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Broken Dolls:Planning

Allen, Iris, Alonso and Gisa as ST

12 August, 2017

A group of Lost meet at Tamarack Falls Jewish Books to talk about what is Happening. Part of Broken Dolls.


Alonso put word out through the freehold that a massive mini-realm has been uncovered in the deep hedge with trails leading directly through the freehold's territory. That it is filled with thousands of militant hobs and their war machines, and that it is rather urgently requested that any with talents for token crafting or hedge spinning and a willingness to volunteer their services turn up at the back room of the Jewish Bookstore to bump heads together and come up with plans.

Alonso's past as an officer is rather evident in the hand drawn map he's put up on the wall, rather well-detailed all in all. As well detailed as a hedge map can get, anyway. It shows the loop trod, the various incursions so far, and the map of the trail leading to the main enemy camp, with its array of men and materiel. There's a few numbers crunched near the camp, trying to place a likely number on the camp's size.

The man himself is seated at the table, flipping through the pages of various books, jotting notes down and working on illustrations of what look to be infantry serviced mortars of various designs and descriptions. Each one with a decidedly hedgespun aesthetic to them. There's also a sketch of a strange octopus like machine contraption, with various notations and arrows and such pointing at it. An item of particular interest, apparently, given the detail put into the drawing.

Iris only marginally qualifies for one of the categories that Alonso called for when he put out word, but she has also been to the place that he's spreading rumors about and seen it with her own fabulous eyes, so that seems to be reason enough for her to decide to come and hang out at the Jewish Bookstore to join him in meeting with anybody who comes by to talk about what to do about it.

She just arrived a few minutes ago and is already seated in a comfy chair, her sandals kicked off haphazardly onto the floor, and her loose, strappy dress pulled up to her knees as she stares at the map. One of the wings that usually lays folded so that it covers her back is unfurled and she's idly preening its feathers as she studies the layout of the map. "You know," she says idly, as if something just came to mind. "I don't think I got a chance to tell you about the Lion of Summer that some of us rescued the night before last, did I? He was being attacked by a bunch of the soldiers and one of those tanks, which kind of set everything on fire. We put it out, though. And when I say we, I mean Miranda did." It might have been a useful thing to mention before, but they were busy trying not to get lost in the hedge.

The door to the bookstore opens, and a voice haltingly calls, "Hello? Is anyone here?" Heavy footfalls head towards the backroom and a giant of a man dressed in out-of-style leathers ducks through the doorway. "Oh, okay, hi." He half-waves and then just sort-off stands in the doorway for a moment before stepping out of the way. He looks from the seated dragon to the Latino. "You... I'm.. I'm here to help with the... the mission? I guess?"

Alonso nods with some measure of distraction back towards Iris. He's been rather preoccupied since all of this began. Moreso, even, since last night's mission. "No. I know nothing of a Lion of Summer. Will it be useful in putting an end to this threat?" The mention of fire has him tossing a few pages aside in search of a particular one. One labelled 'potential explosives and accelerants'. "That reminds me. We ought to try to capture any fire we can into hedgespinning ingredients. If that contraption is taking in biomass, I imagine its innards will be susceptible to high explosives and combustibles." He's jotting down another quick note as Allen makes his presence known. Alonso doesn't look up, and in fact keeps taking notes. "Come in. I am Alonso, that is Iris. What is your name, comrade?"

"Aside from the fact that it was a case of them laying waste to another swathe of hedge-bound countryside," Iris shrugs her shoulders, "not really. They're dead. If we can locate the lion again, he seemed to be the sort who could hold his own in a fight and he might have some interest in settling scores when we go back in force." She does turn to look at Allen, even if Alonso does't, and stares at him for a moment with shifting-rainbow serpent's eyes. "Like he said," she says after a moment, with a smile that shows draconic teeth, "I'm Iris. If you're here to help I suspect you'll find yourself welcome."

"Allen," answers the gray-skinned giant, er, VERY LARGE MAN. He seems ill-at-ease for no real reason; it's not like he's on stage in front of hundreds of people or whatever. "So, um, yeah, I'm definitely here to help, absolutely." He looks from Alonso to Iris and back. "You... you need Token Makers? I heard?" He clears his throat, and it's seems a touch deeper now for some reason. "I can do that. Whatever you think you need, I'll do my best to help."

Alonso assiduously finishes the thought he'd been jotting down, a thought that unfortunately outlasts Allen's speaking by several uncomfortable seconds. He sets the pen down, and begins rustling through his papers again, coming up with a rough sketch of something that looks an awful lot like a werewolf that had been extruded through a cannery into armor half a size too small for it, powered by a car battery and rage. He turns the paper about so that Allen can view it, and slides it across the table for the man to view at his pleasure. "The lead elements of the enemy's forces-- their shock troops --appear to be briarwolves that have been amped up through some ... process. They are armored, mechanized to some degree, and remain every bit as deadly. If not moreso. They are utilizing contracats of darkness in our engagements to neutralize and attempt to capture our people." Alonso nods down to the paper, encouraging Allen to take it for closer examination. "If you can, I would ask for you to design some sort of gewgaw that our soldiers can take before we meet the enemy that can stave off the effects of supernatural sleep effects, including and especially contracts of darkness." Alonso pauses a beat then ticks his head aside to Iris with that same distracted air to him, "You are better with people than I am, Iris. If you are able to secure his assistance, secure it. Appeal to his pride. Lions have lots of that, I read." His attention turns up to Allen again, "Your immediate input is welcome. There are no bad ideas at present."

"Would that I could offer more assistance with creating tokens than I can," Iris says with a tone of mild regret. "Unfortunately, I tend to just make them happen at random, not by intention, and they usually don't do anything I'd want them to do. They just end up on the junk heap, or used to trade for more interesting things at the Market." She considers the suggestion that she try to recruit the lion, her unblinking eyes going briefly distant as she thinks on it, and then the crest of feathers that crowns her head shivers and she gives a nod. "I'll see if I can find him again."

Allen takes the offered paper and studies it through slitted eyes. After a moment, he closes those eyes and stands stock still for moment or two while Iris talks of lion recruitment. When he opens them again, he seems more sure of himself. "So, I assume we don't have access to that Goblin fruit that can help use stay awake and alert?" He thinks for a moment. "Garmin? Jairmeen?..." a beat and then.. "Jarmyn? I think? Anyway, that would help a lot, for sure, especially if I infuse it into, like, a bottle of soda or a thermos of coffee or something like that." He looks at Alonso and Iris expectantly. "What do you think?"

"I am no expert on the creation of Geegaws, comrade. If your opinion is that jarmyn plant would be of use in this, then I will see to it that you have jarmyn. There is a mission heading into the hedge tonight to collect hedgefruits, and I had volunteered to provide security. I will make it a point to seek out jarmyn in addition to brumebulb, and direct all the supplies of jarmyn that we can secure to your use. If you have skills suited to forraging for hedgefruits, your presence would be welcome. I will see to your safety, if that is a concern of yours." Alonso scoots his chair back and starts to rise to his feet so that he can more directly face Iris. "What do you say, Iris? Interested in replenishing my supplies that we used up last night?"

Meanwhile Iris has stopped preening the feathers of one of her wings and has switched to the other, making sure that everything is well with the long, every-colored pinions. Concetrating on things like long term planning (for very short definitions of long) isn't really her strong suit. When Alonso addresses her she shows that she has been listening, though. "I say that I'm always ready to do what needs to be done in our shared defense. I don't have much talent for tracking down fruits on my own, but I can most certainly defend other foragers. With my life, if required." She looks up at Alonso as she releases her wing, and ruffling up the feathers of them both she lets them settle folded against her back again, even if it's over the back of her dress instead of under. "If people are going into the hedge to collect fruit tonight, I'm coming along to protect them."

"I mean, I'll do what I can, for sure." Allen nods, his voice back to its original timbre. Or did it ever change? Anyway. "I think I know what it looks like, and I want to help for sure." He nods again for emphasis.

"Jarmyn are fairly distinct. Brumebulbs, too. Shouldn't be too terribly hard to find them, as both are relatively common. The latter is simply difficult to locate. Tends to be hidden under nettles and the like-- in any case. We're glad to have you with us, Allen." Alonso looks between Allen and Iris, then claps his hands together and rubs them vigorously. "Do either of you have actual... equipment? For these sorts of adventures? Armor? Weapons? That sort of thing?" He points towards Iris, "Umbrellas do not count."

"I am a weapon," Iris points out, lifting up her taloned hands and wiggling its fingers. "But I have some things in my hoard, as well. I just don't usually bother because I can do more with claw and fang than I can with a sword most of the time, and have you ever tried to wear armor over wings? If you haven't, let me tell you that it's ridiculously uncomfortable." She presses tenderly at her ribs under her dress and winces. "Then again, it's even more uncomfortable to get stabbed, so I suppose I may as well wear it just in case." Then she wrinkles her nose. "The umbrella is for when those things explode. It took forever to get that weird oily pussy crap out of my feathers. I swear I can still smell it."

"I have a hammer," replies the giant. He doesn't specify what kind, but the way he flexes both hands should give a little bit of context. "And, well, I really don't need a lot of armor." He doesn't add more.

Weird oily puss? That's something a doctor would be concerned about. And believe me, she is. Isolde doesn't catch much else of the conversation other than that as she opens the door and steps in. "I heard there was need of hedge fruit being gathered." the Spring states. As she walks in little flowers bloom in her wake. It's just because of her mantle. She doesn't say much more until the others are finished.

"Yes, archery has its merits with respect to the weird oily pus. Definitely." Alonso is sympathetic to Iris's plight, having been up close and personal with some of those things when they expired. "We do have a shower back here. And Gisa has that sandlewood after shower lotion, if you want to use it." He heads over to his rucksack which is resting on the couch, unzippering it so as to begin pulling out his arms and equipment. "Armor is always a good idea, Allen, if you can manage it. Even something light. Leathers, or the like. These things pack quite the punch if they can get inside your defenses." He pulls out his baldric and slips it around his shoulders, tugging his hair and scarf out from under it so that it will lie properly. He then turns to face Isolde, sizing her up for a moment. "That is so, comrade. I am Alonso. This is Iris, and that is Allen. Welcome."

"There is indeed such a need, my friend!" Iris says as she rises from her seat, moving with impossible grace. She slips her sandals back onto her feet, then spends a moment shifting her dress around so that her small wings are underneath it instead of over it where they fold against her back. "As he said, I'm Iris. I'm also on my way out to go pick up a few things." She looks Allen over and says, "I might have some armor that fits you somewhere. Would you like me to look, just in case?"

Allen shrugs. "I guess you can never have too much," he replies to Iris. He turns and smiles crookedly at Isolde. "Hi," he says, with a slight wave. Not much to say at this point for some reason.

Isolde gives a nod to them, "It's nice to meet you all, I'm Isolde of the Spring court." she tells them. She doesn't throw thirty different titles at them. She's dressed in a flak jacket and other clothes that are easily burned if need be. "Excellent. I'm glad to help out." she tells the group. "If anyone gets hurt I can heal with little issue, so that might also be useful." she adds with a smile.

"In /that/ case, let me get you something to eat, Isolde." Because meeting the catch of healing contracts is always a good idea when heading into potential combat. Alonso turns to head for the little mini fridge to get out some pastries and a carton of milk. It isn't much, but it meets the requirement. He carries this over to the table already strewn with papers and sketches, and sets the plate down for Isolde. Then he's off to fetch a glass. Milk is poured, and set down beside the plate. He watches Isolde expectantly. "Take your time."

"Oh, marvelous! It was highly prescient of me to call you my friend just a moment ago," Iris says with a grand smile when Isolde admits to having a talent for healing. She picks up her usually ever-present satchel, flips the top open, and takes out a bagby of what looks like it's home-made jerkey. "Here, take this for the road later. In case you get hungry while we're searching for fruits and decide not to just eat all the brumebulb we found." Not like anyone eats brumebulb if they have a choice. "Now, I should get going so I can pick up a few things. I'll be back shortly!" And she slips outside after making her offering of food.

Seeing the offerings of food being made, Allen pats his pockets for a few moments before finding and pulling a surprisingly well-kept dark chocolate bar from one of his pockets. He shrugs a little awkwardly and extends the bar towards the flowering Fairest. "I already ate," he admits a little sheepishly. "Please take this if you want it. It's really good."

"That's very sweet of you." Isolde tells Alonso as he goes to get her food. Because she hand't had a man offer to feed her in ages! There's a smile to the others and then she goes over to the table and there's a look to Alonso, "Oh it won't take me long." she tells him. When Iris offers jerky it's taken and she nods to her, "Thank you." she states with a smile. There's a few bites taken of the pastry and then Allen is offering chocolate. She takes a moment to make sure her mouth is clear and then takes it, "If I don't need it out there I'll give it back. Thank you." she tells him.