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Broken Dolls: Consulting The Experts

Mina, Rorschach and Gisa as ST

31 July, 2017

Mina comes to see Rorschach and asks him about her dream. Part of Broken Dolls.


Glimmerdark was, as it were, dark. As it was also hot out the back door was propped open and the Bug(tm) was working on a new canvas around back. Maybe another large art piece for a whow? It was possible. It wa a rare thing to catch a Padre of Silent Nights without their 80,000 layers of mismatched blacks like #GOthproblemz, but it was also 92* at night and that meant concessions even for Roaches. He had on his black boots, long black cargo shorts hanging off his ass, and that was about it. The rest of his paper thin, pastey skin was covered in scars, shadow and ink all which seemed to fom arcane looking glyphs that seemed to half shift and move with him. The radio was cranking out some early Oingo Boingo.

There's a quiet grace to the way that Mina walks, a subtle confidence that says 'yes I should be here it's right next to Homepage and I can wave at Kip through that window right there'. The succuflower's hair tumbles down, a riot of red and foxgloves, and she's wearing a pair of cut off jean shorts with a cropped black tanktop that reads #PersephoneVibes across her chest. But once she's coming around the back, she makes a little bit more noise, so as not to spook anyone. "Rorschach?," she calls out, honeyed tones drifting through the hot summer air.

Rorschach pivoted holidng the sprak can a bit defensifly in one hand withthe pallet scraper in teh other. It took a moment to recognize Mina though he could make her out in teh dark jsut fine. The recluse Roach paused and the gave teh pallet scraper a tight flip in the air, caught it, and slid it neatly into his back pocket. He replies with a *tch*tch* sound before sauntering over. Paint stained fingers itched at the opposite pec and shoulder before head tilting to the side curiously; antennae swaying in the breeze.

Right. The roach doesn't talk. The succuflower flicks her gaze to his throat, and then back up to his face. "Ceebee trusted you enough to work with you a bit on that other thing," she says, vaguely. "I asked around, heard that you know dreams. I had one, a few nights ago. It wasn't my normal nightmare. And Ceebee suggested that I talk to someone about it, after I woke him up, two apartments down, with my screaming." She gets that all out, before offering, "Still don't know sign language, unfortunately, if we can do something about that."

The Moon stood still and his arms folded across his lean frame listneing with one antennae and one eyebrow raised. At her note of waking screaming and audible two doors doun the expression looked faintly impressed. He noted three immediate, and socially inappropriate advantaged to her relayed tale. Still, that was... interesting. After amoment of thought he nodded for her to follow ducking back in teh back door that stood ajar and near the small hooka lounge. He struk up a Camel and offered the pack to her before working on a quick draft on rice paper for a day pledge with teh usual hospitality cavaets in exchange for the short term mastery of sign language. He bit his thumb and daubed it and let her do teh same though he pffered her a saety pin from his shorts that was hanging out on there.

Quietly, Mina watches the bug as he considers what he's been told. And when he leads the way into the back, she follows along. Shaking her head to the offered cigarette, before she withdraws a small, elegant case with scratches on it. Withdrawing a well-rolled joint, and holding that up in offering. To the safety pin, she also declines, reaching up instead to her own horns. Sliding her thumb along one of the under ridges, dotting the sharp bone and the white foxglove with the vivid red of her blood. Adding her mark to the paper, before bringing her thumb to her lip.

Rorschach folded the paper so everythign touched and creased it sharply. He signed to her <<Normally we dont' work for free, but as a favour to common decency I'll at least hear you out for a consult. Just no shooting the messenger if shit gets sticky.>> He was adamant about that. TOo many times did people love to fire down on teh bearers of bad news. Tingers twitched and bent into meaningful gesture inquiring, <<Tell me of the thing you saw, Mina>> And for as bug nutty as he was, those large black eyes honed in on her like large pools of ink waiting.

Mina shakes her head. "I have no intention of shooting, or even punching you," she muses, and drags a finger over her heart, "Over this dream that I had, and what you might offer me as to the message of it." Words given, solemnly. She lets out a breath, and glances upawrds before sparking her j, taking a slow pull from it. Smoke exhaled, before she speaks again. "In my dream, there were...webs of electricity in my walls, making cracks. I heard this awful sound, like a kitten wailing, or a baby. I went to find it, and there was a pile of...spare parts, in the other room. Arms, legs, a fucking eye that rolled out and hit me in the toe. The thing kept crying out for mama." Does she shudder? yes she does.

Long fingers covered his own mouth with a thoughtful look, fingers drumming on his jaw listening for a long thoughtful moment. Did he zone out? Watchers did that though didn't they? All creepy and buggy and shit. His antennae ocilated slowly back and forth as he thoughton that. <<Feelings/ Impressions? Did it call -you- anything in particular? What colour was it?>>

Mina spent what felt like a very long time as a flower. Bugs, ones that aren't actively trying to eat her, don't bother her all that much. The dream, though... "Just nothing felt right. It was all just a bit off. I don't know if it was calling me mama, or just that was what creepy fucking ass dolls do. It was made of teeth. So many fucking teeth. No face, just teeth. It launched itself at my fucking face, Rorsch. The lighting was wrong, but that's because it was all from that electrical shit."

Rorschach shook his head as if the idea of being attacked by doll parts was annoying. He signed to ehr some sympathy <>

There's a breath let out by Mina, and she nods her head. "I think what bothered me the most is that it wasn't one of my nightmares, you know? I don't watch horror movies or shit or ever even had dolls, so. It all sat with me wrong. Thanks, Rorschach. I'll come back tomorrow. Salt, candle, check." She runs her hand through her hair, and lets out a breath. "I won't forget a hand offered in help."