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Latest revision as of 03:11, 13 October 2017

Date Night



Jacob, Signe


Jacob and Signe take a break for a few to discuss some things.


Skin & Bones

Signe managed to get off work before eight in the evening and Jacob didn't work the evening shift so what was that?! Was this a date night?! Given that Signe is still dream poisoned, it's not safe for her to go too far, so she asked Jacob if he wanted to come over and knock some of the movie off of his to watch list that she'd made on one of their slow nights at Desrochers. She was a weird one. Dinner had been delicious though and after dinner desserts were things that were easy to munch on during movies. The silver haired woman is wearing a pair of fitted skinny jeans and a black tank top. No shoes. She seems to prefer no shoes when she's not at work or upstairs.

Jacob...does not exactly have the biggest social schedule in the world, so if he isn't working, its a good idea he's probably hanging around his place or out for a run or keeping Alocer busy when Signe has to work - not QUITE heavily involved in Summer yet. So the suggestion of a date/dinner night is rather quickly accepted, and results in a Hunterheart showing up in his typical worn bluejeans, loose tshirt, and bare feet, even having brought a couple of DVDs with him in case she didnt already have some lined up - helpful like that! Of course, east to munch on desserts means one hand is slowly popping them into his mouth, while the other hand has stolen around her waist to lightly hold on to those skinny jeans while he sorta pays attention to the TV. While he's usually good about keeping quiet, there's enough of a pause for him to mention, "I went to see something in the theater the other day and I almost punched the idiot behind me in the mouth because he wouldnt shut up. Do...people do that a lot here?"

Signe is perfectly comfortable being curled up on the couch with the wolfish Hunterheart and watch movies. "Sadly sometimes they do and it's really annoying. Not like anyone would have found his body till the next movie started." the Fae-Touched offers helpfully with a wink to him. "And I was meaning to ask you how you were getting along. Do you need anything?" she asks him.

Jacob rumbles softly in soft amusement, "You aren't helping, saying things like that." His fingers dig into her hip a little with that statement, but he settles back down to consider her question and offer, "Its been quiet so far. I guess since Summer just ended, the Court's not trying to constantly do things every week, but I'm keeping my ears up just in case someone makes noise about wanting to do something, so I can meet s'more folks. And so far, nothing's exploded much at the bar." He tilts his head a little, dragging his attention over to her face with a raised brow, "Did that bat girl ever come back to ask about a tattoo?"

"Was I supposed to be helping your urges to not punches people in the face that yap at the mouth during movies handsome?" Signe asks him with a bright smile. "I'll remember that from now on." she adds as she leans forward to kiss his nose. "And thank goodness nothing's exploded at the bar. I'm afraid with everything else that's going on with the Freehold that something else exploding would be disastrous." she muses. Then there's a shake of her head, "No, never did. Haven't got a phone call either." she states. "Have you been to see the Queen yet?" she asks him. "Or at least a Waykeeper?" she adds. "I know we've been busy." she nods.

Jacob shakes his head slowly, "I should go do that. To be honest, I get a little sidetracked learning the neighborhood and I start to forget there are things I need to be vigilant about." He trails off there and leans in to lightly press a kiss to her shoulder, lifting both eyes to look up at her, "They haven't been able to fix your dreams yet? I don't suppose you've found anything that helps them at all?" For the moment at least, the movie seems to be taking secondary importance to the questions.

Signe gives him a smile, "It's alright, I wasn't asking to give you a hard time or anything." she tells him honestly. "We'll get you all sorted out pledge wise and it's still really early with the season as it is." she smiles to that. The kiss to her shoulder makes her look to him fully and there's a shake of her head, "No, Dielle's set dream traps, but no fully healed yet." she tells him. So I try to stick to work and here for now. I don't want to hurt anyone on accident, you know?" she asks him. "And I've not found anything that has." she shakes her head again sadly.

Jacob frowns a little amd rumbles his thoughts for a moment, then nods. Gently he rubs his cheek against her shoulder and tightens that arm around her waist, "Would it help if someone camped out to try and wake you up if you started having one of those dreams? Ive heard its bad to wake someone out of a nightmare, but this isn't exactly a normal dream...and I think I can handle a little rough if you get fighty before that happens." His lips purse for a moment. Well, typical, the Summer wants to physically confront the problem, "So, don't say no just because you're worried I might get hurt. I dont mind hurt. Bruises make good stories later."

Signe wraps her arms around his shoulders and there's a soft smile to him, "You are welcome here whenever you want to be. And I'm not going to tell you no if you want to camp out. Just...if I hurt you or Al, I don't want you to be mad at me." she admits. She didn't want to lose people. "And I know you're a Summer and you don't mind rough and tumble but you don't always need pain." she adds quickly.

When she wraps her arms around his shoulders, his hands move to lightly lay claim to her butt and draws her over onto his lap, so he can look up at her face directly, "You've told me what's going on with you, and I have a little idea of what kind of danger that will mean. If I know all that and I still put myself in harms way, if I get hurt, the only person I could be upset with is myself. You don't get mad at the bull for charging you if you jump into his pen and wave a red flag around, right?" he smiles up at her and gives her rump a warm, possessive squeeze, "And I can keep Al company. Maybe he has some ideas as well. After all, you and he have a bond, right? So don't worry about hurting me. I don't mind hurt if there's a chance I can help. Hurt heals."

Signe looks down to his eyes as he speaks to her and there's a bit of a smile as he talks and there's a nod to that, "I understand." she tells him. Then she puts two fingers behind her head, point up, "But I'd look super cute with horns, right?" she teases him. When he squeezes her butt though she snuggles against him and lays her hands against his shoulders, "Alright, I'll try not to worry on things." she nods to that. "And that means I can try to talk Noah into the same work schedule for us." she grins a bit at that.

Jacob grins at the first question, "If that means you're going to go as a demoness for Halloween, you better be prepared for all sorts of 'horny' jokes coming from me." He waggles his brows at that, raking fingertips up her back to sink his fingers into her hair when she rests her head on his shoulder. Arms snuggling her in a little closer, he offers, "Tell him I'd be happy to trade some slow nights off with him that he'd like if he wants. I can probably cover bartending on those evenings at this point, and I'll keep a copy of the Helper handy in case someone asks for a really bizarre drink I've never heard of before."

Signe bites her lip when he jokes about the horny comments and waggles his eyebrows at her, "We'll come back to that." she tells him. Then she lifts her head, "As for drinks, just give everyone beer. Then tell them you're an exchange student from Brazil. They'll forgive you." she teases him. Then she leans down to kiss his lips softly, "So..." she breathes. "Once all this ummm...dream poison stuff clears up and my brain's not being hijacked by a gentry, how do you feel about helping a girl out with an early Christmas present?" she asks him.

Jacob snorts a little at the exchange student bit and mutters before the kiss, "I better start working on my campy Latin accent then, right?" His eyes close for a moment at the kiss, sighing into it before opening his eyes again, looking up at her curiously when she asks. Fingers splaying out to caress her back and the back of her neck, one brow lifts lightly, "Early Christmas present? You have my interest, and I will be happy to, but now Im wondering what you have in that devious mind of yours?"

"No, no it's too sexy." Signe states in a poorly done Latin accent. There's just a bit of a blush as she bites her bottom lip and there's a nod to him, "My mind may be a little devious, but not as devious as you think." she winks at him. "How about we find a nice cabin for a weekend. Hike, do some hide and go seek. Build a nice fire and then you can be my first." she whispers to him as she looks into his eyes.

Jacob smiles at the wink, letting his fingertips roam slowly as she talks, petting up and down her back while he listens to her. She mentions what she wants to do and he nods slowly along with the ideas of a cabin and a weekend, some hiding and seeking, but when she gets to 'being her first', there's a small spark of surprise in his eyes. He doesn't try to interrupt, he lets her regard him for a moment or two, then leans up to gently kiss her chin and asks, "Your first? You've never...?" letting the rest of that question go unasked, though he lets it hang for several seconds before adding in a softer murmur, "There's nothing wrong if the answer is 'no', I just want to make sure."

Signe wasn't sure how he was going to react to that and there's a bit of a smile when there's that look of surprise. The kiss to her chin makes her chuckle softly. A shake of her head is given, "Never have. I know I look like the kinda girl that sleeps around though, right?" she teases him gently. "But no, I haven't." she tells him honestly.

Jacob shakes his head slowly at her statement and murmurs, "No, that's not why you caught me off guard. I'm just flattered, and means maybe I should be careful, hmm?" Both hands are drawn up at that to cup the curve of her face, rubbing his palms against her cheeks while he leans up to press a warm kiss against her lips, then looks up into her eyes when he pulls back from it, "You might not get much sleep that whole weekend, then..."

Signe gives Jacob a grin to that, "I don't mind being close and things." she tells him as he cups her face. The warm kiss is returned and she looks to his eyes as he pulls back. A giggle given, "I'll make sure to rest up that week, eat my vegetables." she teases him. "And in all seriousness...thank you, for talking about this and not making me feel weird. I didn't want it to be a surprise or for it to come up suddenly and get weird." she admits.

Jacob smiles at the teasing then gives her one more light shake of the head when she thanks him for talking about it. He takes advantage of the position to kiss her lips again, this time gently nipping at her lower lip with his teeth, nuzzling them for a moment before adding, "Its not weird. And thank you for trusting me. I'm certainly not what I would call anyone 'experienced', but I will be very happy to explore what you will have fun with."

There's a purr from Signe and a smile, "Well, maybe we can become experienced together." she states with a waggle of those expressive eyebrows to him. "For now. How about we finish our movie, then call it a night to mess around a little so we can sleep?" she asks him with a bright smile.

Jacob grins and nods slowly, "I think I've lost track of the movie, but I'm not sure I mind much." He leans up to sneak one last kiss from her lips, then loosens his hold on her so she can shift her weight a bit, "Lets clean up and I will make sure you are tucked in well and will take Al for a walk then I'll crash out on your couch in case you have any bad dreams tonight." With that said, the hunterheart is quite happy to clean up the snacks and takes Al for a good run, maybe filling the Beast in on what the two have planned. And while he does intend to stay over, he might spend more of the night awake and keeping an eye on her, than actually sleeping.