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<!--Changelings that believe themselves gods.
Tier 4: 700xp
Discussion Stuff goes here about Motley
>>a Motley that focuses on ghosts and the like; but the thematics were very much like the 1920s (speakeasy, seances, ouija boards, and jazz)<<
* Core Values? - Learning, Growing Intellectually (not just by learning!), Socializing, No Fear, uh.... ~M
* Pledge? - I suck at these, don't look at me.  ~M
* Anyone else wanna join? - Maybe Daniel, Michelle's husband; but we'll see. ~M
Titles: Ancient (also Daemon, Totem or other similar titles)
* Something about helping/resolving ghosts. ~W
Prerequisites: Wyrd 6, Mantle (Any) 4, Clarity no higher than 6
* Protecting graveyards/cemeteries? ~W
Name: Ambrose Garreau
Overview: Though not all motleys use this motley pledge (or even us a pledge at all), this is perhaps the most commonly sworn pledge to bind motleys together. Some elements in changeling society don’t even consider a group of changelings a true motley until they’ve sworn a motley pledge. The boons of this pact usually manifest in traits that the motley hold as important together: if they are a group of high society movers-and-shakers, their pledge may grant them a bonus to Socialize and two dots in Resources. Likewise, a gathering of martial changelings dedicated to defending their freehold from Fae incursions may gain a bonus dot to Weaponry and two additional dots in the motley’s token Fighting Style. Of course, those who break this pledge not only lose the blessings of the motley, but suffer a loss of their own personal ability for a time — in stepping away from the motley and its preferred focus, the oathbreaker sacrifices some of her own ability and skill. To turn her back on her motley is to turn her back on the things the motley embraces
Birthplace: New Orleans, LA
DoB: April 1894
Take: June 1922
Keeper: Milk and Honey
Seeming:  Fairest
Kith: Brewer/Flowering
Profession: Rum Runner/Sommelier/Herbalist/Perfumer/Poisoner
The Vow: "Hand to hand we stand, and side by side. Though my brother and I may quarrel, none may quarrel with my brother and not quarrel with me. This is my oath: friendship, assistance and the blessings that come of both, until the year has spun anew. May our prosperity desert us, and our talents fail us, should we break this vow of brotherhood. We had our families taken from us, but now we’re family, bound by more than blood. I swear to stand by each of you as you swear to stand by me, for a year and a day, and accepting all curses that may fall on me if I lie.
Appearance: The Fairest are often tall, often slim and always good-looking, however they appear. They’re never really
conventionally attractive. They’re striking, and memorable with it. They’re also the changelings who as humans look the most like their fae miens.
The pole dancer has full, sensual features and a knockout figure. Her eyes are an amazing shade of violet. Most people think she’s wearing contact
lenses. In her fae seeming, her hair is even longer than it is already, her ears are pointed and the fullness of her lips, the curve of her chin and the size and color of her eyes are exaggerated to an almost painful degree. The Draconic Prince has flaming red skin and sharp teeth, but they only serve
to show what a striking man he is. As a human, he has a broad smile and perfect teeth in an angular face. The Demon Lover is always immaculately groomed, and he always smells good without ever using product. Again, in his fae seeming, his cruel beauty is emphasized to the extreme. His ears are pointed, and he has the look of a Victorian stage devil to him. The Draconic Witch resembles nothing more than a perfect, affluent suburban housewife; in her fae seeming, her perfect dress and jewelry become the accouterments of a dark, cruelly beautiful lady, with a cold satanic grace that freezes the soul.
The Deva looks like a smiling Hindu god, all blue-green skin and liquid, heavy-lashed eyes. Those eyes appear much the same in his human seeming. The gung-ho orisha is a big African American man with a shaved head and a warm smile. In his fae seeming, he is taller and slimmer, his features angular,
elongated and clear, like a Nigerian carving.  
Type: Vow
Flowering — Flowers blossom on bare earth where these changelings have stood (although they take months to appear in the human world rather than seconds, as they did in Faerie). Their skin is soft like the petal of a rose or a chrysanthemum and bright with a bloom of health. The Flowering Fairest has a Seductive Fragrance: her skin, hair and breath carries the aroma of unknown blossoms from places unseen, the promise of pleasures unknown. Her bouquet seduces and lulls in equal measure. She gains the benefit of the 9 again rule on dice pools including Persuasion, Socialize and Subterfuge.
Tasks: Alliance, Greater (–3, all)
Boons: Adroitness (+1, all), Blessing, Medial (+2, all)
Brewer — Changelings who spent their durance in Faerie learning how to create mind-bendingly potent drinks or peculiar alchemies. Due to long exposure and gradual immunity, a Brewer gains four bonus dice to any Stamina roll made to resist poisons or intoxication. In addition, the Brewers know the recipe
Sanction: Poisoning of Boons, Greater (–3, poisoning both Adroitness and Blessing boons)
for The Inebriating Elixir: once per scene, the changeling can instantly ferment one pint of any drink with Glamour, turning it into a powerfully intoxicating brew. The changeling needs to be able to touch the container holding the drink to do this. The changeling’s player rolls Wits + Crafts. If the roll is successful, the player may spend one Glamour point to invest the drink with a Potency rating equal to the changeling’s Wyrd rating, plus the
Duration: Year and a day (+3, though many long-established motleys bear Lifelong durations)
number of successes the player rolled. If the Potency of the brew is higher than the Health of the person drinking the brew, the person gets very drunk, and in five turns falls unconscious. If the Potency doesn’t exceed the drinker’s Health, the drinker must roll Stamina + Resolve, or suffer the effects of having drunk one more drink than her Stamina (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 177). The brew’s effects last for the rest of the scene.
Invocation: 1 Willpower (all)
Understanding Desire: One way is to use the nobility, not as an example of going after what you desire, but understanding the desires of others. A true spring noble not only knows how to reach for their own desires, but has had the rush of impulsively grabbing the object of their desire and having it wear off. Now they understand that heat-of-the-moment desires are not always good, and not very gratifying in the long run. They can help younger courtiers to understand this, and guide them to identifying what is just a knee-jerk reaction and what is something they deeply truly want, and guide them to finding how to attain it.
It's not the destination, it's the journey: Possibly your nobles, or at least experienced courtiers, are not so much interesting in getting in their current conquest's pants, but are more in love with the chase. The silent courtship, the small, thoughtful gift left where their lover can find it. They find joy, not in getting what they want, but in getting it with grace, subtlety, and style.
Others Desires:  Some great spring courtiers attain high mantle, not because they are good at getting what they want, but they understand their fellow Lost and help them to attain their own desires. They have a knack for understanding what it is a person desires, even if they themselves don't, and find ways to encourage them and to help them reach their goals. Understanding desire does not mean you have to be a lust crazed greedy glutton, this person may in fact have an efficiency apartment with just enough to scrape by because she/he finds their joy in making others happy.
Reference Material:  Lords of Summer, a Changeling: the Lost supplement, expounds on the seasonal courts and gives some very good examples. Think about the kinds of hobbies people have and sometimes obsess over. Like me personally. I am a gardening enthusiast and I like to cook. - Changeling translation - I own my own greenhouse and vegetable plot, along with three flower beds that are nothing but edible flowers and an herb boxes in every window of my house, I even grow corn on the roof. I grow all of my own food with this and transform the raw ingredients into culinary masterworks of art that I then either eat, sell, or give away as the whim strikes me becuase I just LOVE cooking and gardening sooo much, it is MY WHOLE LIFE
Long distance to Cardinal: Ambrose waves. "Hey there. I had a question, but it's about the Keeper your alt (Rainier) created. Was wondering if it was still okay to ask you :)"
From afar, Cardinal hand-wobbles. "What's the question?"
Long distance to Cardinal: Ambrose wonders "With The Nomemata - can there be multiple Examplars of the same category (either Major or Minor Arcana)?"
Cardinal pages: Sure. Consider, if one escapes, it'll need to be replaced.
Long distance to Cardinal: Ambrose nods. "Just wanted to double check. :)"
You paged Cardinal with ‘And is The Nomemata specific to a region? Or would He collect someone from say, New Orleans? :)’
Cardinal pages: The Noemata operates locally. It is worth note that distances between places in the Hedge aren't what they are in the mortal world, so it's certainly /possible/ for someone to be plucked from far away, but it ought to be a rare occurrence. Could also happen that a band of privateers makes a habit of selling their victims far from their homes, so someone kidnapped in New Orleans could be sold at market in Tamarack Falls and spill out to find themselves far, far removed from the life they knew.
Long distance to Cardinal: Ambrose nods. "Cool beans! That helps! :D"
Cardinal pages: Awesome. Glad to help :}
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|<div style="border-bottom:1px dashed #916CDD; text-align:center"><font style="color:#7828A4; font-family:Cinzel Decorative; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:20pt">'''The Violet Room'''</font></div>
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| style="border:1px dashed #A9C812; -webkit-border-radius: 20px; -moz-border-radius: 20px; border-radius: 20px" | [[Image:Ambrose-1.jpg|x150px]]
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<div class="quote"><font style="color:#57D3EE">"Fear.  Fear is the mind killer" - </font><<font style="color:#729193">Frank Herbert, <i>The Litany Against Fear</i></font>
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| style="color:#8B47B1; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Motley Type'''
<div style="border-bottom:1px dashed #A9C812; text-align:center"><font style="color:#0FA60F; font-family:Cinzel Decorative; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:18pt">'''Mortal Profile'''</font></div>
{| width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
| <center>[[File:Aaron_Abernathy_Script.png|300px]]</center>
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" |Academic ❖ Social
| <center>[[Image:Ambrose-3.jpg|300px]]</center>
| <br>
| style="color:#8B47B1; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Established'''
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Fullname Name:'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" | ''MM/DD/YYY''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" | Aaron Fletcher
| style="color:#8B47B1; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Membership'''
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Date of Birth:'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" | ''Potentially Recruiting''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" | November 1, 1986
|<br><center>[[File:Death Card.jpg|250px]]</center><br>
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Occupation:'''
| <div style="border-bottom:1px dashed #916CDD; text-align:center"><font style="color:#764B8E; font-family:Cinzel Decorative; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:18pt">'''Motleymates'''</font></div>
{| width="variable" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5"
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" | Therapist / Novelist
| style="border:1px dashed #7141D2; -webkit-border-radius: 100px; -moz-border-radius: 100px; border-radius: 10px" | [[Image:Aaron-5.jpg|x150px]]
<center>[[Aaron Fletcher|Aaron]]<br>(''Darkling'')</center>
| style="border:1px dashed #7141D2; -webkit-border-radius: 100px; -moz-border-radius: 100px; border-radius: 10px" | [[Image:Michelle_Hawthorne_1.jpg|x150px]]
| style="border:1px dashed #7141D2; -webkit-border-radius: 100px; -moz-border-radius: 100px; border-radius: 10px" | [[Image:WaverlyWest01.png|x150px]]
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Virtue / Vice:'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" | Humble  / Violent
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Apparent Age:'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" | Late Twenties
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Height / Build:'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" | 6'0" / Lean
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Hair / Eyes:'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" | Dark-brown / Hazel
|<div style="border-bottom:1px dashed #729193; text-align:center"><font style="color:#0FA60F; font-family:Cinzel Decorative; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:14pt">'''Changeling:  The Abhorsen'''</font></div>
| <center>[[Image:AmbroseFae.jpg|250px]]</center>
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Also Known As...'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" | ''A. Fletcher'', ''Jack of Blades'', ''Doctor''
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Keeper:'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" | [[Gentry/The Chronicler of Lies|''The Vivisectionist of Memories'']]
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Seeming:'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" | Darkling
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Kith:'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" | Razorhand / Gravewight
| <br><br><center>[[File:Green_Divider.png|280px|center|link=]]</center><br><br>
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Seasonal Alignment:'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" | [[Autumn_Court|The Ashen Court]] (Mantle {{4dots}})
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Court Title:'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" | ''TBD''
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Court Role:'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" | ''TBD''
| <br><br><center>[[File:Green_Divider.png|280px|center|link=]]</center><br><br>
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Freehold Affiliation:'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" | ''[[Fate's Harvest]]''
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Freehold Position:'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" | ''[[Fate's Harvest/Custodians|Keeper of Super Secret Knowledge!]] (Influence {{4dots}})''
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center" | '''Noble Affiliation (Entitlement):'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype; text-align:center" | [[The Speakers for the Dead|Necromancer]]
| <br><br><center>[[File:Green_Divider.png|280px|center|link=]]</center><br><br>
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:center; font-size:12pt" |'''Endowments of the Wyrd (Contracts):'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype" |
* ''TBD'' {{1dot}}
* ''TBD'' {{3dots}}
* ''TBD'' {{5dots}}
|<br><center>[[File:WoW-Hallow's End.gif|306px]]</center><br>
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<div style="border-bottom:1px dashed #916CDD; text-align:center"><font style="color:#B665DC; font-family:Cinzel Decorative; font-size:10pt">“Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter--tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther.... And one fine morning-- So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” <br><br> </font><font style="color:#64E774; font-family:Cinzel Decorative; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:16pt"><i>F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby (1925)</i></font> </div>
<font style="color:#65D5E1; font-variant:small-caps">
:''The lucky penny that brings a great bargain, but must be passed along to another. The old key that opens up a lockbox filled with money, but at the price of your own safe being unlocked at the wrong time of day. The wardrobe that always provides you the "right thing to wear" for that special occasion, but the clothes will almost always get dirty at the end of the night, Fae lore is filled with stories of objects bestowed with magical powers. These items are either “liberated” from former masters in Arcadia or discovered deep within the Hedge. Some of these items are even forged by skilled changeling craftsmen. Seemingly mundane to the mortal eye, the Lost see these double-edged objects for what they are.<br><br>But it’s not all gold spun from straw. The magic inside a token is some of the same magic that pumps inside the hearts of the True Fae, and while powerful, it is in part corrupt. Every token comes with a drawback, a small curse or additional cost that use of the token invokes. Below are just a few Tokens invented and crafted by the Speaker for the Dead and member of Autumn courtier.''</font><br><br><br><br>[[File:Bat_Divider.png|350px|center|link=]]<br><br><br>
| width="900px" style="background-color:#000000; color:#FFFFFF; text-align:left; vertical-align:top; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-size:10pt; border:1px dashed #A9C812; padding:10px" |
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<div style="border-bottom:1px dashed #A9C812; text-align:center"><font style="color:#08EBCC; font-family:Cinzel Decorative; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:14pt">'''Roleplay Hooks'''</font></div>
|<div style="border-bottom:1px dashed #916CDD; text-align:center"><font style="color:#764B8E; font-family:Cinzel Decorative; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:18pt">'''Core Values'''</font></div>
| style="background-color:#010000; font-family:Palatino Linotype" |
:❖ <font style="color:#8B47B1; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:12pt">'''Learning''' </font> - When surrounded by shadows, one learns (sometimes quickly) bravery. Every inkling in your mind should be pursued to find out how to be a better you. Never sung an aria? Learn to sing, then work ones way to the stage. Always wanted to speak to the fires, or trees? Have someone show you. You might be the best at speaking with ghosts, but if you don't know how to fight--when you piss off one of the restless dead, you might end up one of them sooner than later. Learning is not just academic, it's about growing while your still alive.
* <font style="color:#BE81E5; font-variant:small-caps">'''Hook'''</font> - {{Lorem ipsum}}
:❖ <font style="color:#8B47B1; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:12pt">'''Socializing''' </font> - {{Lorem ipsum}}
* <font style="color:#57D3EE; font-variant:small-caps">'''Hook'''</font> - {{Lorem ipsum}}
:❖ <font style="color:#8B47B1; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:12pt">'''No Fear''' </font> - There are things out there that will kill you. Things both known to you, and unknown. We do not shy away from the shadows and the darkness. We stare it in the "face." Sometimes the best lessons are learned when you've got a knife, gun, tendril, claw, etc. at your throat. When we look to learn about something, we do so unafraid of the winding dark path it may take us--but we are cautious when we tread. There is a difference between fear and caution.
* <font style="color:#57D3EE; font-variant:small-caps">'''Hook'''</font> - {{Lorem ipsum}}
:<font style="color:#8B47B1; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:12pt">'''Friends From Beyond''' </font> - Some in the Motley have a keen awareness of life after death. Because of this, we also try to be as respectful to them as they are of us. When we speak with them, it is one of mutual respect (at first, at least). We guard the doors to their realm, we speak for them when they have voices not their own. We know what it means to be lost. We help them find their way, as it helps us know ours.
* <font style="color:#57D3EE; font-variant:small-caps">'''Hook'''</font> - {{Lorem ipsum}}
<div style="border-bottom:1px dashed #A9C812; text-align:center"><font style="color:#08EBCC; font-family:Cinzel Decorative; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:14pt">'''Mantle'''</font></div>
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| [[File:Court_spring.png|100px]] <br><br> [[File:Entitlement_lost_pantheon.png|100px]]
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<font style="color:#8FC4F2;">
''{{tab}}His strong connection to the Wyrd mixes his fashion and that with his connection to the Court of Fear with the mantle and presence of the Ashen Court. A pair of dark blue (bordering on indigo) dress pants, with thin pinstripes that seem to look like wisps of smoke and fog that briefly move as he walks, like a strand of a spider's silk that is plucked lightly by the air. A matching vest compliments the pants looking slightly weathered and worn; with a yellowed-white short-sleeved dress shirt. His crinkled collar is unbuttoned, but he still manages to have a blue-black stripped tie hang loosely around his neck. His steps mix with distant and phantom sounds--the rustling of dried and dead leaves can be heard underfoot; mixed with faint howlings of wind through old, knotted wood. The buckle has a black stone in the middle that has been cut to look like some sort of moving stone--perhaps some sort of crow or raven. As he walks by, the scent is an aroma fitting of time long by: amber, balm-mint leaves, camphor, cloves, laudanum, and myrrh. The subtle myriad of odor slithers and wafts around him before it disappears like a stain of breath upon a mirror.''</font>
|<div style="border-bottom:1px dashed #916CDD; text-align:center"><font style="color:#764B8E; font-family:Cinzel Decorative; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:18pt">'''Holdings'''</font></div>
<div style="border-bottom:1px dashed #A9C812; text-align:center"><font style="color:#08EBCC; font-family:Cinzel Decorative; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:14pt">[[https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/1x4kk6/mummer_man/ SuddenlySatan - ''Mummer Man'']]</font></div>
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<font style="color:#8FC4F2; font-variant:small-caps">
<font style="color:#008AFC; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:12pt">'''Lexicon Lenses''' (Token {{dots|2}})</font>[[Image:Glasses-1.jpg|x150px|right]]
:'''Mortal Mask''': ''A cheap pair of costume glasses found at any convenience, clothing, or party store. Costing no more than $9.99 at most. The plastic lenses are usually scratched up a bit, having nothing protecting them from the elements.''
Dost thou seek the Mummer Man?<br>
Larking in the gimcrack land?<br>
What a gowk, that son of Pan.<br>
Let's haul him forth, let's drag him down.<br>
Let's speak together, a timbrous clan<br>
Calling forth the Mummer Man.<br>
Let's say together that bacchanal<br>
Hoi Hoi, two three, around and round.<br>
All fingers now upon the planchette<br>
Speak again, with voices dulcet<br>
Mummer Man, we call you lad,<br>
Come play with us, and make us glad.<br>
<div style="border-bottom:1px dashed #A9C812; text-align:center"><font style="color:#729193; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:12pt">''To sleep, perchance to dream'' (Dream Cheat Sheet)</font></div>
{| cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5"
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="color:#57D3EE;">
<b>The Plunge</b>: 1 Glamour allows the oneirophysic to plunge immediately into a lucid dream state, entering the dreams of a sleeper she is in physical contact with.
:'''Faerie Mien''': ''The arms of the glasses become more gossamer in nature. Strong enough to hold the lenses in place, but fragile looking. The lenses take on a more blue-silver ephemeral glow to them once the magic of the Lexicon Lenses is in effect.''
* If contact is broken or the oneiropomp's body disturbed, roll res + comp + wyrd at the beginning of each turn to maintain the dream
* Exceptional success = dream maintained for full scene
* Failure = she awakens and is at -2 for all actions for the remainder of the scene due to disorientation
:'''Activation''': ''The lenses always appear to be caked with dust, dirt, and other airborne bric-a-brac, as well as severely scratched. The wearer must fog up the lenses once on each lens, then clean them with a black cloth. Upon activation, the lenses of the glasses appear clear and perfectly usable for the wearer.''
<b>Dream Invading </b>- <i>The old fashioned way</i>.
:'''Function''': ''Translates any written language into a language understood fluently by the wearer of the Lexicon Lenses. This does not grant the user of the Token to automatically know the written language. So if someone does not speak Ancient Greek, wearing the lenses doesn't automatically grant them knowledge of the language--just the ability to translate words and sentences into a language the wearer does speak. The language is based on Mortal, non-magical languages only.''
*1 Glamour (with an active dreamwork pledge)
*Extended res + comp roll (16 succs needed)
*Res + Comp again to awaken (for oneiropomp)
*Lucid Dreamers can try to awaken (their Res + Comp VS my Wits + Emp + Wyrd)
*Non-lucud dreamers are stuck for it.
:'''Drawback''': ''When removing the Lexicon Lenses, the wearer suffers a -1 to all Wits rolls for the next 24hrs, as the wearer endures the similar effects of a migraine. Using a magical means of translating illegible words that the reader doesn't know into other words (that the reader understands/comprehends) can be weary on the person's eyes.''
<b>Dream Intensity</b>
:'''Catch''': ''Using the Lexicon Lenses without proper due to the Wyrd causes the wearer to find it difficult speaking clearly. As though the words are on the tip of their tongue, but diminish before they truly come to clear thought. Similar to a mild case of aphasia. This will last for 24hrs.''
*Dreamer's wits + resolve
*9/again on Recurring & Memory dreams
*8/again Recurring Memory dreams
*Wits + Occult + Wyrd + Intensity to determine if prophetic (only an exceptional grants knowledge of how likely it is to happened and how to avoid it. Changes to a prophetic dream end it immediately; considered unlucky by dreamworkers).
*Scouring intensity is wits + emp + wyrd - intensity. Dropping below 1 ends the dream (oneiropomp can spend a WP to maintain)
*If the Intensity is higher than the dreamer's WP, no WP regain upon awakening/wake screaming.
*The # of Derangements subtract from WP requirement (2 derangements = 5WP dreamer needing only a 3 Intensity dream) and nightmares generally focus on aspects of their derangements.
<b>Dream Analysis</b>
*Wits + emp - intensity
<font style="color:#008AFC; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:12pt">'''Ear Worms''' (Token {{dots|2}})</font>[[Image:Earpiece-1.png|x150px|right]]
:'''Mortal Mask''': ''A cheap Bluetooth earpiece used for cell phones. Costing no more than $10.99 at most. The earpiece should have a set up that allows for it to wrap around the ear for a secure fit.''
<b>Implant Subliminals</b>
:'''Faerie Mien''': ''Fashioned from the bone and some sinew of a worm-like Hedgebeast, the bone forms the inerior of the earpiece that fits snug within the wearer's ear and ear canal. The more flexible material curls itself around the outter ear. Once the magic of the earpiece is in effect, the bone within the ear canal widening just a bit. Not enough to cause damage to the wearer, but you wouldn't want anything thinking it's a small cavernous dwelling either. Then there is the wetness of a slick like appendage that wiggles itself further into your ear, giving the sensation of the world's worst (or best depending on how you look at it) Wet Willie. The remaining part of the Ear Work that rests on the outside of the ear hardens and looks like a calcified ear brace.''
*Wits + emp + intensity
*1 succ = 1 trigger.
*1 week effect
*For that week, oneiropomp has total succs as bonus dice to all manip rolls against dreamer.
:'''Activation''': ''The earpiece always appear to have some sort of with dust, dirt, and other airborn bric-a-brac inside the small hollow that goes inside the wearer's ear. The wearer must blow into the earpiece (like you use to with old NES games). Once placed inside the ear, one must tap the earpiece three times while say "Testing! 1...2...3" for the Token's magic to activate.''
<b>Learn the Dreamer</b>
:'''Function''': ''Translates any spoken language into a language understood fluently by the wearer of the Ear Worm. This does not grant the user of the Token to automatically know how to speak the language. So if someone does not speak Ancient Greek, wearing the Ear Worm doesn't automatically grant them ability to verbally speak the language language--just the ability to translate spoken words and sentences into a language the wearer does audibly comprehend. The language is based on Mortal, and magical languages do not apply.''
*Wits + Emp + Wyrd
*Extended, 1 roll per night.
*Each five succs = learning 1 detail about the dreamer (virtue, vice, derangement, WP, mental/social merit, mental/social flaw)
:'''Drawback''': ''When removing the Ear Worm, the wearer suffers a -1 to all Resolve rolls for the next 24hrs, as the wearer endures a strange inner-ear disorder that make sound echo funny within one ear (the ear that wore the Ear Worm). Using a magical means of translating illegible words that the listener doesn't know into other words (that the listener understands/comprehends) can be strenuous on the person's hearing, making it difficult to hear things correctly for a time.''
<b>Dream Therapy</b>
:'''Catch''': ''Using the Ear Worm without proper due to the Wyrd causes the wearer to find it difficult hear and make out sounds clearly. As though the sounds are coming in and out of volume, pitch, and tone. Similar to a mild case of diplacusis. This will last for 24hrs.''
*Wits + emp + wyrd
*Each night of dream work = 1 week of psychotherapy
*1 Glamour, Wits + Emp + Wyrd VS dreamer's Wits + Resolve
*Intensity of resulting dream is net succs of contested roll
*Or lazy way is scour to 0, pay 2 Glamour.
<div class="boxcontent">
<div style="border-bottom:1px dashed #A9C812; text-align:center"><font style="color:#729193; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:12pt">''Disclaimer: The purpose of this wiki page''</font></div>
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<font style="color:#57D3EE; font-variant:small-caps"><center><i>{{log.spoiler}}</i></center>
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<div style="border-bottom:1px dashed #A9C812; text-align:center"><font style="color:#08EBCC; font-family:Cinzel Decorative; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:14pt">'''Notable Stats'''</font></div>
{| width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1"
| style="ackground-color:#242931; color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps" | '''Attributes:'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype" |
* ''TBD'' {{3dots}}
* ''TBD'' {{3dots}}
* ''TBD'' {{3dots}}
* ''TBD'' {{3dots}}
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps" | '''Skills:'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype" |
* ''TBD'' {{3dots}}
* ''TBD'' {{3dots}}
* ''TBD'' {{3dots}}
* ''TBD'' {{3dots}}
| style="color:#57D3EE; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps" | '''Merits:'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype" |
* ''TBD'' {{3dots}}
* ''TBD'' {{3dots}}
* ''TBD'' {{3dots}}
* ''TBD'' {{3dots}}
* ''TBD'' {{3dots}}
| style="color:#7A92E8; font-family:Palatino Linotype; font-variant:small-caps" | '''<i>Flaws</i>:'''
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype" |
* ''TBD'' {{1dots}}
* ''TBD'' {{1dots}}
|<div style="border-bottom:1px dashed #A9C812; text-align:center"><font style="color:#08EBCC; font-family:Cinzel Decorative; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:14pt">'''Soundtrack'''</font></div>
| style="background-color:#242931; font-family:Palatino Linotype" |
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N3N1MlvVc4 <font style="color:#729193; font-variant:small-caps">''Mad World'' - '''Gary Jules'''</font>]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbHIVsAtfQg <font style="color:#729193; font-variant:small-caps">''Requiem for a Dream'' - '''Clint Mansell'''</font>]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3H_iFIpErAc <font style="color:#729193; font-variant:small-caps">''Black Cauldron'' - '''Audomachine'''</font>]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpFj-hRe_Zw <font style="color:#729193; font-variant:small-caps">''Your God Is Dead - '''Really Slow Motion'''</font>]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUvVdTlA23w <font style="color:#729193; font-variant:small-caps">''Sweet Dreams...'' - '''Marilyn Manson'''</font>]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0rYe1YmkvU&list=PLPuJaSE_eK9w6Tpiag172rFaBS-r2Bq9p&index=11 <font style="color:#729193; font-variant:small-caps">''Death Coach'' - '''Trevor Jones'''</font>]
|<div style="border-bottom:1px dashed #A9C812; text-align:center"><font style="color:#08EBCC; font-family:Cinzel Decorative; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:14pt">'''[[Natasha Fletcher|Ami dans la mort: Sasha]]'''</font></div>
| <center>[[Image:Natasha Fletcher1.jpg|250px]]</center>
|<div style="border-bottom:1px dashed #A9C812; text-align:center"><font style="color:#08EBCC; font-family:Cinzel Decorative; font-variant:small-caps; font-size:14pt">'''[[Aaron's Hedge Beast|Aaron's "Pet": Mr. Manx]]'''</font></div>
| <center>[[Image:Poe-1.jpg|250px]]</center>

Latest revision as of 18:57, 13 December 2017

The Violet Room

Death Becomes Her.jpg

Motley Type
Academic ❖ Social

Potentially Recruiting

Death Card.jpg

Michelle Hawthorne 1.jpg

“Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter--tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther.... And one fine morning-- So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby (1925)

The lucky penny that brings a great bargain, but must be passed along to another. The old key that opens up a lockbox filled with money, but at the price of your own safe being unlocked at the wrong time of day. The wardrobe that always provides you the "right thing to wear" for that special occasion, but the clothes will almost always get dirty at the end of the night, Fae lore is filled with stories of objects bestowed with magical powers. These items are either “liberated” from former masters in Arcadia or discovered deep within the Hedge. Some of these items are even forged by skilled changeling craftsmen. Seemingly mundane to the mortal eye, the Lost see these double-edged objects for what they are.

But it’s not all gold spun from straw. The magic inside a token is some of the same magic that pumps inside the hearts of the True Fae, and while powerful, it is in part corrupt. Every token comes with a drawback, a small curse or additional cost that use of the token invokes. Below are just a few Tokens invented and crafted by the Speaker for the Dead and member of Autumn courtier.

Bat Divider.png

Core Values
Learning - When surrounded by shadows, one learns (sometimes quickly) bravery. Every inkling in your mind should be pursued to find out how to be a better you. Never sung an aria? Learn to sing, then work ones way to the stage. Always wanted to speak to the fires, or trees? Have someone show you. You might be the best at speaking with ghosts, but if you don't know how to fight--when you piss off one of the restless dead, you might end up one of them sooner than later. Learning is not just academic, it's about growing while your still alive.

Socializing - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In blandit mauris id lorem fermentum, nec lobortis lacus convallis. Etiam pharetra erat ut quam tempus fermentum. Donec convallis, nisi in pellentesque hendrerit, tortor ligula vulputate augue, a convallis enim metus et mauris. Aliquam quis erat at felis fringilla aliquam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce eros nisl, semper ut lorem eu, varius convallis leo. Vivamus ut venenatis odio, quis fermentum nibh. Nulla vulputate erat nisi, a pharetra purus mollis quis. Maecenas semper vitae ante nec porttitor. Curabitur vitae elit id mi varius fringilla. Quisque fringilla erat nec nisi dapibus elementum. Donec tortor dolor, auctor non odio vestibulum, viverra semper massa. Donec non quam iaculis, luctus sem ac, ultrices quam. Ut eu ante mollis, dapibus ligula in, molestie mauris. Pellentesque scelerisque risus vel justo semper fringilla.

No Fear - There are things out there that will kill you. Things both known to you, and unknown. We do not shy away from the shadows and the darkness. We stare it in the "face." Sometimes the best lessons are learned when you've got a knife, gun, tendril, claw, etc. at your throat. When we look to learn about something, we do so unafraid of the winding dark path it may take us--but we are cautious when we tread. There is a difference between fear and caution.

Friends From Beyond - Some in the Motley have a keen awareness of life after death. Because of this, we also try to be as respectful to them as they are of us. When we speak with them, it is one of mutual respect (at first, at least). We guard the doors to their realm, we speak for them when they have voices not their own. We know what it means to be lost. We help them find their way, as it helps us know ours.

Lexicon Lenses (Token Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png)
Mortal Mask: A cheap pair of costume glasses found at any convenience, clothing, or party store. Costing no more than $9.99 at most. The plastic lenses are usually scratched up a bit, having nothing protecting them from the elements.
Faerie Mien: The arms of the glasses become more gossamer in nature. Strong enough to hold the lenses in place, but fragile looking. The lenses take on a more blue-silver ephemeral glow to them once the magic of the Lexicon Lenses is in effect.
Activation: The lenses always appear to be caked with dust, dirt, and other airborne bric-a-brac, as well as severely scratched. The wearer must fog up the lenses once on each lens, then clean them with a black cloth. Upon activation, the lenses of the glasses appear clear and perfectly usable for the wearer.
Function: Translates any written language into a language understood fluently by the wearer of the Lexicon Lenses. This does not grant the user of the Token to automatically know the written language. So if someone does not speak Ancient Greek, wearing the lenses doesn't automatically grant them knowledge of the language--just the ability to translate words and sentences into a language the wearer does speak. The language is based on Mortal, non-magical languages only.
Drawback: When removing the Lexicon Lenses, the wearer suffers a -1 to all Wits rolls for the next 24hrs, as the wearer endures the similar effects of a migraine. Using a magical means of translating illegible words that the reader doesn't know into other words (that the reader understands/comprehends) can be weary on the person's eyes.
Catch: Using the Lexicon Lenses without proper due to the Wyrd causes the wearer to find it difficult speaking clearly. As though the words are on the tip of their tongue, but diminish before they truly come to clear thought. Similar to a mild case of aphasia. This will last for 24hrs.

Ear Worms (Token Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png)
Mortal Mask: A cheap Bluetooth earpiece used for cell phones. Costing no more than $10.99 at most. The earpiece should have a set up that allows for it to wrap around the ear for a secure fit.
Faerie Mien: Fashioned from the bone and some sinew of a worm-like Hedgebeast, the bone forms the inerior of the earpiece that fits snug within the wearer's ear and ear canal. The more flexible material curls itself around the outter ear. Once the magic of the earpiece is in effect, the bone within the ear canal widening just a bit. Not enough to cause damage to the wearer, but you wouldn't want anything thinking it's a small cavernous dwelling either. Then there is the wetness of a slick like appendage that wiggles itself further into your ear, giving the sensation of the world's worst (or best depending on how you look at it) Wet Willie. The remaining part of the Ear Work that rests on the outside of the ear hardens and looks like a calcified ear brace.
Activation: The earpiece always appear to have some sort of with dust, dirt, and other airborn bric-a-brac inside the small hollow that goes inside the wearer's ear. The wearer must blow into the earpiece (like you use to with old NES games). Once placed inside the ear, one must tap the earpiece three times while say "Testing! 1...2...3" for the Token's magic to activate.
Function: Translates any spoken language into a language understood fluently by the wearer of the Ear Worm. This does not grant the user of the Token to automatically know how to speak the language. So if someone does not speak Ancient Greek, wearing the Ear Worm doesn't automatically grant them ability to verbally speak the language language--just the ability to translate spoken words and sentences into a language the wearer does audibly comprehend. The language is based on Mortal, and magical languages do not apply.
Drawback: When removing the Ear Worm, the wearer suffers a -1 to all Resolve rolls for the next 24hrs, as the wearer endures a strange inner-ear disorder that make sound echo funny within one ear (the ear that wore the Ear Worm). Using a magical means of translating illegible words that the listener doesn't know into other words (that the listener understands/comprehends) can be strenuous on the person's hearing, making it difficult to hear things correctly for a time.
Catch: Using the Ear Worm without proper due to the Wyrd causes the wearer to find it difficult hear and make out sounds clearly. As though the sounds are coming in and out of volume, pitch, and tone. Similar to a mild case of diplacusis. This will last for 24hrs.