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Revision as of 03:13, 2 March 2018

The Adal-first Encounter

or One Outta Nine Ain't Bad


Adalbert, Vorpal as ST

March 1, 2018

Adalbert goes a-hedging, finds some Briarwolves!


Rainbowside Market

Adalbert in an attempt to familiarize himself with the local Hedge, decides to use the Gate in the Riverside Markets to cross to the other side and tries his luck. He's wearing casual jeans, tennis and a tee underneath a sweater and hidden beneath it all, a gun. Just because a cop never leaves his gun behind. Upon entering the Hedge, he glances around both impressed and a little bit concern. And also probably regretful. But he doesn't heads back to the world of the

Rainbowside market is as it ever is. It's busy, but it's all hobs. They don't seem THRILLED to see Adalbert- some get excited, and wilt to see that he's Lost and not Mortal- but they don't exactly attack or avoid him either. In fact, they seem indifferent- until they start to thin out. It's only a couple at first, wandering off through the stalls to vanish, but more and more wander away until it's just Adalbert, by himself.

At first, Adalbert doesn't notice it since it's his very first time in the Hedge on his own. Mostly, he pays attenion to the stalls and the wares that are being sold but at some point realization comes to his bright blue eyes as more and more Hobs flee. Unsure on what to do, the Fairest just stays there and tries to avoid touching anything while he glances around trying to find the reason to the sudden dissapearance of the locals. One of his hands instinctively goes to the gun underneath his sweater.

As Adalbert gets his bearings and starts to pay closer attention, things start to make sense. It's super quiet, but not -silent.- There's movement, just out of view, -always- just out of view. There's quiet scrapes, the gentle sound of coarse fur- low rattling growls almost too quiet to be heard. There's something nearby. Two somethings, from the sound of it. And they sound pretty big. Probably why the Hobs vacated.

Upon hearing the things wandering around out of his sight, Adalbert finds cover in one of the stalls as he retrieves his pistol out of his belt. It takes him just a couple second to finally catch the two Briarwolves in the far side of the market coming to his spot. In a mastered move, Adalbert aims and shots at one of them without hesitation. His grips in the pistol's handle firm and his eyes, focused.

The briarwolf reels and yelps in a sudden, pained reaction. The two wheel on him in the next instant, moving as one to rush his position. They're fast, and they'll easily close on him in the next few seconds. He has time to take another shot before they get close? Or to turn and book it for the Hedge Gate!

The Briarwolves were fast, but Adalbert was faster and managed to hit one of them again before the pair could reach him and, to his own surprise, the creature cried and landed on the ground. Plain dead.

The other, though, was untouched- but not quite as bold as it was before the tasty glowing morsel gunned down its buddy in about as many seconds as it had paws. It doesn't stop, charging headlong into the police officer and bowling him to the side with a bruise-ensuring crash. It bolts past and whips down an alley, raising its voice in a howl. Other howls rise to meet it, but they're all a bit distant- though they're definitely coming closer.

There's about eight.

Adalbert holds the urge to yell when the creature hits him and turns around quickly to follow it with his eyes. When he hears the sounds of other creatures coming to its aid, he arches a brow and slowly starts heading to the Hedge gate and back to the world of the men. But he keeps his weapon still and aiming at the creature.

That particular beastie isn't keen on engaging without its fellows. That's a situation that sounds like it's liable to change, as the howls get closer by the minute, but for now, at least, he's by himself with a clear shot to the gate. If he's intent on leaving? Now seems like a good time.

Adalbert is smart enough to understand that one killed Briarwolf in his very first time into the Hedge is enough for the day and he starts running for the Gate and back to the safety of the world of man.