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Revision as of 04:04, 31 December 2017

New Year's Eve Jazz 2017

Thank you for joining us on this lovely, -cold- New Year's Eve!


CB, Dross, Duncan, Franklyn, Glitch, Haruki, Michelle, Neirin, Poppy, Teagan, Tristan, Vorpal

30 December, 2017

Michelle and C.B. put on a winter jazz concert at Alchemy.



The stage is dark, until the opening strain of Moonlight in Vermont starts. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KmighCtIPM ) The lights slowly come up on Michelle, in a sequined red dress that hugs her curves and a Santa hat placed on her hair jauntily. C.B., at the piano, is in a tuxedo with tails; wonder what Michelle bribed him with. Her smoky voice fills the room quickly, and she plays to the audience. (Siren Song, SV 2)

Haruki's dressed up for the occassion, all fancy in a sharp maroon suit. He's sitting, on his own, watching the stage, toying with a glass of something bubbly.

Aww, c'mon, C.B. loves looking like a stuffed penguin! Truth be told, though, he looks pretty darn good, if perhaps somewhat out of character, in that tux. He's even combed his hair. Maybe even put some product in there! The Wizened knows how to play along sometimes, literally as well as figuratively. His bony, ink-stained fingers move deftly across the keys -- he doesn't appear to be playing to sheet music, and is in fact mostly looking to Michelle for any cues. There's a tumbler of something brown perched on the piano within drinking reach.

Poppy is behind the bar, although it seems she's more supporting the people working it and keeping an eye on the room rather than being on primary drink duty; that doesn't mean that she isn't relatively busy, at least with that initial rush for drinks prior to the floor show starting. Once the singing and playing begins, however, she gets a breather, and smiles, leaning against the lucite for a moment as she listens. The siren's wearing her usual for working: a black spaghetti tank bearing a colorized version of the bar's logo, a pair of black jeans and stiletto, knee-high boots. Her seaweed-streaked hair is pulled up into a somewhat messy bun.

Tristan is dressed in one of his finely fitted grey suits, charcoal, with a silver accented waistcoat, and a white shirt with similar silver threading. Glossy black eyes with constellations slowly turning within them take in the performance from where he sits, long pale fingers idly toying with the stem of the wine glass in front of him. Save for that small movement, he might well be a statue, all white marble with faint black veins beneath the skin. There's the faintest curve of a smile on his lips as he listens to the singing begin.

Duncan is on duty tonight, dressed in a black 'Alchemy' t-shirt, jeans, and black work boots. With the expected crowd there are two bouncers working, and he gets to float while a scrappy looking woman is handling IDs at the door. Once the lights go down at the music starts, Duncan stops over by the bar and leans on the corner, surveying the crowd as he listens.

Well. Isn't this -civilised-.

It's all sparkly and smoky up on stage, and there's Franklyn over by the bar; dressed like she's just come from a reading of Vile Bodies -- no, no, that's a good thing, really. Sparkles. She -sparkles-, in a silver drop-waisted dress with complicated back sash, all absolutely covered in sequins and beading that screams 'bright young thing'. Because she is, right? Every time she moves, she catches the light - and Franklyn is almost always moving.

"Hel-lo!" Franky's fingers wiggle in the air, beetle-shell green manicure waved in Poppy's direction as she steps on the tippy-toes of those silver silk slippers, and leans over the bar a bit. "Gimlet, lovely? Please?" It will not be her first. Franklyn seems distracted, though - looking up and over to the stage, while fidgeting with her clutch purse. There's probably money in there - if not, Frank can always pawn that for-sure real jewellery of hers. Why wear one strand of pearls, when you have three?

Dross slips through the doors in a quiet moment, pausing just inside for a moment to scope out the room. He watches the stage for a while, where Michelle and C.B. are in the middle of putting on 'Winter in Vermont' under shifting blue lights the color of moonlight bouncing off fresh snow, then glances around the bar for a (relatively) quiet, shadowy spot. He raises a hand to Poppy before drifting through the assembled patrons toward a suitable table, where Tristan, unsurprisingly, also seems to have chosen to settle.

Poppy gives Franklyn a cheerful grin and a briefly gauging look before nodding - is she assessing whether the other woman /already/ needs to be cut off? - but then she's heading back to the shelf of alcohol, reaching over the low-lying flames for the gin. Turning back to the stainless workbench behind the illuminated lucite, she starts mixing, catching Dross as he comes in and offering him a small smile and nod in return to that wave as she puts together the drink.

The song ends, and Michelle gives C.B. a cheeky grin and a nod. 'Santa Baby' is up next. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFMyF9fDKzE ) The redheaded woman's alto fills the room comfortably, a low-lying smoke that is warm and soothing, tugging lightly at the soul as the pretty thing on stage belts out the song.

Some people come dressed up to things. Some people think 'dressing up' means actually shaving and wearing a button-down that's seen an iron in recent history and a blazer without holes in it. Robin Collier, locally known as Neirin to the Lost, falls into the latter category; he's been nursing a whiskey (his third) since the music started, ensconced at the first table, no fiddle case in sight. He's not wearing the fancy new leather wrist brace Billy Ray made for him, since he's not planning on playing anything tonight, only listening-- so it's just the thin black gloves that hide his hands.

He has been listening, and idly watching as people continue to drift in, and then Dross ghosts in and he finishes the tumbler he's been working on and pushes himself to his feet to get a refill. Number four and he doesn't look the worse for three, so.

Tristan glances up when someone approaches the little niche that he's taken for himself, somewhere from which he can observe without being near to the stage. He's there for the music after all, and that can be heard from anywhere in the room. Seeing that it's Dross, he dips his head in greeting and nods toward a seat at his table, welcoming. He then lifts his glass and takes another sip, wordlessly letting his attention drift back toward the stage. He hasn't been out and about much, in quite literally months, but it seems an evening of jazz drew him out on his own at last.

C.B. gives Michelle a decidedly squinty-eyed smile in return. But there's a smile on that face nonetheless. It's kind of dark and there's probably light in his face, so it's difficult for him to really get a good look at the audience, though he might catch Frank standing there as he briefly glances in that direction in the moments between songs. He also takes a moment for a large swallow of his amber-colored drink. But he continues to competently accompany the jazz siren as she moves on, sliding into the song like a penguin into the ocean. Because, y'know. Tux.

Franklyn, needing to be cut off? Absurd! Imagine the confrontation, imagine the -theatrics-. The Mortal woman gives Poppy a bright flash of a smile in return - so fast it's hard to tell if it's reached her eyes, because she's already looking elsewhere; following Poppy's gaze over towards... Oh. Oh is that /Dross/? That smile on Franklyn's face widens and becomes fixed - hidden for only a second behind fluttering fingers. What's she contemplating?

Hard to say, because Franklyn is almost immediately moving again; taking Some Money out from her purse, and placing it on the bar for Poppy. How much does a gimlet cost, twenty US dollars? There we go. That's what's being left. A nail is tapped against the bill -- sound lost under the vibes echoing out from Michelle and C.B's rendition of 'Santa Baby' -- gee, is Franklyn impatient for that drink? She doesn't look impatient; see, she's /smiling/. Happy Holidays.

Quietly, Dross says something about a cat to Tristan when he sits down-- Odd? It's hard to see the stage from here, but he twists around for a moment and makes the effort when Michelle and C.B. move into a new song. Warm, honeyed singing and lively piano music fill the bar. He looks around the room, blue eyes pausing on each person that he recognizes for a moment-- Haruki, Poppy, Franklyn, Neirin... -- before his focus returns to the music.

Gin, Rose's lime juice, and a wedge of lime for garnish - it doesn't take more than a minute or two before the Gimlet is up on the bar and the twenty taken. There's change left for Franklyn, should she take it, then Poppy's attention shifts to those settling themselves at the various tables or moving around the bar, briefly flickering to the pair on stage before shifting back to keeping an eye on things.

Haruki flashes a momentary bright smile at Dross when he looks this way. Haruki's busy, focussed on the stage and the performance at hand though. If there's anyone else he recognises he doesn't seem to notice them in the crowds that are here. Absently he mouths the words along with the song, fingers twitching as he plays an imaginary piano.

Tristan's head turns in Dross' direction at the comment about a cat and one brow edges upward a little before he looks back out over the crowd, studying those around the room. He says something quietly back at his table, then, but otherwise seems loathe to interrupt the performance. His wine is nursed, slowly.

Michelle smiles as the song ends. "Good evening, Fort Brunsett! I'm Michelle Hawthorne and accompanying me on piano is who you really came to gawk at, C.B. Alexander." She grins self-depriciatingly, aware of C.B.'s reputation over her own. "Thank you for joining us on this lovely, -cold- New Year's Eve! Stay in, stay warm with us." And she grins again, golden brown eyes bright. "We're going to depart from the Christmas music for a while, so sit back and enjoy something I learned from C.B. recently. It's called vocalise, and it's a neat technique of making the voice sound like an instrument--in this case, the saxophone. The song is Twisted." And she launches into the next piece. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXwMgIlmoaM )

No soda in the gimlet? Not a problem for Franklyn. "Thank you lovely - cheers!" She chimes, moving to take a $5 but leave the rest. That's a tip, right? The Happy Holiday's smile to Poppy remains, although it's quickly obfuscated via gimlet glass, as the Mortal girl turns and observes the rest of the room.

Only a very careful observer will note the narrow-eyed look of wary - or weary - discontent clouding over her expression.

Then, a smile - bright! Franklyn's on the move, gliding over in the direction of Tristan and Dross. "Gentlemen." BING! Look at that smile. Sooo expressive - and yet, at the moment it's like she's holding back some secret joke, as she looks Dross over. "...Blue hydrangea." Her smile widens as she goes to say something else, but it is cut short -- attention tangled up in Michelle's announcement. Eyebrows, they are raised - along with the gimlet. Only one is curious.

C.B. gives Michelle a look at that, like: Who're you kidding? More squinty-eyed smirking for him. He has a mic too, set up so he can reach it while he's still seated at the piano. "Yeah, I'm too pretty for words," he adds, taking another quick drink before he plays the jaunty little piano intro for "Twisted." He provides the little questions that pepper that song -- the "What?"s and the "How?"s and so on.

Duncan scans the bar, looking over the relatively well-dressed crowd that has come in tonight. That typically means less trouble, and everyone does look fairly relaxed, but then they've got a lot of unusual patrons tonight too. He applauds for Michelle and CB when there's a break, then makes his way over to check in at the door.

Tristan glances up from where he was having a quiet conversation with Dross when Franklyn approaches. He gives a small nod of his head to her in greeting, but then the mention of the flower has him glance toward Dross for a moment. As though he knows those words were meant for the other Darkling, he turns his attention back toward the stage and the music, studying C.B. as he plays.

Like Tuxedo Mask, a rose appears in Haruki's hands, and he tosses it at the stage when CB declares himself to be pretty, blowing a kiss at the same time. Then he takes a swig from his glass. Who cares if it's not time for encores and flowers yet.

C.B., for all of his usual spitfire and tension, is surprisingly relaxed up there on stage. He doesn't mess up his playing, at any rate. Seems like he's quite a natural, though no doubt there's been plenty of practice. Or maybe he's just lubricated enough to not care where the piano takes him, and it just happens to be taking him in the right direction. Is he perhaps even.../enjoying/ himself?

And that's when Neirin's gasflame-blue eyes, tracking Franklyn's interesting body language, track her all the way to the table where Dross and Tristan are sitting. He's got a tab running, but he's been leaving cash tips anyway because cash is better, cash is always better. So he picks up his latest whiskey and pushes off the bar, leaving that tip, and meanders over to where he's pretty sure entertaining trouble's about to start and drops himself into a chair at that table. Maybe if he looks cranky enough he can delay the trouble until there's a break.

Michelle takes a drink of water from a bottle nearby after the song, smiling at the rose thrown onto the stage. "Thank you," she says for herself and C.B., picking the flower up and placing it on the piano delicately so as not to disturb anything. She may think pianos are magical, though. Then she launches into something a bit more relaxed, her hardest song out of the way. 'Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps' is up next. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUVT1NZtZPo )

Poppy grins at the exchange between Michelle and C.B., then claims the remainder of the money on the bar, not arguing with Franklyn. That said, the woman gets a thoughtful look before the mortal is off towards Tristan and Dross; the siren deposits the correct number of bills in the till, the rest being dropped into a tip jar safely out of reach of the patrons. Neirin's departure is met with a cheerful nod, tThe rose being tossed stage-wards garners an amused look.

At Franklyn's address, Dross looks up, just in time to see the mortal's face and attention turn toward Michelle and C.B. on the stage. There goes the first rose of the evening! "Fränzi," he says, drily. He indicates Tristan with a gesture. "Tristan." Then he touches, very briefly, the scarred skin below one of his eyes and says, "Acidic soil." He lets his hands fall to the table, folding one over the other. "Sit." Meanwhile, Neirin starts to come over, too.

C.B. /stares/ at that rose when it appears; did he see who threw it? He actually looks alarmed for a moment, or maybe just confused. His cheeks turn a little red. He lets out a slow breath, drains his drink, and waves the glass at a passing waitress -- her cue to give him a refill, apparently. Then he cracks his knuckles and quickly launches into the next song, his dress shoe'd foot tapping away beneath the piano.

Up there on stage, 'Twisted' is belted out -- down in the audience, Franklyn's eyes have taken on a saucer like appearance of Rapt Attention, lips hidden behind that gimlet glass. Is it a bit sour, Franky-girl? Might be, because her eyes have taken on this glassy, glazed quality.

Jesus. Franklyn's not crying, is she? Maybe Poppy should have cut her off. If music is the food of the soul, Franky may be full up...

...or not. Because she's laughing - bright and sharp and /curious/ as Franklyn's attention whips back to Dross, and she's swooping down to join him and Tristan. Gimlet splashes on the table, as she holds a hand out for Tristan to take -- but the Mortal may of had her fast-forward button pressed, because she is positively /zipping/ through introductions.

"Pleasure, no? Always, /always/ -- say;" Franklyn turns, dress sparkling, smile brightening, damp eyes glinting as she focuses back up on Dross - gesturing between the two Darklings with a flick of her wrist, "They tell me scorched earth discourages regrowth - but Chernobyl is overrun with life; the love of a land abandoned by humanity and yet reclaimed by something -else-, you know? Dross, Dross, Dross what do you think it's -like-, eh? To feel the growth of something new like that? Do the dandelions cling on harder, now?"

"They don't cling, they fly through the breeze, caught on the wind, free to spread wherever they care, dancing on a whim," Haruki might just be eavesdropping a bit on Franklyn. He's close enough to have heard her at least. "Dancing lions."

Whoever dressed Teagan tonight, it probably wasn't Teagan, and the clothes are definitely new -- nothing looks this good for long when Teagan owns it. Maybe they've gotten Green to like, rent them some clothing so that they don't technically own it and the Squires-look-shabby curse has not yet fallen on it.

Whatever the case, the long, single-breasted charcoal-grey coat is new, the pinstriped vest and pants are new, the crisp black pin-collar shirt and Balthus-knotted burgundy ascot, those are new, too. The boots are new, even. And when Teagan raises a scarred hand toward Michelle and waves before turning the same gesture to Poppy as they head to the bar, the titanium ring on their left ring finger, complete with diamond laid flat in with the band? That, too, is new. Only the Darkling and the machete under the coat are old.

Michelle and C.B. finish the previous song, and Michelle takes another sip of water. She nods, smiling, to Teagan, catching the glint of that ring and her eyes go -curious-. But she's a professional, so instead, she just says, "This next song is some classic Bossa Nova, brought to you from the 1960s." A wry smile, before she launches into Girl From Ipanema. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJkxFhFRFDA )

Poppy glances idly over towards the door, then both eyebrows raise at Teagan's state of dress, then she grins cheerfully at that greeting, nodding at the machete-bearing Darkling. A look towards the stage at the new song being introduced and she smiles before giving the bar a rather supervisory look that ends with a quick check-in on both door and the other bartender.

Franklyn has engaged with Polite introductions with Tristan over there at their table - handshake over, she turns at Haruki's words.

"Would you dance with a lion?" Franklyn chimes back across to Haruki, fingers moving to touch her mouth - eyes widening, but lips wincing; either she's given herself a little static shock, or she's slightly started to realise she has no cigarette. Instead she rolls a shoulder in a shrug and leans an elbow forward on the table, palm propped against her temple, like she was pressing away a headache. For a second, as she calls out to add to the Magician: "'Out of the eater, something to eat -- and out of the strong came something sweet.'"

Is Franklyn going to continue? Jury's out. She's looking towards the stage -- over to C.B. at the piano, really -- but... There's so much activity, isn't there? Franklyn's attention is bound to get swept up again.

C.B. was also brought to you from the 1960s, after a fashion, though of course he doesn't say that! He's too busy supporting Michelle with some smooth bossa nova stylings. Also, he looks more 1930s than 1960s today, given that tux. The waitress had brought his drink to him just before, and he'd already downed about half of it in a go before he launches into the song. His eyes pass briefly over Teagan and he frowns. Gaze moves to Franky next, lingering for a longer moment. Then he quickly diverts his attention back up to Michelle, the singer he's here to support.

"They're not very good at dancing," Haruki replies to Franklyn, and he's reaching into his pockets, pulling out some origami paper and starting to fold it. "Two left feet, paws, you know. A two step is a four step and they never learned to waltz. Would you dance with the bees? Now they actually do know how to dance. Maybe i t's three left feet cancel out."

Teagan's arrival is paired with a sense of the Sublime, revealed only after a moment or two to be the precursor to Vorpal's arrival. Where Teagan's dressed to the T in vest, ascot and all, Vorpal's showed up in a belted tunic over dark, close-fit pants, tucked into heavy buckled boots. He's draped in a long, RAF-cut coat as well, but he doffs the greatcoat the moment he's through the door, as its warmth clashes with the swashing and the buckles in his old-fashioned style. The throat of his tunic is wide open, showcasing a tiny, dark metal dagger on a chain, its hilt a pair of curled, sweeping bat wings. He's tied a bandana around his throat rather than around his head, leaving the look a little less on the nose relative to the buccaneering roots of his outfit.

Dross looks over at Neirin when the musician sits down, gaze dipping for a moment toward the glass of whiskey. He nods, then returns his attention to Franklyn when she says his name three times in a row like it'll make something special happen. He listens to that little eruption in silence, long enough for Haruki to make his addition. The spill of gimlet splashes over one of his hands, but he still doesn't move, just looking over the table into the actress's vivid green eyes. Whatever it is that he sees there, in the end he says only, simply, "No." And then, after a long pause, long enough for a new song to begin and for new faces to appear at the door: "What do you want, Franklyn?"

Neirin glances up toward Haruki after introducing himself to his table as Robin Collier and asks, "You that magician kid?"

Michelle finishes the classic bossa nova song, and says, "Next song is one near and dear to my heart, first made famous by the great Nina Simone." She nods to C.B. before singing 'I'll Put A Spell On You'--which is a bit out of season, except that for Autumns, it never is. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ua2k52n_Bvw )

Something, or more likely someone, startles Haruki and as soon as Teagan&Co enter, Haruki's up on his feet, and stumbling towards... no not the door, that way lies the people, but look, there's Dross and Franklyn and some strangers they'll protect him. He almost staggers over to where their table is, carrying both his glass and his paper and without so much as a by your leave he tries to drop down onto one of the chairs, or squeeze in, or whatever. He nods. "Yes magician. Not a kid. You?" The words all tumble out anxiously.

The Sublime individual causes Teagan to pause and hold out their right hand, waiting for Vorpal to catch up with them; they tuck their hand into Vorpal's arm casually and comfortably, head absently bobbing along with Michelle singing. It is seriously distracting, that Siren's Song. Vorpal's just enough taller than the lanky Mirrorskin that they have to turn their face up toward him, one corner of their mouth curling up just so. "You're buying," they inform him, and then the song changes, and their even, white teeth flash in amusement. "Pick something -- interesting." The pause before the last word comes with their grin widening just a little.

C.B. drinks more, though it seems like maybe he's trying to pace himself a little? For a change. 'Course, who knows how many he had before this concert even started. The electric Wizened in his tuxedo with tails is up on stage at the piano, accompanying Michelle as she starts into Nina's famous tune. He glances up from the keys as Vorpal comes in, staring at him for a moment, but then he focuses once more on the song he's playing and the singer he's playing for.

Poppy's attention drifts briefly towards the small group at the table before returning to the stage, and she smiles at the shift in music, offering Michelle a wink before she glances to the presence behind Teagan and she gives Vorpal a wry smirk, moving towards the pair. "What can I help you with?' she asks, voice pitched enough to get attention without distracting from the performance.

Glitch haunts his way in discreetly in the wake ot Teagan and Vorpal. Less attention-getting, he's apparently been told to look nice for being dragged along here fitted into a black-on-black Varsity jacket. His jeans and sneakers are similarly monochromatic, but they're nice stuff with a good fit, and he looks like he's not exactly used to it as he slouches around the periphery, looking for anyone he knows. There's a moment taken to just stop and listen to the next song as it starts up, the crooner catching his attention.

"Contrary to that belief, Haruki, the lion I've danced with is deft on their feet -- of course, doesn't matter if you've pulled a thorn from their paw, you gotta watch out for their claws, yeah? They'll bleed you for sport, and feed you their honey..." Franklyn chimes to the Magician -- yes, it is a good thing she's spilt a bit of that gimlet, because it is Very Likely that the Mortal girl should not really be drinking any more.

Still. Franklyn turns to Dross once that silence has been broken -- but the smile of her face wavers even as it widens, eyes narrowing as her hand is lowered and pressed palm-flat against the table, fingers splayed as she leans forward. "How long do you got, Blue?" Deep breath -- someone is looking a little, uh, dizzy.

Anything to do with the new arrivals? Franklyn hasn't spotted Vorpal - not directly - but the Mortal girl seems... Different none the less. Leaning in, she whispers softly to Dross -- words lost in the chaos of all that activity.

Michelle finishes the song with a little vocal flourish, before looking to C.B. "Next up is a little treat. Did you know C.B. Alexander can sing? He can, you know, and he's going to duet with me. A very special version of 'Baby, It's Cold Outside'. I know there's controversy around this song, but trust me for a minute, okay?" Golden topaz eyes twinkle as she watches the room, keeping close eye on that mortal girl who's drunk off her rear end. And then she cues C.B. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtoW4aV-CIc )

Haruki's eyes are wide. "Poetry." He blurts out at Tristan. "Poet. Prickly words. Sharper than lion's claws." Yes, it is Vorpal that's making him feel awkward, and he does his best to become smaller and unnoticed, hunching a bit over his origami as deft fingers form the shape of a lion. But wait, is CB about to sing, he squirms in his seat and peeks around, not wanting to miss this performance.

"Some people know I can sing, they're just trying to block out the memory," C.B. quips into the microphone. After swallowing down the rest of his drink and playing the opening chords on the piano, he gives Michelle a coy little look: "I really can't stay..." C.B. doesn't have the power of Michelle's Siren Song, but his voice is Striking enough to lend its own clear, sardonic charm to the number, in which the part he's singing is traditionally sung by a woman. Not tonight. Tonight, Michelle is the sly seductress trying to keep him from sneaking out into the cold.

The Godling grins down at Teagan and shrugs, glancing back to make sure Glitch is still keeping up, having little interest in leaving the monochromatic fellow behind, then to Poppy with a brilliant smile. "Two drinks. Whatever Glitch wants, and- hm. London Fog for Teagan." He leans in and explains the drink quickly, quietly, to Poppy. It's not a complicated drink, not really, but it's not exactly on most menus, either. "There- drinks on the way. Now -you- get to find the three of us a seat," explains V. He hasn't picked up on the two individuals acting particularly squirrely- he's got other things on his mind, and it'll take more than a drunk girl or a hunched, hiding magician to remind him that he has An Effect on people, and the crowd is definitively mixed.

Dross twists to look at the stage: C.B. singing now, too, in a duet with Michelle. When he looks back at Franklyn, his gaze is cautious. He raises the back of his hand to her forehead, as if checking for a temperature, in spite of what can be clearly seen: the effects of too much alcohol, no? Quick glance at the others at the table: Tristan, whose attention remains on the performers; Neirin, with his whiskey; and Haruki, who seems frightened, bent over his origami... Then stands. "Outside," he says, and walks out.

Poppy arches an eyebrow at that explanation from Vorpal, head tilted as she listens. Her eyes only glaze over a little, but then, she isn't looking at him directly. She then nods and goes to fetch a glass and start mixing the first, the music from the pair on stage getting a cheerful grin; she briefly hums under her breath before catching herself. She seems to be waiting for whatever it is that Glitch is ordering.

Haruki nodnods at Neirin and offers the folded lion to him, almost absently. But sshhhh CB is singing and Haruki is looking and OH NO DROSS IS LEAVING! Which causes panic... or at least Haruki can just follow him out, right? Like he was invited. Yes. But then he'd miss the song. Only... Vorpal's still there all looming and dark along with murderblood shadowhands bringer of not-poisoned apples. Yes, yes, leaving with Dross. He sticks to Dross like glue - figuratively, not literally.

Glitch blinks and looks over to Poppy dumbly, still not paying attention, face scrambling and flickering momentarily. "Oh, uh," he beeps out, further distracted by the sight of Haruki. But as Haruki flees immediately, he returns his look to Poppy. "Uh...like, a...Pepsi. ...with rum?"

While Franklyn has leaned in to murmur with Dross, it's not like she can be very subtle about it -- her sequinned dress glints, bracelets jingling -- and while she is speaking soft, then waiting for a reply, she's missing out on a lot of information: Haruki's chattering and subsequent origami is overlooked, as is Tristan's words and Neirin's almost-but-not-quite attention.

No. Franklyn's forehead is being touched, but her focus is only up on stage; watching the two singers. Well, mostly one of them. Which one? C.B. and Michelle -are- compelling, each in their own way. Only Dross is moving, and speaking, and Franklyn's fast-forward has flip-reversed into a half-speed, as she slowly begins to stand, purse in hand. "...I have to get my coat." Otherwise she will very likely freeze to death in under a minute. "Just one cigarette, I won't leave."

The casual degeneracy of Teagan's smile remains perfectly in place as Vorpal orders and the song changes. "Sounds perfect," agrees Teagan, one hand tucked into Vorpal's arm, and then they tip their head up toward one of the tables along the side. "That's appropriate." They absently adjust their long coat, smoothing it down. Their thumb fidgets the ring, not yet used to its presence. "Shall we?"

Michelle giggles as she finishes the song. "I love doing that, flipping people's expectations." She glances at Teagan there, cheerfully, before smiling warmly at Poppy too. "Let's go with something less Wintery next," the Treasured winks. "Here's a cover that will probably confuse many, many, many of you." And she launches into the new song without saying what it is. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuxDRnN7aKg )

Vorpal grins to himself as Poppy starts mixing the drink he's ordered, and pauses to start to greet Dross on his way past, before -finally- noting that there's individuals present who would likely have a better time if He was, instead, he. His eyes, lost in shadows, trace Teagan's glance to a table, then grits his teeth a moment before dragging Johnny over every ounce of his divinity in an unnatural, forced retreat. One moment, Vorpal is present and everyone knows it- the next, there's just some scarred, skinny guy with Teagan's arm through his. "Yeah, let's." He throws his gaze to Glitch and offers, "Sorry, man, I got no clue what you drink or I wouldn't have left you on the spot."

C.B. toys with the lyrics along the way, offering commentary: When he sings "Father will be pacing the floor," he adds, speaking, "Waiting to hide me when I get home," and at the "What's in this drink?" part, he actually sniffs his drink and adds, "I'm getting that roofies vibe." They harmonize nicely, and then the number is over, taking C.B. off the hook again and back to accompanying as a fresh drink is placed down on the piano before him. This particular cover probably confuses him, since his knowledge of the original is limited, but his playing manages to be adequately avant-garde to fit the strange cover. He glances up and squints, noting Dross and Haruki leaving, and Franky standing like she's about to leave. Then he frowns, but quickly focuses on his playing again. Useful, constant distraction tonight.

Tristan dips his head to those at his table, his glass of wine finished, nd then he draws himself up from where he wa sitting and says, "Excuse me." Then he simply makes his way toward the exit, slipping out with little more fanfare than that.

And then the tension leaves the room and where did Vorpal go? Haruki glances around briefly, but don't question it, don't stare and now he can enjoy the singing, and watching the performers do their thing. "It's the wrong way around." He says. Vorpal? The song? Something else.

Poppy grins at Glitch. "Coke okay?" She finishes making the drink for Teagan, pushing it across the bar towards the suited Darkling, then waits for Player One's answer, grinning briefly at C.B.'s annotations to the song. As Vorpal pulls his Mask into place, she doesn't quite sigh, although there's a bit of tension that leaves her frame; perhaps she'd noticed the somewhat restless shifting among others in the bar.

Regarding Dross and his one-word demand-- order?-- with a squint, Neirin takes slightly better stock of Haruki and Franklyn in light of oh hey Vorpal is here, and then he flips his cigarette out from behind his ear and follows the small crowd. He makes it absolutely plain to everyone who looks at him that he's not leaving-leaving, since he's not getting his coat and he's holding a cigarette, and regardless of whether anyone else stays or goes, he's off to satisfy his other addiction.

Though-- on the way-- he does glance back at the stage and wink at Michelle, then makes a curious little salute with his thumb and forefinger ringing one bright blue eye for a second before drawing away swiftly.

Michelle finishes the song, and smiles contentedly. "I'm going to leave you with that. We're taking a bit of a break. Back in a few minutes! And thank you all for coming." Michelle steps backstage as some canned light music starts to play, something people can talk over.

C.B. gets up from the piano, brushing his tails out of the way. He grabs his drink and moves over to speak briefly with Michelle first. After he's done with that, he'll make a beeline for the door, cigarette already between his lips, because someone is jonesing like whoa.

Haruki has flowers, roses, some for Michelle, some for CB, which are thrust (not thrown) in their direction. Maybe the small magician is confused and thinks the show's over and not that this is intermission time. "That was amazing!" Where's his friends gone? He checks over his shoulder to make sure they haven't left yet. If they have there'll be running.