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Latest revision as of 04:42, 22 September 2017

Dream Talk With Jacob

"What's going on?"


Jacob and Signe


Signe tells Jacob about her dream issues.


Desrochers and Jacob's.

Signe had been on the day shift this afternoon, so was not on the closing shift with Jacob. Noah had been and there was probably some talk about Signe. Not that it's bad things. So it's probably a surprise when the doors are closed up for the evening and Jacob heads out to the parking lot that he finds Signe's truck parked there and the silver haired woman sitting on the back gate with a coffee in her hands. Alocer is in the seat of the truck with his head hanging out the window.

Jacob came out with the intent of walking home, but well, silver hair is hard to miss! Slowing up a step, he frowns for a moment, then alters his course to start towards her truck, tilting his head in a curious expression. Once he's within a carlength or two, he clears his throat, "I can understand liking the job and not wanting to leave, but didn't you get off like what, five hours ago? Hey Al." He steps in to first ruffle Alocer's head and ears, before stepping up to the back of the truck to lean against the bumper, "Not that Im going to complain about seeing you again, but..."

It's probably noticeable that Signe lights up when she sees the Hunterheart and she gives him a wave. Then there's a chuckle when he gets closer, "I've only been out here about twenty minutes. Had a tattoo to get done at the shop." she tells him. Then she looks to him with a bit of a smile, "Was going to see if you wanted a ride home and I wanted to tell you something." she admits. She's clearly worried, so that's probably not helping.

Jacob still looks curious, mostly at the idea that she has something to tell him. But slowly he nods his head and offers a warm smile, "I wont turn down a ride home...Im just renting a room right now until I find something more permanent, so I don't mind the walk, but I sure as hell wont turn down the company." He pauses there to reach up and brush some of her hair lightly off of her brow, "But what's on your mind that made you wanna come out here and offer me a ride? Is everything...okay?"

Signe gives a smile and when he agrees to the ride home there's a bit of a nod, "Well, hop in and we'll get going." she smiles to that. "Do you want to talk in the car or wait and talk at your place? I'm open to both." she admits. When he reaches out to brush the hair back from her brow there's a warm smile as she looks up to him, "Everything is okay for now, just a lot of ears that might hear so wanted to talk in private." she murmurs as she reaches out to give his arm a squeeze.

Jacob ohs softly and nods, "I dont mind hanging out at my place. It's kinda, er, basic." He chuckles softly, but opens the can door and murmurs, "Scoot over, big butt." to Alocer before scooting in and giving the hellhound a slow, all over scritch with both hands. When Signe gets in, he takes a moment to point out where his place is, reallly just about six blocks away, renting a mother-in-law apartment from a family, so its a tiny little standalone building off to the side of someone's house. Nice and small and private.

"I don't mind basic. Not like I've got a better place I'm betting." Signe points out with a smile. Then she's moving around to get into the drivers side of the old truck. She gives a nod to him when he states where he's staying and heads that way. Alocer meanwhile leans against him in the truck, "I promise not to raid the fridge." he tells him.

Jacob laughs at Alocer and murmurs, "You eat my steaks and we will have WORDS, Al." Indeed as he promised, the place is tiny, just a living room, kitchen, and bedroom, maybe 700 sq feet in total. The living room contains a pull out couch that can be converted into a day bed, with a basic TV and DVD player. The bedroom actually doesnt have a bed, rather a huge pile of large beanbags and pillows that clearly he sleeps in like a giant nest at night. No decorations, and even the kitchen is mostly lacking things like the typical knife block or mixer or other things. When they arrive, he shouulders the door open to hold it ope for both of them and smiles a little, "Flop wherever you like. I got some cider in the fridge if you're thirsty."

Alocer just gives a snicker and lays his head on Jacob's shoulder. Seems he likes the Beast.

Signe hops out of the truck after them, doesn't bother looking it. Nothing to steal. She gives him a smile when he holds the door open, "Thanks." she tells him. She takes a seat on the couch, sitting on the edge of it. Alocer goes to investigate the beanbag pile. "That would be great. Alcohol might be good for this." she chuckles.

Jacob laughs softly and slips into the kitchen to retrieve three bottles and a bowl. One bottle is opened and handes off to Signe. The bowl is set down on the floor and one bottle halfway emptied into it for Al, while he starts working on the third bottle himself. Flopping down on the couch, he shoots a more intent look at her, furrowing his brow, "This is starting to sound like bad news." he pats the couch next to him, "What's going on?"

Alocer's eyes light up when he gets a drink to. "Ker used to give me beer..." he murmurs as he laps it up.

Signe gives a smile and accepts the bottle from Jacob, then moves closer to him on the couch and relaxes back. "So, I've been having weird dreams and terrible nightmares for awhile. I've been talking to a few of the changelings and well...sounds like I'm dream poisoned." she frowns. "I don't know what's going to happen." she shakes her head. "I just...I wanted to talk to you. In case you caught me acting weird or not being myself." she whispers.

Jacob frowns when Signe mentions dream poisoning, "I...didn't even know that was a thing." He leans forward a little more to ruffle Alocer's head and mutters, "Cider tastes better and its still alcoholic. Trust me big guy, you'll love it." With that said, he leans back into the couch and focuses mostly on the silver haired one, reaching out to lightly scritch across her back, "I'll keep that in mind. Is there...anything I can do? I've never messed with dreams though, but I mean, if you need someone to stay up with you some nights, as you can see, its not like I have a pressing social schedule..." There's a faint attempt to smile at that, trying to lighten the mood a little.

"Apparently it is." Signe chuckles softly and takes a drink. Then there's a look between Jacob and Alocer and a smile, "He likes you." she whispers to Jacob. "I don't know what I need to be honest. Dielle made me Dream Traps and I have them put up around the bed at home. I guess once I hit the sleep walking stage it gets worse. So I've told Alocer if I sleep walk to not let me go out...no matter what." she admits. Then she leans her head against the back of the couch and looks to Jacob, "You need your sleep as well, but the offer is appreciated...and might have to take you up on it." she murmurs. "How are you feeling with work?" she asks him softly.

Jacob rumbles softly as he sucks down a good portion of the bottle, "Alocer and I can tag team. One of us sleeping while the other is keeping an eye on you, hmm? then if you start walking and its something he can handle, he can wake me up. then everyone gets rest and we keep you pretty safe, hmm?" He smiles a little more genuinely at that, shifting his hand up to cup her cheek and rub his palm against her chin.

Alocer gives a look to the two of them and there's a grunt, "Can do that." he tells them. Then he goes back to drinking.

Signe gives him a warm smile, "As long as it doesn't effect work for you or anything." she tells him. When he cups her cheek and rubs her chin there's a look to his eyes, her cheek rubbing against his fingers, "Now I'm having thoughts about kissing my coworker." she winks at him.

Jacob grins at her comment and wink, offering, "The work is pretty straightforward, and the other employees are nice to work with...I met June a night or two ago...she seems kinda...scatterbrained. I won't let you down." That hand lingers there against her cheek, while he smiles a little more at her, "As for that, it might depend on how much you LIKE those thoughts. And if anyone will be alarmed if you don't come home tonight, because you fell asleep in a coworkers lap."

"We tend to be a fun bunch, yes. And June is a bit clumsy, but adorably so." Signe chuckles. Then there's a grin, "I like the thoughts a lot, and there's no work place rule, so..." she smiles to that. "I live at the tattoo parlor, so Al's really the only one that would notice and...he's here." she chuckles.

Jacob leans in close, so very dangerously close, enough to nuzzle into that silver hair and draw in a deep breath to fill his head with her scent. His free hand easily pushes down to slide under her butt and draws her over to face him and settle down straddling his lap, leaving him so much closer, and smiling up at her where her head is now maybe an inch or two higher than his, "Al, you're okay crashing over for a night? I'll even let you have one of those steaks for a dinner if she hasn't fed you yet."

Signe shivers when he leans in closer and nuzzles her hair. She closes her eyes as he inhales her scent and there's a bit of a giggle when she feels his hand move to her butt and he moves her. She opens her eyes and looks down to him, "He's not had dinner yet. I was going to offer to order something if you'd like. Or I can cook." she tells him with a smile. Then she leans in to plant a warm kiss to his lips. Not rushing anything at all.

Jacob murmurs, amusement thick in his voice, "Actual cooking might require a trip to the grocery store, and I am quite happy keeping you here now that you ARE here, so maybe a delivery in a little while instead." His eyes close at the kiss, the rest of his breath escaping him in a soft rustle. Both of his hands lift up to cup her face in his palms, holding on to her lightly as he leans forward, chasing her kiss with one of his own, just as gentle but lingering a few moments longer. Teeth gently nip at her lower lip before he murmurs, "You said you've had a lot of bad luck with dating. I havent know you for that long, but I cannot honestly see a reason why someone would let you slip through their fingers. Are the men in this town idiots?"

Signe's cheeks flush when the kiss ends and she rests her head against his, a soft breath taken. "If I stay the night again I'll bring grocery." she muses. Then there's a shake of her head, "A lot of guys just...didn't interest me. Not to mention that it's hard to date a normal person. Trying to hide Changeling stuff is stressful enough with the mortal members of the family, so didn't want to do that with a relationship." she admits. "And my last boyfriend sort of turned into a fuzzy death machine and tried to take my head off." she chuckles.

Jacob blinks once at the last and slowly draws his arms around her waist, tucking her hips in a little more snugly against his, "Well. I can be...violent...if you piss me off, but I've never been called a death machine, and I can't think of any reason I would want to attack you. Attack someone trying to HURT you, maybe." He seems quite happy to let her snuggle in against his chest for a moment, turning his head just enough to nuzzle her cheek and rub the evidence he cannot seem to ever keep clean shaven, against her skin, "Well, if I interest you, at least you don't have to keep secrets from me. And you know Al and I get along together already."

"I dated a Werewolf. But, I didn't know that until some guy was messing with me and well, he got very angry. When that happens, no one is considered safe." Signe whispers to him. "And most Summers will be violent. I've never had a guy beat on me." she chuckles. And then there's a warm smile, "You definitely interest me, Jacob. It's why I wanted to tell you about the dream stuff...just in case something happened." she admits. "Alocer liking you is a good point in your favor as well." she teases him.

Jacob murmurs, "Oh, well, you DO like to live dangerously then, don't you?" He smiles a little more at that and turns his head, pressing a kiss to her ear, "And well, no one is going to start beating on you now. Maybe a few swats on that pretty ass if you ask for it, but I think we can both agree that is another matter entirely, yes? Spend the night and relax. You don't even have to leave my lap...I like you just fine right where you are."