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Promise? Promise!

Cian and Cressida

23 August 2017

Cian and Cressida promise to keep each other's secrets. It's official because they shake on it! WITH SPIT!


Crumbling Hovel

The not so little shadow worries. He'd left the tangle of dirty hippy girl and gone about his days, and yet there was a Galaxy far far away that had his thoughts. So, strapping on his hiking boots, he heads out into the woods to a familiar clearing. After a minute of petting kitties, he goes about poking and nudging the hillside until that door opens up. Quietly, like death itself, he stalks inside after quietly closing the door. It's not like it'll be hard to find her if she's here, it's a cramped space. Cian smiles a little when eyes land on the twinkling Star, "Hey."

Where is she? She's laying in her little nest of blankets and furs but she's not sleeping, oh no. Cressida is flopped on her belly, holding a book open in front of her. He had suggested that she read a book every now and then and apparently she's taken his advice! Look at that! Except .. except .. oh dear. There are a few cats in here and she's reading aloud to them and, from the sounds of it, she had managed to pick up the worst romance novel on the planet.

"Sleekly malevolent, driven by a violent hunger, Donovan glided through the chum-filled waters of the singles bar, oblivious to the remora of Annabelle's adoring gaze," she reads haltingly. It seems that she is not the best reader -- the star had to slow down and sound out 'remora' before continuing. In fact, she stops after that sentence and looks at the fat ginger who is so occupied with licking himself. "What's 'remora' mean?" she asks the cat before returning to the book.

But before she can go any further, Cian is here and she looks up with a grin. "Look!" Cressida rolls onto her side so she can hold the paperback aloft. "I'm doing what you told me!"

Cian blinks when he finds her on the furs, is she asleep? He peers a little, but then he hears her voice as she reads aloud to the cats. Another blink, but this time it comes with a slow smile. He's already slinked his way across the hovel and shed his coat along the way. Shoes too, going barefoot in the hippy's hut, go figure. He bends slightly and reaches out to press his hands into the furs beside her before simply lowering himself down next to her, also on his side, facing her. "Good, I'm proud of you," he tells her in that soft whisper. The selection just makes him smirk a little and he gives the closest cat a fond pet before looking back at Cressida. "Remora is a sucker fish that clings to sharks in a semi-symbiotic relationship," he informs the goddess of Death and Other Things. A glance is given to the cats then back to the galactic one. "Would you consider making a Promise with me?" he asks her curiously.

"Sucker fish?" She blinks at him, dumbfounded, and then looks at the cover of the romance novel. "This book doesn't make any sense. I thought it was going to be filled with sex stuff?" Cressida starts to thumbs through the pages, scanning the text as she look for key phrases -- you know what those probably are. When they don't immediately jump out at her, she tosses the paperback aside and then rolls over onto her back, tucking her hands behind her head as she looks up at Cian.

"Reading that stuff is supposed to keep me tethered to this world, huh?" she says with a crooked grin, her twinkle set to 'amused'. The star is situated close enough that she can nudge him with her elbow and that's what she does: poke-poke-poke. "Chummy bars and remora ladies? If you say so." Cressida winks at him and laughs, the sound of it a warm, delighted thing. When he mentions a promise though, her interest is captured and the chaotic god quiets.

"Mmn what now huh? Promise?"

Cian nods once, "It's a fish that eats algae and stuff," he explains with a little smile, turning fond quickly for the adorkable goddess. "Of course it doesn't, that's a trashy thigh-sweater romance novel, they're full of metaphors that don't make sense for lonely house wives," he whispers. Fingers crawl over the distance to check her hips and thighs for pockets before retreating again to curl and cramp into furs and bedding. The nudging comes and he just chuckles. "No, reading actual books is supposed to keep you here, what are some subjects you do like? Sex? I can get you way better smut than that," he tells her and then reaches over to steal the book from where it landed. Looking at the cover he huffs and retosses it away. "Yes, a Promise, a Pledge. You know?"

He turns to look at her directly again, propping his head on his elbow. "Something like...we promise to keep each others' secrets unless given permission to share. You will give me shelter if I should need or want. I will never give up you or your home's location willingly. If we keep these promises, the Wyrd blesses us with mental accuity, strength, whatever we want. If we don't, the magic will fuck us like a ten cent hooker."

"Well, /doing/ is better than /reading/ but if I have to read something, it might as well be something interesting," Cressida answers with a laugh, her twinkle brightening and a moon swinging wide. It travels past one of the cats and it bats at the figments as it swoops by -- the animal can see it? Apparently! Or maybe it was a coincidence. Loosening her hands from behind her head, she scritches idly at the side of her nose and the starstuff beneath her skin swirls as a result. "So yeah, get me some better smut, stuff that doesn't have sucker fish in it."

She watches Cian for a spell, she stares at him with those galaxy-eyes of hers. Her expression is hard to read, her emotions hidden behind the light and dark that perpetually surrounds her. The star listens to his proposal though and, in the end, nods in agreement. "This sounds like a reasonable arrangement," is her response and she suddenly sits up, her hair a floating nebular cloud behind her. They are shoulder to shoulder, face to face, and inhabit the same small space.

"We're agreed, on that," there's just the faintest hint of a blush which is really his cheeks growing more see-through, Cian whispers just a hint softer than usual, "We can do that, too," he says with a little shrug and crooked smile. "No sucker fish though," he says even as he's blinking at the cat batting at things. Did it..nah. Being watched by stars is surprisingly soothing for the sneakthief. The moon and stars were his companions more often than not. His eyes flash open wide to show the blackhole void color has completely swallowed the orbs. "Then let the Wyrd witness," he whispers and then blinks once, twice. She's /right/ there all the sudden, face to face. The Wisp stares, his mouth slightly agape.

She blink-blink-blinks right at his face, all twinkling darkness -- can darkness twinkle? Sure. Just look up at the night sky on a clear evening. Anyhoo. She is right there, a whisper distance between them, and just stares. Does Cressida understand personal space? Boundaries? It appears that: no, she does not. Or maybe she does and she just doesn't give two figs about them. So seconds tick over into a solid minute which threatens to become plural when she finally leans back a little.

"Alright. We keep each other's secrets unless we give the thumbs up to share with others. You don't give up the location of my home willingly. I give you a place to crash and hide if you need or want it unless it poses a danger to my cats," -- that's a strange caveat but alright. "And in exchange for all this, the Wyrd will make us awesome. You'll be a better you, I'll be a better god, and if we fuck it up, the Wyrd fucks us up." She spits into her palm and then holds out her hand to Cian.

To shake.

To make it official.

Cressida grins at him. Like a lunatic. Because that's what she is, kinda. A crazypants whacko.

GAME: Cian spends 1 Glamour

Cian blinks slowly while she's that close. Normally a persons eyes would reflect some of her stars, instead his just eats up all the light greedily. Boundaries aren't something the Spring likely gives a fig about either, so when she's that close he just smiles at her and stares right into the depthless pools of her gaze. When she pulls back he releases a breath he didn't know he was holding and smiles just a little.

A firm nod is given when she alters the deal ever so slightly. He doesn't wann hurt the cats so that makes it easy for him to just whisper, "I agree to this." Then she spits in her hand and goes to shake and he just does the same. He eats rotten fruit, what does he care about swapping spit via handshake to seal the deal?

The Wyrd does its thing as they join in a proper Promise and the man just grins. "Easy peasy," he whispers.

GAME: Cian regain 1 Glamour

"..Lemon-squeezy," Cressida says, finishing the phrase as she shakes Cian's hand up and down and down and up. She is an expert hand-shaker -- look at her go! This goes on for too long, of course, because she's Dorkus Maximus and while she is very good at shaking hands, she is not so good at knowing when to stop shaking hands. Shake-shake-shake! It's still happening! "I'm still on the lam, you know," she tells him --

      -- still shaking his hand --

"..although I don't know for sure if anyone is actually looking for me. They might be. Maybe? Possibly. I don't get a lot of news out here. Hey! You could probably find out for me!" She twinkles brightly, pleased with this most excellent idea and her universe orbits a bit more quickly.

            -- and she's still shaking his hand --

"Ask around," Cressida leans in and whispers, glancing a moment at one of the cats and dropping to a whisper. Wouldn't want them to hear. Wouldn't want them to worry. "..and find out if the police are looking for a woman who threw a bottle on fire into the police station. Can you do that for me? I mean, it's no big deal." No big deal?!

      -- shake-shake-shake --

"..because I can change my mortal face now. But I kinda like the one I got so if I don't haaaaave to..."

Shaking! Cian is already smirking because he knows how shaking hands with Cress goes. Shakeshakeshake! He vibrates a little in place and just chuckles. "I will find out if anyone is looking for you still, mostly they're all caught up in CB's part of things. He got arrested, then broken out, and then sent to the hospital. I'm fairly certain, but will let you know." He promises quietly before finally just yanking her hand once to cease the shaking, then brings her hand up so he can press a kiss to the knuckles. "Sweetheart, you only need to shake three or four times. Not fifteen," he informs her, of course he's focusing back on the part where she can change her mortal mask. "You can do what now?" he blinks rapidly.

They have a pledge now! They keep each other's secrets! So here's one of hers. "Yeah, it's a pretty neat trick," she says and the star rubs her hands together, little sparks flying up from between her mitts as a result. "Alright, so, check it out." Cressida closes her eyes briefly and concentrates. The real her melts away as she strengthens her mask:

      Goodnight moon

      Goodnight stars

      Goodnight planets

      Goodnight comets, meteors and asteroids too.

Her hair, so brightly colored and normally composed of cosmic dust, transitions to cornsilk blonde locks that tumble in untamed waves down her back. Star-filled eyes turn blue, glittery skin becomes pale and a smattering of freckles lay across her nose. This is how she looked once, when she was a person. This is how she looked once, when she had a family and friends and a future. This is how she looked once, when she still had a soul. What kind of girl was she before fairy stole her away from the world? What would her life had been like? Would she have married? Had children? Been happy?

Maybe. But maybe not. There is no way to tell either way and that ship has long since sailed.

"So this is how I look when mortals see me," she says, turning her face slightly from side to side. "But now I can also do this. Close your eyes! I'll tell you when to open them."

Cian is quiet, he's always quiet though, nothing new to see here! The little spark of star stuff off of her rubbed palms makes him smirk a little and he gives it an odd look with a tilt of his head. But then it's all melting away like a bad movie change over. BEEeewwwwww, the galaxy just kind of shuts down and off until there's a blonde sitting in front of him. The shadow smiles some and reaches out to touch her arm briefly, as if double checking that it still feels like Cressida.

His eyes widen some, but he's smiling, retreiving his hand so that he can then cover his own eyes, closing them behind his palm but also making sure he doesn't cheat. He knows himself too well! "Okay go ahead," he whispers to her. Letting her do whatever hat trick she might do. Of course she can see his fingers parting and maybe he's peeking, maybe he's not!

"No peeking!"

And she puts her hand over his hand, ensuring that he will not look as she does her presto-chango trick. It doesn't take any time at all; she just wanted to add some dramatic flair for the reveal. What kind of dramatic flair, you might ask? Well, she crows:


That. That's the dramatic flair.

She takes away her hand and let's him look. When he does? No more blonde. In Cressida's place is an older woman -- mid-40s by the look of her. Dark hair shot through with some bright silver, styled in a short pixie-cut. Hazel eyes with crow's feet shows that she has smiled a lot throughout her life. Dusky complexion. Deep dimples in both cheeks. Beauty mark tucked just above full, smiling lips. Ahh! The lopsided grin is the same -- that's all Cressida.

She waggles her eyebrows and holds her arms out open wide, jerking her thumbs towards herself. "What do you think? Pretty good, huh?"

Cian grunts a little when her petite hand finds his and actually covers up his eyes. That's not what he was looking for at all, dammit Cressida. The dramatic reveal happens and he suddenly feels like he's on one of those make over shows, where it happens instantly. The hand comes down and he removes his own, so that he can look at the newness that is Cressida.



Whaaaaaat! Cian is beside himself almost instantly. "How, wha, but," he's stuttering and stammaring over his words in a whisper. He searches her face carefully, seeing all of the bits and pieces that she's changed up. The hair, the eyes, the dimples. There's that Cress smile and he's got his own crooked grin showing. Nodding quickly and emphatically he beams, "That's a really neat trick, how do you do that?" he asks curiously while fingers lift up to touch her face. He has to know how real it is! So his normally fidgeting digits are now sliding sweetly over new features to see how they feel, running over jaw and then cheeks, nose bridge and then lips up to eyebrows and forehead. Some of the touches are pets to be frank.

GAME: Cressida spends 1 Glamour

"It's just the Wyrd, man," she replies, giggling a bit as he touches her here, there and everywhere. "Think a little bit, use some magic and bam! Whole new me. I really should have worked this out /before/ me and CeeBee," -- and she says it like that, all drawn out. Ceeeee Beeeee. -- "..hit the police station. But it was all so spur of the moment. We saw each other and just sort of..." The older woman grins a dimpled grin, draws in a deep breath and flutters her hands about. "I dunno. We just kind of winged it. Went with the flow. Despacito was on the radio and I was doing a little wiggle in the car." To demonstrate, she does a little wiggle now where she sits. See! Just like car-dancing.


"In the future, I'll have a hijinx face and a regular life face and never the two shall mix. Then I won't have to worry about being on the lam!" The star runs her hand through her short hair as she ponders something. You know, even with her mask up: she still kind of glows. In this mask, in her Cressida mask. Both of them. Glowing. It's not as bright as her mien but it /is/ noticeable. Mortals will likely find some way to rationalize it -- 'it must be the lighting' or 'she probably has glittery body lotion' -- because the brain will always search for an explanation when it encounters the strange. But it /is/ something that ties her identities together.

Cian listens to her as she just blathers about her time with CB, there's a slight squint to his eyes and he smirks, "You know the meaning of that song is slowly, yes?" he questions her. But he's watching her wiggle, memories of the spin cycle bringing another blush and smile to his face. A nod comes, "Hijinx face is probably a good idea. So is considering a new partner in hijinx. CB has cops watching him almost around the clock now. He's going to be a trouble magnet," he turns slightly serious for a moment, "Promise you won't get into trouble with with him any time soon, Cress?" genuine concern for the galaxy girl. He can see the glow, he's sensitive to light as it is. Seeing it though is one thing, thankfully mortals will explain it away without much work.

His fingers finally leave her face alone and start to curl and knot in his lap instead. Sitting there indian style facing each other, he thinks for a moment. "So. Er...do you have a favorite kind of sex thing for the books?"

Her nose wrinkles up when he tries to get her to promise. "You don't need to worry about me," she says with a grin and wink. "It's the people who hang out with /me/ you need to be concerned about. I'm the god who will lead them to trouble, after all." Is she being serious? She waggles her eyebrows and suddenly! quickly! both her hands shoot out and she starts to tickle him! GAH!

"If you want to do something but you don't think you should," -- tickle-tickle-tickle -- "..I will be the one who will get you excited about doing it! I mean, live a little! What could possibly go wrong? Don't look before you leap!" And she's is pushing forward, leveraging her body weight against his to tip him backward -- tickle-tickle-tickle! "Live without regrets, that's what I always say! Muahaha!"

She's cackling now, this middle-age woman with the kind eyes and laugh lines. Leaning in, she actually bites Cian! Bites him! On the shoulder! It's a playful thing and she's clearly getting all amped up and hyper because .. because .. she's thinking about HIJINX. And encouraging HIJINX.


Cian gives her a look and shakes his head, "That's not how I do Promises," he tells her with a shake of his head, "If I promise you something it's because I give a damn. And I am not about to just let you walk around and be all willy nilly turning yourself into one of Them. That would be Bad," he scowls at her a little. But he can't be serious and scowly when she's basically pouncing him back into the furs and tickling the shit out of him. He's already so sensitive!

A squawk comes as her fingers run over his ribs and flanks setting him straight into squirming and batting at her hands. His laughter is a rasping sound of a wheeze as she brings him right into bouts of it immediately. "Cressida!" he shouts, or - well, as much as Cian can shout, it comes across as an almost normally vocalized word! It also clearly strains his throat as his voice cracks and he continues to quietly laugh and try to avoid her fingers.

The middle-aged Cressida bites him and, well, that brings about a blush and a sound that isn't at ALL laughter, funny, haha. Staring up at her, he finally captures her fingers and brings one hand up to bite the first digit he can get too! Om! Glaring up at her he whispers, "You're incorrigible, but seriously. Encourage him all you want, but don't participate," a breath, "Please? Also," he pauses and stares, "You can drop the mask, please? I prefer you the way you are."

"I have to be who I am," she explains, yelp-laughing when he bites her finger. "I can't be someone I'm not. See? Understand?" Cressida does cease with her tickle-chomp attack though, flopping off to the side. She maintains her middle age mask for a spell though, pressing her hands against her cheeks. "You don't like me this way? Oh, I guess not. Fiiiiine." Slowly, the mask melts away until the star shines through again, her Changeling self visible once more. "But help me pick a name for her. I can't go around still introducing myself as Cressida to mortals when I look completely different." She taps a finger against her lips as she thinks.





"Laura Diane Phillipa Elizabeth von Dieter?"

She grins widely. Is she purposefully avoiding the meat of his plea? Or is she just too scatterbrain to follow along with the conversation? She throws her arms out, laying on the furs like she were Christ on the cross. "Are you going to stay over again tonight? I'm starting to get sleepy and you were nice to snuggle with."

Cian nods slowly, "I think I do," he sighs a little bit, "But that's not going to stop me from trying to keep you on this side of the fence. We just became friends, and I have a little crush, and you're just not allowed to go completely nutso and decide to start taking people into the Hedge with you, okay?" he asks her in a bit of a serious, if finite pout.

Thinking about it, he hums and then ducks back a little as she flops suddenly. "Hildy," he nods, "It's a good name," he decides and then looks at her, arms all wide open and stuff. He blinks at her invitation and then big eyes twinkle just a hint with his own mischief. "I liked your snuggles too, you didn't smack my hands or anything," this is a problem elsewhere apparently. A little impish smile forms and he flops over her some, hands falling on either side of her ribs to hold himself in a loom over her. That mane of blonde wheat falls around them as a curtain and he whispers what she said, "I want to do something, but don't think I should," there's only a little brush of his nose against hers before whispering right into her ear with that silken tone, the blush is imminent but he ends up leaning in to kiss her long and hard, a soft smack when he pulls away and he grins a teeny bit, "Fuck, then cuddle, then sleep?" The Darkling just puts it on the table.

"If you wanna do something, then you should. Life is too short to waste on hesitation and uncertainty." Cian might be realizing that it is very intense to be close to a star. There is heat. There is chaos. There is destruction. Sometimes, these things are figurative. Sometimes, they are very, painfully literal. Being Cressida's friend can be extremely fun! Do all the things! Experience all the experiences! Touch it, taste it, /LIVE IT/! But it can be a dangerous thing, too. It's just so easy to get caught up in her orbit, cast caution aside and hurtle headlong into recklessness while sacrificing one's own safety and well-being.

Just ask CB.

Cian kisses her and when he pulls back, she follows after him, taking hold of his face and kissing him in return. There is darkness and light, her galaxy expanding, and already there is a tangle of limbs as she throws a leg across his body while simultaneously starting to rid herself of her clothing. Her answer is pretty clear and .. take care, Cian. Because this is how it starts. Because she looks cute. And she /is/ cute. Cute and nice and fun to be around and .. you'd think she's perfectly harmless. I mean, just look at her! So twinkly and full of smiles and laughter! And there's nothing wrong with a fun tumble between the sheets (or, in this case, odd collection of quilts, blankets and furs). But trusting her with a little can lead to a lot and the next thing you know...


Cian looks only slightly startled when she reaches up to pull him back down to kiss him back. The dirty hippy girl is a fascination, but she's also so very valuable in his plans that he hasn't told a soul yet. The curiosity here? What does a galaxy taste like, what does she sound like during a big bang? Questions require answers. And while the shadow is now orbiting the Star, he presses forward without any more hesitation. This Alexander, unlike CB, is a little more intimate with gods, tricksters, and deviants.

Those black-hole eyes are wide as more of the stars are revealed. Nimble fingers normally wandering are very specific as they help her strip, then work on his own easily removed clothing. Where she is a whole universe, underneath, the Wisp is only mostly there. While limbs tangle, her brightness is muted through him, like a thick fog rolled across the sky.

The sneakthief steals the attention of a goddess for the night, and when their tumbling is done he wraps himself up in the twinkling girl under a pile of quilts and furs like a couple of dirty hippies.

...and in the morning? Hijinx.