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Latest revision as of 03:11, 27 September 2017

Tattoo Tuesday: September 26th



Ziv, Jacob, Signe


Signe has the first Skin and Bones Tattoo Tuesday!


Skin and Bones

There's only a few people left in the shop and the first Tattoo Tuesday seems to have been a success. Signe is still at her booth, but she doesn't have a client at the moment. She's taking the free time to munch on a sandwich and chips that someone graciously brought with them. There's a few sketches started on the drawing table, but nothing too elaborate yet.

Jacob isnt really walking with a purpose, he's sorta wandering when he makes his way into the studio, hands shoved into his pockets and that tail lazily swayin behind him. Stepping inside, his neck cranes his head around to take in all of the artwork in progress, then flashes a bright smile at the munching Signe, "I figured now was a good time to come check out your parlor, while you're flooded with people wanting your ink on their skin."

Ziv has just ended up kind of... wandering her way on over. It's not too far from her place of work, or her apartment, and she's still dressed as if she was at work - that is to say, a loose-fitting dress in blak, belted around the middle (underneath of the membranes of her wings), and a pair of sandals. There's only the faintest, vaguest hint of purpose she has as she comes in, stopping to admire some of the artwork - there's no one here familiar to her!

Signe looks up with the sandwich in her mouth when Jacob walks in and there's a bit of a smile, lettuce falling back onto the paper before she realizes she's acting like a savage and remembers to chew and swallow like a human. "Hiya Jake!" she waves at him and offers him a seat. "I'm between clients right now." she tells him. There's a wave to Ziv when she comes in, "Welcome to Skin and Bones. How can we help you this evening?" she asks her with a smile.

Jacob grins at the look from Signe and sidles over to perch his butt on the edge of her chair, leaning his elbows down on his knees, "Thought I would come see what you're up to. If you don't have any appointments soon, I can always badger you with questions about possibly getting one of my own soon." He glances up when Ziv steps in and he smiles brightly and offers a wave of one hand, wiggling fingers at her, "Hiya!"

Signe looks up with the sandwich in her mouth when Jacob walks in and there's a bit of a smile, lettuce falling back onto the paper before she realizes she's acting like a savage and remembers to chew and swallow like a human. "Hiya Jake!" she waves at him and offers him a seat. "I'm between clients right now." she tells him. There's a wave to Ziv when she comes in, "Welcome to Skin and Bones. How can we help you this evening?" she asks her with a smile.

Jacob grins at the look from Signe and sidles over to perch his butt on the edge of her chair, leaning his elbows down on his knees, "Thought I would come see what you're up to. If you don't have any appointments soon, I can always badger you with questions about possibly getting one of my own soon." He glances up when Ziv steps in and he smiles brightly and offers a wave of one hand, wiggling fingers at her, "Hiya!" (reposes)

"Oh, um, hello," greets Ziv as she looks over at Signe and Jacob, giving a bob of her head towards them and seeming perhaps nervous or shy - or something of the sort. "I just thought I'd... come look around. I saw the advertisements and..." A slight shrug is given, rippling her wing leather. "Thought it might be interesting."

Signe gives a smile to that, "Sure, have a look around. If you have any questions just let me know." she tells Ziv. Then there's a look to Jacob, "My last client is already late, so ask away." she tells him with a grin. "No tramp stamps. It'll be hell to do." she muses.

Jacob actually snickers at the comment of a tramp stamp and gives a little wiggle of that ITS NOT FLUFFY tail, "Yeah, no. No tramp stamps. Was thinking of a place with less, ah, hair. Chest or upper arm..." He does hop off the chair at that and steps forward to the central area to look over some of her artwork, leaving Ziv plenty of room without crowding her space.

Ziv is mostly just looking around at the time being, which in turn leads to noticing Jacob's not-fluffy tail. She starts to make a sound of 'aw' and then quickly covers up her mouth with one wing, before turning her attention over to Signe. It does, at least, look like she might have a question but she's not piping up just yet.

Signe swats at Jacob when he wiggles his totally not fluffy tail at her. "I was joking you goofy thing." she tells him. Then there's a smile, "Chest probably would work. All depends on what you want to get really." she tells him. Then there's a look to Ziv, "If you've got any questions just let me know." she smiles to that.

"Oh, I was wondering if you could... even do a tattoo on someone like me," explains Ziv as she looks over at Signe now. She extends one of her wings outwards, which is probably the least fuzzy part of her that's visible - everywhere else has a really short, velvety pelt. Except the wing. "Or... you know, the specifics of doing this kind of thing in that case."

"I'm pretty sure I could do a tattoo on you. I just wouldn't want to tattoo your wings. Not sure how sensitive they are and all that, you know?" Signe tells her as she looks to her. "And I've tattooed a variety of changelings. So it's not an inexperienced thing. And most of you guys are unique." she admits.

Jacob murmurs, "Thats the problem...I have no idea." He shoots a look back at Ziv when she stretches a wing out and smiles a little, and offers completely out of hand, "Pretty wings..." before going back to browsing. The mention of each of them being unique brings a light laugh to his lips and a nod of agreement, "Just a little, teensy bit. You deserve credit for not finally telling all of us freaks to go away..." and winks at Signe.

"...Would it even show up through fur, though?" wonders Ziv thoughtfully of Signe, and then makes a sort of chirping sound at Jacob's commentary. She might be pleased - and would probably blush, were she wearing a mask. As it is it can't really be seen through her fur, though. The wing is curled backwards, and she straightens up, kind of holding both partially in front of her rather than down and at her sides. "Oh and um..." her eyes sort of drift over the room, thoughtfully, to the various designs. "All of these are... the types of things that people get?"

"We can figure something out." Signe tells Jacob as she starts wiping down her station. Cleanliness is a huge deal with tattoo places. "Hey, I don't think your freaks." she points out. "Not to mention I spent time away to." she adds with a nod. Then there's a look to Ziv, "Hmmm." she ponders. "That is a good point. But, could do something along your neck or something probably." she admits. "And yep, those are designs people get. I can do custom to your liking as well." she states.

Jacob tilts his head as he rubs his fingertips over a finished design, "Do you have anything like...flourescent ink? Something that glows in the dark? Is that even a thing?" Apparently the hunterheart has some sort of wistful idea lingering in his head, though Zov's question seems to have triggered it.

One of Ziv's ears swivels thoughtfully in the direction of Jacob as he asks that question, and she certainly perks up a little - curious, if nothing else. A nod is given to Signe then, and she reaches up to brush her wings along her neck. "Might be interesting," she chirps. "I'd need to think about what I'd want to get. Have you done anything with... stars?"

Signe gives a nod to that, "I do have glow in the dark ink and things that show up in black light." she states. "Probably would be cool looking stuff." she admits. Then there's a look back to Ziv, "I've done a few big start tattoos. But nothing like a shower of stars or a shooting star. Which might be awesome in glow in the dark or uv ink." she states.

Jacob ooos and nods at Ziv, "You should get a glow in the dark white or light blue star shower so it glows through your pelt. That'd be kinda awesome to see in the dark, right?" He winks, "Make a big impression..." He seems overly happy with himself for that idea, though anyone paying attention might see he's admiring one of the wolf head pieces.

"Yeah!" Ziv agrees readily enough with Jacob, seeming to be pretty enthused by that idea. Her wings give a light twitch, and then she looks over towards Signe. "Could you... do something like that?" she wonders, curiously, apparently not -quite- certain how art actually works. "Maybe along here?" she folds back several of the wing-fingers, tracing what would be her index along the right curve of her neck, down over her clavicle and then do her breastbone.

"Jacob has great ideas." Signe tells Ziv as she looks from the Hunterheart to the Windwing. Then there's a nod, "Could do something like that, sure." she states. She follows where Ziv's finger moves and there's another nod, "It's gonna hurt like crazy, but you should be fine. I try not to be too hard on people." she admits.

Jacob murmurs, "I wondered about how much it would hurt, but then when I was Over There, it wasn't exactly painless than I can remember, so ir probably doesn't matter." He chews on his lower lip for a moment and eyes Ziv, then looks at Signe, "If you have time to take care of her, I still don't have my damned mind made up, so...."

One of Ziv's ears swivels again towards Jacob, and for a moment she looks kind of uncomfortable. In fact, she goes pretty quiet, but then looks back to Signe, a little more uncertain now. "Um... how bad would it be? Because of on the neck, or...?" she wonders to the woman, curling her wings over her front now.

"I'd need to draw a pattern up for that and things. So it wouldn't get done tonight. I can draw up a few and let you pick which one you want to do with the UV light though." Signe tells Ziv. Then there's a look to Jacob and there's a smile, "I doubt you'll be ready this week." she teases him. Then she looks back to Ziv, "Oh I don't mean to alarm. The neck is just sensitive and your clavicle is just a bit of flesh and then you hit bone. Some people don't do well with it, but I'm guessing you'd do fine." she explans.

"...Might have to think about it then. I guess it's an idea, but maybe should try something somewhere else first..." Ziv's pink tongue pokes between her lips and front fangs thoughtfully, eyes sliding over to Jacob then. It retracts soon, and she offers a "Thank you" to Signe before asking Jacob, curiously, "What are you considering doing?"

Jacob flashes an encouraging smile at Ziv, but doesn't say more to her. Instead he turns his attention to Signe with a raised brow, then nods slowly, "Guess I gotta make up my mind and be sure about it first. Can't exactly take an eraser to it once you have it on your skin, right? Even for us..."

"We could let you figure it out. Not a bad idea to look over books and things. I always tell people to think about what they want and where they want it. You know you want some kind of start spray, so that's the hardest part done really. Now we just have to find the perfect spot." Signe explains. "Then there's a look to Jacob, "Yeah, unless we talk about laser removal or peeling off layers of skin." she shakes her head.

For whatever reason, the last words from Signe causes Ziv to shudder and she kind of winces afterwards. A nod is given of her head, and she offers up, "Hey... um... thanks, I'll definitely think about that. I'll do some reading and everything and..." her dark eyes drift over to Jacob next, and she adds on there was well, "Thank you for the idea!"

Jacob eews in soft amusement at Signe, "No, no, I'll make sure of where I want so I don't have to do that. Noooo thank you." Then Ziv is thanking him for the idea and he flashes her a bright smile, all cheerful again, "Sure thing. Though if you do get it, you have to promise to show it off. It sounds like it'll look great on you."

"I'm sorry." Signe tells Ziv when she sees her wince. "I'm not going to do that to anyone." she adds. "And just come back and see us. You'll still get the special price since we talked tonight." she tells Ziv with a friendly wave. Then there's a look to Jacob, "I definitely wouldn't hurt you." she grins.

"Thanks. I'll come back," Ziv promises, though she still looks unsettled by the topic at hand. Her ears twitch to and fro a few times, and then she turns to look at Jacob curiously. A small bob of her head accompanies it, and then she turns to skitter off towards the door, "If I see you again, I'll definitely show it to you, when I get it done!"