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Revision as of 07:04, 10 March 2017

Desean "Big Badge" Booker
On Game As: Your in-game handle
Played By: Ahmed Johnson
Concept: Former pro wrestler turned bail bondsman; Wannabe cop
Date of Birth:
Apparent Age: 38
Occupation: Bail Bondsman
Virtue: Courage
Vice: Wrath

Freehold: None
Motley: None



      Desean Booker used to rule the independent pro wrestling scene under the ring name "Big Badge", a law enforcement gimmick that had him beating up competition from his humble roots in the inner city of Los Angeles to Japan and Mexico and around the world, dressed like a police officer.

An incident at the Tokyodome some years ago saw his reign at the top of match card after match card come to an abrupt end. German suplexes are relatively routine in wrestling, but one in particular saw Booker's opponent land on his neck at just the right angle to instantly kill him.

Debated raged among both insider and outsider circles. Did Big Badge fuck up the move and kill the guy? Or was it just a freak accident? Either way, after that, the gigs started to dry up pretty quickly. Nobody wants to hire someone who might kill their other employees.

There isn't much money in independent wrestling, but that dried up too. He hopped from job to job for a while. Bouncer. Security guard. Bodyguard. Being a real cop was out of the question, but he did the next best thing he could think of. He got licensed as a bail bondsman and a private investigator and a process server and opened a business in L.A.: Big Badge Inc. What else would it be called?

He showed up in Fort Brunsett looking for some punk who jumped bail. Traveling sucks when you're a six-foot-seven, 350 pound athlete approaching forty. He's not in the best of moods.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In blandit mauris id lorem fermentum, nec lobortis lacus convallis. Etiam pharetra erat ut quam tempus fermentum. Donec convallis, nisi in pellentesque hendrerit, tortor ligula vulputate augue, a convallis enim metus et mauris. Aliquam quis erat at felis fringilla aliquam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce eros nisl, semper ut lorem eu, varius convallis leo. Vivamus ut venenatis odio, quis fermentum nibh. Nulla vulputate erat nisi, a pharetra purus mollis quis. Maecenas semper vitae ante nec porttitor. Curabitur vitae elit id mi varius fringilla. Quisque fringilla erat nec nisi dapibus elementum. Donec tortor dolor, auctor non odio vestibulum, viverra semper massa. Donec non quam iaculis, luctus sem ac, ultrices quam. Ut eu ante mollis, dapibus ligula in, molestie mauris. Pellentesque scelerisque risus vel justo semper fringilla.

RP Hooks

  • Something Interesting - He's looking for a subject that jumped bail back in Los Angeles.
  • Something Special - He used to be a pro wrestler. Remember Big Badge? The huge black cop guy? Yeah, him!
  • Something Shared - He doesn't tend to share much. But he has his set of skills. If you're payin', he's interested.


Twista - Darkness

You don't wanna bring darkness into this.

Queen - Can't Stop Me Now

He ain't got much to prove,
at least not now.

Bone Thugz-N-Harmony - Tha Crossroads

What you gonna do,
when judgment comes for you?


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