeah. Sorrow's good, but only when it's kind of... I don't know. Transparent. Like ice." Leave it to the Winter. "Instead of all... black and confused and full of cracks and
"Sorrow's good when it's real, and when it adds to the clarity with which you see the world," agrees Czcibor then, looking at the steam rising from his cocoa. A different, more
distantly absent smile plays at his preoccupied face. "Nobody should be ruled by one emotion, anyway. But that's a conversation I have a lot." Finally, he focuses on Ziv again, and
he smiles for real. "I don't get bitter. I don't even like black coffee. Thank you, Zivka. You just fished me out of a very awkward hole."
"...Zivka?" wonders Ziv, curiously, when Czcibor calls her that - one of her ears twitches. She looks to be kind of interested, though, even if it doesn't appear immediately
familiar. A broader, brighter smile is given though and she offers up in answer, "You're welcome. I... I'm happy to do it." For just a second it looks as if she might say more, but
instead the little Beast pulls her knees up, talons grasping the edge of the cushion on the futon, and she just reiterates. "You're welcome."
Okay, now, there's a ''bright'' smile, laughter behind it. "Diminutive. A nickname, even if it makes your name longer. Like you called me Chee." A pause, and then concern. "Is that
"Yes!" It might be a little overly enthusiastic when Ziv says it. She clears her throat, giving a firm nod of her head once, and leans over to bump her shoulder against Czcibor's
again. "It's fine."

Revision as of 19:35, 25 November 2017

LAST TIME in Meeting Neighbors:

"Oh no!" calls Edmond, honestly dismayed. "Listen: I am Edmond Basumatary! When I hear you come home I will knock and have leftovers for you, okay? Or if you hear me playing you can knock!" He finishes chopping the spinach, and then looks sadly at Kelsey after Elliot flees, his hands pausing for a moment in their deft work. "Did you hear her stomach? I feel bad now. I hope she does not have an entirely hungry shift."

That's a lot of syllables to try to fit between Elliot's 'have to go' and her being out the door. Kelsey doesn't try to get any in edgewise. He eyes the door behind Elliot instead, with a tight little frown and knit eyebrows. "Well, hey," he says after a moment. "If it gets really bad, she could always eat her coworkers."

Hopefully he's kidding.

At least he's a little short to be Hannibal Lecter.


"..." Edmond turns to give Kelsey a slow look, but apparently decides 'eating coworkers' is a joke, because he just shakes his head and smirks and picks up the cutting board to brush all the chopped spinach into the simmering and popping ghee, stirs it with a wooden spoon, and adds a little of the simmering cream. He opens the overhead cabinet again to take down more spices and starts putting them in with all that, eyeballing amounts; he talks all the while. "I never see her with groceries or takeaway food," he says, corner of his mouth turning down a little until he blows his bangs out of his face with a quick upward puff of breath.

"You're right," Kelsey concedes to that slow look. "She's too close to my build, they could fend her off with a knife and probably carry her around like a backpack if she tried a garrote." He wanders closer to the so-named kitchen, leaning on the side of the counter to try to get a look at the overhead cabinet, or at least at the spices actually involved. "So either she eats at work, or she doesn't eat? That goes with the nervousness."

Edmond rolls his eyes at Kelsey, but makes room for him to peer into the cabinet or around his shoulder to see what he's doing, what he's adding. What he's doing right now is dumping the rest of the bit of cream in with the spinach and spices and a little bit more ghee, and then getting out a frying pan and putting the same combination of ghee and spices in the bottom of that, then dumping the cubes of paneer into that to let them brown and sizzle some. "She probably eats when she can," he says quietly, then sidesteps Kelsey gracefully and opens up the fridge to take out a ziploc of cooked rice. A steampot's bottom section's filled with about three fingers of water and the basket put in it, and then the cold cooked rice goes in the basket with a lid on top. "Part time jobs are kind of shit. So are irregular jobs, but at least with mine, sometimes I get a lot of money at once."

Far side of the counter, not actually in the way. Mostly, anyway. "Yeah," Kelsey says, to the 'eats when she can.' And again, "Yeah," overlapping with 'so are irregular jobs.' There's a brief smirk at the 'sometimes I get a lot of money at once.' "Let's face it. If our jobs weren't shit, we wouldn't be living someplace like this. I'm a little worried about what might be paying rent for inside the walls."

"Eh, I like living in places that are like this," says Edmond with a philosophical shrug, then grins, teeth once more bright in his evening-sky face; his stars glitter with self-amusement. "Unless they do not let me repaint the walls. Then to hell with them." He takes a spatula and starts flipping the cheese cubes on their sides to brown them more evenly, and the scent of the food is already growing thick in the air. "When you are poor and everyone around you is poor, you are not judged for the wealth or status you may have. There is no one to dictate what you can and cannot do, and you may give as much as you like without it being charity."

For all that the primary note in Kelsey's mien is candleflame, his eyes are one of the bright leaf-greens common among plant-kin. And those bright green eyes are drawn to that glitter, particularly striking as it is against the dark background of Edmond's skin, then the red of the walls.

Conversation, however, is not derailed by any mentally-numbed 'your stars are pretty' remarks. "Is that why you haven't fixed the problem?" Kelsey wonders. "An aesthetic or moral preference for poverty? Not that I've fixed it either, mind, but I haven't been here as long."

The boy of stars with hands of wood and feet of clay, he glances up from his frying in mild surprise. "...problem?" he echoes vaguely, then goes back over everything that just got said and focuses. "Oh. Neither aesthetic nor moral. Primarily convenience. And also--"

Here Edmond looks distinctly self-amused, and even the stars in his hair twinkle brightly, and the ones in his eyes are practically suns. He flips the cheese blocks again, not even paying attention to them, and absently takes the lid off the spinach and stirs the pot again. "--when I come into money I buy nice clothes and new strings and pen nibs. I do not have an airtight identity, so banks and things of that nature are awkward, anyway. And I like to move around. It is easier to pack and leave if everything fits in a shitty little car."

That grin is like sunlight itself.

Kelsey spreads his own hands, distinctly non-wooden, even if their shadowed places take on the lilac hue and soft, uncannily even textures of flower petals. "I can't argue," he says. "Given that you've just seen me hauling most of my worldly goods. Most; I have a shipment of inventory catching up with me soon. But there's something to be said for nice clothes and emergency funds. Or in your case, for feeding your starveling neighbor, since you seem intent on making that a habit."

The grin turns decidedly sheepish. "She is nice and she is hungry. I do not like it when people are hungry and it is not on purpose." Then he shrugs blithely, and shuts off the heat under the cheese, moving to pour the excess ghee into a warm glass jar and dump the fried cheese into the spinach, stirring it again. He also takes the lid off the steamer, and un-clumps the rice before replacing the lid. As he opens the fridge again and takes out a tetra-pak of mango lassi, he notes offhandedly, "She has a job, she also may not be starving for much longer. It does not matter to me: I like to share. Can you put this on the table? Glasses are in the cabinet next to your head."

There's a wicked little spark in those green eyes now, and it's echoed in the sly smile -- but that smile's a conspiratorial one, rather than cutting. His tone's teasing, too, but it's not the kind of teasing that pushes away. "You don't know her well enough not to have to tell her what name to call you by. But you know her well enough to know she's nice? That's interesting." Then Kelsey threads himself in, careful of Edmond's range of motion and of avoiding jogging elbows, to retrieve two glasses. Given the size of the kitchen, this does put him in thwacking range. If thwacking occurs, he's likewise careful not to drop glass (or plastic) or spill lassi, even if he's pouring at the time.

Eyebrows lifting at Kelsey over his shoulder, Edmond looks prim suddenly. "Of course she is nice. She may also be an axe murderer, but if so, she is a nice one. It is perfectly possible to be both nice and evil, or nice and completely batty in awful and dangerous ways, or nice and also sometimes utterly awful." The prim literally only lasts through what he says, and then Edmond's laughing as he turns the heat off underneath the spinach cheese thing and puts the lid on it. "You, I think, are not nice, but I believe I like you anyway. I am very nice, but I will also steal a corpse from a police morgue in payment for a fancy sandwich. Nice is not a very telling descriptor, you see."

"I am terribly nice," Kelsey says brightly, letting lashes flutter back at Kelsey over his own shoulder before he goes to set the pair of glasses on the table. "If only because 'nice' is a word that's meant almost anything, one time or another. Including polar opposites. Everyone's nice for one of them or another."

He drifts back doorward, but only to listen at it for a moment (anyone in the hallway? No-one in the hallway) before adding, "That's a remarkably specific example. I feel like I should stock up on fancy sandwiches."

"Well," says Edmond, pulling shallow bowls down and spooning rice into them first, "it needed doing, and I happened to be hungry. So I said I would do it if they bought me a fancy veggie sandwich from the--"

It's really not much of a hitch. And it's so smooth afterwards.

"--cafe, the Cat-22 Collective place, down the street thataway." That part gets an inclination of his chin. "But," he says with a breezy smile as he finishes spooning palak paneer on top of the rice, then brings both bowls over to the coffee table and sets them down, spoons and all, "the newspaper said it was a paperwork mixup, so obviously no corpses were ever stolen and I am having you on. There is clearly no need to stock up on fancy sandwiches, unless you are just planning to be nice to me."

He's having a conversation with a Fairest. A Fairest whose Mantle, weaker than Edmond's as it is, is still candlelight flickers and Autumn flowers. There is very little chance that that hitch goes unnoticed.

If it is, though, it is filed away somewhere for later, not pounced on on the instant. "Should I not be nice to you?" Kelsey asks blithely, glancing back kitchenward to see whether anything else needs carrying. "If you like me better not nice, I could always be mean. But that seems terribly out of balance when you've just been cooking for a pair of strangers. Well. A stranger and a near-stranger."

Edmond flops onto the couch and picks up the bowl he sat in front of, then sticks his tongue out at Kelsey. Mleh. And then he bursts out laughing. "I met both of you today! Just because I have seen her in the hallway does not mean I know her. But now you are both near-strangers! I have no bread to break with you, alas, but perhaps this will suffice." Apparently nothing else needs carrying: the burfi box is still on the table for after, and Kelsey brought the drink and glasses over, and there's dinner right there. As if to punctuate, Edmond salutes with a spoonful and then stuffs it in his mouth.

Kelsey slides onto the couch on the other side, tucking themself in prim and small. The second bowl is collected and held delicately in his lap. "Breaking rice seems perfectly appropriate," he says. "One grain's as good as another." His mouth curls upward at the corner nearer Edmond. And he deliberately fishes one single grain of rice out of his bowl with his spoon, divides it neatly in half with the spoon's edge, and deposits one half on the edge of Edmond's bowl before eating the other. Then taking an actual spoonful and trying with enough to, oh, actually taste. A pleased sound follows.

There is a sound that is almost a snort of laughter except that Edmond catches himself just in time and avoids getting spicy up the back of his nose. Then, with almost-grave deliberation -- the suppressed smirk keeps tugging at the corners of his mouth -- he picks up the half-a-grain delicately and puts it in his mouth, watching Kelsey the whole time.

Okay, putting his fingertip in his mouth afterwards probably wasn't necessary, but there it is.

Perfectly matter-of-factly, but with a real smile for the sound of Kelsey appreciating his cooking, he goes back to eating his own bowl.

Probably not necessary. Probably also not necessary: Kelsey answers the gesture with a glance through lowered lashes, head deliberately angled to allow it to be emphasized. Then returns to his turn at primness, eating with a certain degree of delicacy. And without the American tendency to want to talk all the time while eating. Apparently he really does appreciate the palak paneer. That, or he might be concerned that he could break out laughing if he tried to say anything.

Eyebrows up. For like a second. And then Ed just grins, bright and wide and delighted, and curls up in his corner of the couch with his palak paneer. He himself is not actually inclined to start laughing should he stop eating, or say anything, he's just hungry-- as evidenced by the fact that he manages to scarf the whole thing in two minutes and still be on the civilized side of eating quickly. When he's done, he unfolds his legs and puts the bowl down and picks up his lassi, hyper-aware of Kelsey being there, but he still doesn't say anything, just drinks his drink.

One thing that can be said for the place, as brightly and busily decorated as it is: it's meticulously spotless, and there's neither clutter nor mess. Absolutely everything is in its place except what he'd just finished using to cook. It's warm, it looks warm with the fool-the-eye colors, it's someone's version of homey, and it is flawlessly clean. The books are alpha by author for fiction, and clearly grouped in topics and organized within those, and all lined up precisely so their spines are flush with each other; the spice cabinet had been organized-- there's no mail or letters visible, the sarode is on its stand and its case is leaned against the wall behind it; the keyboard is broken but it's not trailing guts or anything-- and the inbox and outbox of the typewriter are aligned with the edges of the little table it's on, and the chair is pulled up flush against its front.

The floor's seen better days, but from the cleanliness of the rest of the place, the guy probably washed it with a bleach solution when he moved in. After ripping up the unsalvageable carpet once it didn't respond to cleaner.

The question is whether there's anything that can even be done for the carpeting, or whether it's custom-designed to reject carpet shampoo. One does not ask these things. One simply does not.

Kelsey's rate of consumption is somewhat slower than Ed's, given time taken to savor, but soon enough he has his own glass cradled in his hands instead. The first sip may have been a little overly quick; that's still more spice than most Americans are entirely used to. But not too much more in this case.

"That," Kelsey says at length, "was really good." And definitely better than the amount of food visible in among the luggage he was hauling in, which if the rest of his bedding was stuffed in there with the pillow, probably amounted to 'maybe a handful of breath mints.' "I think your neighbor has a better thing going than she knows."

Edmond looks supremely pleased with himself, toes curling around the edge of the couch cushion from where he'd drawn his legs up, and shoulders hunching in a little bit as he ducks his head and beams at Kelsey, eyes little half-moons. "I am so glad! I was not allowed to cook when I was small, but I watched everything I could when I hid in the kitchen. I have been watching cooking youtube videos and reading recipe books a lot since I got back, but I had not cooked for anyone else yet. You can come here for dinner any time you like!"

"Now that's a dangerous offer," Kelsey says, brightly sly and teasing again. He curls sideways and tucks his own knees up onto the couch cushions, toes pointed but shoes not touching the upholstery. His hair, on the verge of lambent, curls down the front of his shoulder. "For all you know, I might eat you out of house and home. Or shall I buy groceries for you to make up for it? Then you'll have more to spend on pen nibs."

It is not a pledge phrasing. It skirts close to it, but it's not.

Kelsey does not avoid Edmond's eyes, but meeting them is a quick thing, a flicker up and then away to his mouth, or his hands on the dishes, or the set of his shoulders. "I think I should tell you," they say softly, "that I might flirt, but it's not serious. That I'm not actually -- mm, let me not use that saying. That I'm not actually looking for a relationship. Or even for a hookup. I think right now you're having fun with it, and I think right now you're okay with it just being having fun. But I don't want to risk it getting serious for you when it isn't, it can't be, for me."

Whether or not he'd have given that warning if Edmond's storm-warning summer-night Mantle weren't strong enough to push his own back ... that's a question for later, maybe. Or maybe for never.

His body language had gone still for a moment; now it eases, a shift of weight, a light little bend-and-stretch like a breath against a candleflame. "If you still were to write a letter to me, knowing that -- why, then you might address it to Kelsey Williams, and it might get to me okay."

Edmond pauses with the dishes in his hand, on the way to the sink, and the storm warning doesn't change. There's no anger here, there's no heat of wrath, no lashing of a monsoon, only the quiet chirping of crickets and the steady hum of the cicadas amongst the background sounds of living in a cheap apartment with thin walls in a bad neighborhood. He doesn't look away from Kelsey, and nothing about his body language shows a gathering of tension.

Only there's a faintly amused, faintly sad little quirk to one corner of his mouth, and then he goes on moving again, to put the dishes in the sink and turn on the water so it runs hot, eventually. While he waits, he takes out a dry erase marker and he writes 'Kelsey Williams' on the fridge in a gloriously graceful, looping, antique hand. As he writes, and then as he re-caps the marker and goes back to the sink, he speaks.

"That is all right. I believe I will survive this vast and aching disappointment. Please do not think it creepy if I date guys who look a little like you-- it is only that you are," he glances over his shoulder and grins at Kelsey, "my type. If we are to be friends, that is perfectly lovely. If we are friends who flirt, that is lovely also. Only if-- you think you are flirting too much, please do not stop the friends part, only the flirting part."

"I may have guessed the your-type part," Kelsey admits, with a gloriously exaggerated show of modesty. Fortunately, he's still on the couch, so he can't actually scuff a toe on the floor. "That is. I did notice that your neighbor and I look a tiny bit alike. Just a touch." Small, thin, blond -- he doesn't have that smile, granted.

It's a moment after that he uncurls from the couch, slipping over toward the counter, trailing behind and regarding the handwriting on the refrigerator. "If you think," he says lightly, "I am flirting too much ... please tell me, so that we can also stop the right part there. I don't know what you find acceptable, and what you find beyond the pale." He pauses. "-- is that an idiom you know? English is made out of weird."

"I," says Edmond comedically self-importantly, "even know the origin of that phrase." Comedically; his fingertips are on his chest for a moment, which leaves suds on navy blue hoodie-front. Then he finishes up and actually dries the dishes and puts them away. "Also, she is safe from being my type, I am not attracted to girls. I fear I break many, many hearts just by walking around."

He sounds completely serious, but there's laughter in his eyes as he turns back to look at Kelsey, and there's fondness there. "I am a great deal older than I look, or act, Kelsey. I think if you start groping me I will ask if you have changed your mind about hooking up, and if you say you have not, then I will inform you that you are in fact flirting too much."

Kelsey steps back from the counter at this news --

-- to give himself room to drop into an extravagantly courtly bow over his left arm, right hand out in a fluid flourish, left foot drawn back in poised counterweight. He holds the pose for a moment before straightening. "I'll keep that boundary in mind, and on your own head be the rest."

There's an instant's pause. "Mmm. I should tell you that I'm occasionally a girl. But only occasionally, and briefly, and honestly it almost always seems to happen when I have a knife in my hand for reasons entirely unrelated to food. So it shouldn't be a problem, I think." He cocks his head to the side inquisitively; the motion makes a bright ruffle out of the contained firefall of his ponytail. "I hope."

The voice in the back of his head screaming at him about why in the world he's opening his mouth on the subject in the first place is consigned ruthlessly to the same internal box as the urge, a few moments ago, to touch that hint of sadness at the side of Edmond's mouth. The only hint of either unexplained touch of irrationality is a faint, faint brittleness in his smile.

Edmond looks faintly taken aback, but then shrugs and smiles. "Well, you are not interested in hooking up-- or a serious romantic relationship-- anyway, so yes. That is fine." He leans against the counter himself, then, across from Kelsey. "If you were, I--"

The Elemental pauses, looking even more startled, and shuts his mouth. Then he frowns a little, and when he looks back up at Kelsey his eyebrows are up, like this is news to him but it's topical and relevant so he's going to damn well share it anyway. "If you were, then for you, I would be willing to work on it. And I don't know why. I have known you less than an hour, and that seems a silly thing to say. But-- just-- there is... trauma. So please do not surprise me by being-- ..." His mouth shuts again, as he looks for a way to put it.

Finally he sighs and straightens up, running a hand through his thick starry black hair. "I do not think you would do that. But in the interest of full disclosure, I will... freak out. If you are a girl and you start coming even close to the line I have drawn already."

There's a quick shake of Kelsey's head when Edmond trails off on the request not to surprise him. Another quick shake when Edmond is finished, and now the tail of his hair is hardly a tail at all, as opposed to a bright half-glowing ball of dandelion fluff. He pulls it back over his shoulder and runs his fingers through it. "No," he says. "That's not something I'd do. That's -- we've all got trauma. The way we get along is by not stepping on it. And I understand. I --" He hesitates for an instant. "There are things that make me freak out like that, too. I'll remember that's the same for you as ... as glass elevators are for me. So if I ever shift like that when I'm near you, I'll back off. Probably across the room. If that's okay, if that won't upset you."

"That is over-okay," says Edmond with a little shake of his head and a chuff of a laugh, bracing his hands against the edge of the counter. For what it's worth, he hasn't backed off, hasn't even telegraphed it. "I can be close to you. I have many friends who are girls-- I do not avoid touching them, being near them. Hugs are okay! A kiss on the cheek is okay! Just-- not-- just not anything that... hmm... that a sister or a mother would not do," he finally settles on, looking wry, looking apologetic.

Straightening up a little more, the starry boy looks down at his wooden hands, then glances up past Kelsey, and moves around the counter again to head back to the couch and the lassi. "We do not step on trauma, yes, but sometimes related things can be stupid and awkward and upsetting to people we like, and I am sorry if-- this is--"

His hand closes on his glass, and he picks it up and holds it in both, and he just keeps looking down at it. "It is not you, or what is a part of you, and it is not me, and it is not any of my friends who are girls, and it is not any other girls, it is just-- Her." He actually shuts his eyes and there's actually legimitately a flinch that stays, like someone unused to alcohol getting a mouthful of straight scotch. A faint breath, and he forces himself to relax, and his words are quiet and firm, a resolution. "Someday I will be able to make myself get past it. I am sorry. Our conversation was fun! And then I went left."