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A Moon, a Fox, and a Doll

Luna, Yuuki, and Doll

2 March, 2016

Yuuki performs at the Desrochers Bar, while Luna and Doll meet and chat.


Desrochers Bar

Yuuki si on the stage, singing his little heart out, a band is backing him. He is singing a song usually for men, but tonight, the littlest beast is dressed like a girl, a cute white mini skirt and a pink top, he dances and sing his heart out, pouring all the hope and joy he can into his voice. Inspiring the crowd to Never Surrdender.

Luna is sitting in the crowd, having given Yuuki just a little bit of luck. She's sitting quietly, soaking up just a bit of the emotions from the crowd. A girl's gotta get glamour somehow, right? Though, she usually prefers scarring the shit out of people. She's good at that.

She giggles a little, the little oracle enjoys Yuuki's performance. Such an adorable one, he is. Though, sometimes the 'he' part can be questionable. And it's good for her to get out of her shop for a while.

Doll meanders into the bar, albeit somewhat timidly. She's wearing a soft black coat with buttons down the front and a hood framing her pale face. Perfectly silky black locks spill from within and large green eyes as pristine as glass stare towards the stage with her ever rpesant wide eyed look. Gloved hands are folded before her and hairline fractures may be glimpsed upon her cheeks if the light hits her at the right angle, but everything seems much more dim around her.

She's hit with the emotion the second she steps into the door and this is why she comes to high energy places. If be it only to feel...something. Those glass eyes stare towards the man on the stage as her performs, taking in every little detail and aspect of his energy.

Yuuki having finished a set takes a deep breath and speaks into the microphone. "Hihihihi everyone! I hope you all looooved that proformance, I gotta go take a break before I get all yucky and stuffs, so I'll be back soon, don't wait up for me though, keep having an amazing time!" Yuuki giggles out softly and bounces off the stage, running off to tackle hug Luna. "Didja see me, i did aweoms didn't I? Thank you for hte bit of luck too!!!"

Luna hugs! She giggles, and scritches Yuuki a little. "You were pretty amazing." She mentally notes that Yuuki's ability to speak goes down as his excitement level rises. "No problem, it's all good." She relaxes a little, and sips on some soda. She doesn't really drink, probably something about liking her perception to be good.

Doll tips her head carefully with a slow blink and then mirroring Yuuki's energy she bouunces over towards the table and holds out a hand. "Hey there! It was great!" The girl nods, imposing herself with energy that it doesnt quite look like she'd naturally have. With a glance to Luna she giggles some as well.

The energy seems to spike Yuuki's more. "Hiihihii!! I'm super duper glad you liked it, it makes me all kinda happy!!!" He bounces in his cute little skirt happily. Giggling with glee. "Oooh.. I wanna drink somethin!" He tells Luna, bouncing a bit. "Pretty, preeeetty please buy me something nice to drink?"

Luna glances at Yuuki, and just giggles, and can't seem to stop for a solid minute. She just thinks the little ball of energy is so adorable and funny. When she finally does calm down, she hmms. "Perhaps I will, perhaps I won't. I shall return none the less, you can wait here." She then gets up, and heads over to the bar.

Doll grins wide and bounces on the balls of her feet, giggling quite a lot as well. "Do you perform a lot?!" She asks him, innocent voice peircing over the sounds of the crowd like glass. She watches Luna go towards the bar but doesn't ask for a drink nor seem too interested in one.

"Yeah, all the time! IT's how I cheer people up motstly!" He bounces with a giggle and glee.

Luna returns with some sort of dark brown beverage in hand. She places it next to Yuuki, then extends a hand to Doll. "Hello there. Who might you be?" She asks, looking into her in the eyes.

Those eyes seem empty, wide, staring into the beyond. She reaches out to enthustiastically shake her hand as well. "You can call me Doll." She tells her. "Who might you be?"

"I am Luna Janus, fortune teller." She smiles, producing a card from... somewhere? She had it in her sleeve, but she didn't really look like she pulled it out of there unless one has a careful eye.

Dolls eyes get slightly wider, if thats even possible, and she stares towards the card suddenly in her hand. "Oh wow!" She exclaims. "That's really cool. And telling fortunes is as well." She says with a nod.

Luna chuckles. "I'm just out having a good time right now, but you should stop by sometime. You seem quite interesting, and it might be good to get some of the things you... 'feel' off your chest." One can particularly hear the air quotes. Luna smiles though, and places a reassuring hand on Doll's shoulder. Then she decides that now might be a good idea to keep her eyes pealed for magic. Her vision adjusts slightly as she starts looking at the subtle ribbons of fate she usually tunes out.

Yuuki happily take the drink and drinks it with a giggle. Bouncing a bit. "Thank you Luna!" He giggles with aglee. "Oh, yeah, I'm Yuuki Fry, I like ice cream, and singing, and helping people!!" He bounces with a silly level of glee.

Doll nods a few times. "You would give me a reading? And oh! Uh, I'm not entirely sure I have much bothering me at the moment." She says with a bit of a half smile. "Nice to meet you both!" She adds.

Luna nods, "I give all of us a free reading." Because doing so lets her get a feel for potential friends or potential enemies. But she doesn't say that part aloud. "It's nice meeting you, yes." She then glances at Yuuki, and waits.

Yuuki pouts to Luna. "Luuunaaa." He whines, turning on all the cute charm. "Could I prreeeetttyyy please has some of the nicer drinks? Pretty, pretty please wid suga on top?"

"Oh, nice! A free reading? I'll be excited to hear it." Doll looks to Yuuki then as he turns on the charm for Luna.

Luna grumbles. Yuuki is just too cute >.< She decides that she'll get him something light. She can't imagine it'd take much to get him completely wasted. So back off to the bar she goes, and she returns.

Yuuki bounces with glee and giggles. "YaaaayFlyne5 (talk) Thank you Luna!!!" The bouncy boy kisses her cheek and takes a sip, grinning as he does. Then he blinks. "Crap, I gotta go back to stage, you two have fun talkin!" And the excited boy bolts off for the next song.

Doll waves after him as he heads back to the stage and waits eagerly for the next song. "You come here often?" She asks Luna and soon seeks out a chair so she can settle herself into it. She draws the hood from her head where one can clearly see the thin cracks barely visible against that porcelain skin.

Luna rubs her head a little, and looks towards Doll, "He's usually a little tamer than this. I think he's just in his element." Admittedly, she can get carried away with her fortune telling sometimes.

Luna shrugs a little, "Yuuki dragged me here, honestly." She chuckles a little, and eyes the girly boy, eagerly waiting his next performance

Yuuki begins another song, this one, the meaning is clouded but his ever hopeful nature spills into it, bringing an uplifting feeling to the crowd of people

Doll sways some in time with the music of the new song. "Oh tamer?" She shrugs. "I really don't mind it at all. You two been friends for a while then?" She glances back towards Luna.

Luna nods a little. "I don't really mind either, but, damn he's excitable." She chuckles. "So what's your story? What sorts of things do you do?"

Yuuki is still preforming with all his might, bringing an overflowing level of joy and hope to the folks there.

Doll bounces some at the song until she's asked what she does. "Umm..." She pokes a finger to her lower lip and curls her legs in some. "I make things..." She says quietly. "Little silly crafts, bigger things...if neeeded. Or anything really."

"Hmm? What kinda things do you like to make?" Luna asks, sounding more than a little interested. She has 'someone who can make things' on the list of people she needs to know.

Doll looks to her some. "Anything really...anything thats needed. I don't think there's much that I couldn't figure out how to make." She suggests with a small smile and those wide eyes. "Why do ya ask?"

Luna nods and hmms. "Well, me and my friend there are really good at helping other people do things. Maybe there's a way we could work together."

Doll draws her knees up towards her chest and nods some. "Working together? Sure, I wouldn't mind that at all."

Luna smiles, and nods. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to see what you could do sometime. I'm someone who likes to get to know interesting and strange sorts. And you seem to fit the bill." She giggles.

Doll nods to her. "Sure thing, just let me know what you would like to have made and I can whip something up for you. As long as it won't take me weeks to do or anything. A sample would best be kept somewhat simple."

"Hmm." Luna says, thinking it over. "I'm not entirely sure. I don't know much about what you /can/ make."

Doll thinks for a moment. "Really I meant anything." She splays her fingers and starts to count. "Toys, dolls, crafts, trinkets, tokens, weapons."

"Let's try for some sort of doll. Maybe one in Yuuki's likeness?" Luna suggests. "Something simple." She nods.

Doll sits there for a moment just staring at her. "Sure....right this second?" She asks uncertainly. "I would need some materials of course."

"Not right this second, certainly." Luna says, "Perhaps bring it with you when you stop by the fortune telling shop?" Luna briefly considers the idea of actually selling little trinkets and items along with selling fortunes. That might not be a terrible idea.

"Of course! I'll have it with me by the next time I see you. Where is your shop located exactly?" She questions.

Luna gestures to the business card she handed Doll, "The address is on there." Luna smiles, "It'll be a blast, I'm sure."

Doll takes the card and slips it into her coat. "I'm looking forward to it. I like to make useful things for people."

"I like to predict the future, and Yuuki likes to help people. I think we'll do some neat things together." Luna says optimistically.

"We'll have to see what we can come up with." Doll suggests to her. "It sounds like we could get a good thing going in the town for sure."

[[Category: Logs|A Moon, a Fox, and a Doll ]]