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Cassian and the Wayhouse

"It's good to stay together."


Cassian, Maxwell and Maggie


Cassian comes to the Wayhouse to talk on joining the Freehold. A few Waykeepers talk to him.



Thank God it's Friday! Most of the town is out having a good time and preparing for the weekend. As one makes their way up to the Wayhouse they'd see a rather unusual sight. A horse that is under a tall sunshade and grazing idly. He doesn't pay much attention to those that pass. Happy horse.

Inside the Wayhouse there's a few people coming and going, but there's two people in the main room that seem to be going over things. There's a younger woman seated with an older gentleman and he's got a binder open to point out things. The Native American woman is paying attention to him though. Like the information matters.

For what could possibly be the first time since he arrived, Cassian is wearing shoes. It itched, and he really didn't like it, but there it was. Passing by the horse, Cassian made for the doors and went inside. He was instructed to come here, by the way, to make contact and be a useful member of the Lingdome. Of course, there was always the sense that they were stronger in numbers. He enters, and takes a moment to ... look around.

When someone comes through the door, the pair on the couch seem to turn their head at the same time. Maggie's eyes go a little wide at the sight of Cassian and there's a bit of a look to Maxwell. Maxwell stands, giving the man a wave, "Welcome to the Wayhouse, how can we help you today?" the Wizened asks as he stands. He motions for Maggie as well. She looks completely human. No Mien to speak of and no Mantle. That's weird, right?

Maggie gives a wave, but she stays just a little behind the Wizened, "Are you looking to join the Freehold?" she asks him. She did talk!

"I was ... encouraged to stop by. I was told your sort were the knowers of knowings and whatnot, and would help a few face see how they could help," he explains. His eyes travel between the two, curiously. "You know how it is, with new faces," he says.

Maxwell gives a nod to that, "Sure we do." he states. Then there's a buzz in his pocket and he gives an apologetic look between the two as he needs to step away.

That leaves Maggie to deal with things. She gives a smile, "I'm Maggie, I'm a recruit, so if this is a little rough I apologize." she tells him. "So you are new to town and wanting to join the Freehold?" she guesses as she looks to him. "What's your name?" she asks as she pulls out a small notebook and a pen.

The notebook is eyed a bit suspiciously a moment. He wasn't sure it was the best idea, but, well. Be8ng a suspicious outsider didn't make practical sense. "Cassian," he says, offering a kind of nervous smile. "I have never been a part of a Freehold. I'm not entirely certain what it is, beyond a commjnity of people like us," he says.

"I'm just taking your name and a number where you can be reached for Waykeeper purposes. I don't want to press for other information unless you want to freely give Court and things." Maggie tells him with a smile. She writes down his name and then there's a nod. "The Freehold here has been founded since 2016. So we're still young in some aspects. Generally we band together for more protection against being retaken and working together generally is a better thing." she tells him. "It's an easy process to join really. Right now our Monarch is Helah Morgenstern of the Sun Court." she tells him.

"Fair enough," he says quietly, rolling his shoulders to mentally unload concerns. A physical tick. "It makes sense, right? Best way to protect ourselves," he muses quietly.

Maggie gives a bit of a smile, "I joined because it is easier for a Mortal that can see you guys to stay out of trouble. So I'm helping with new arrivals and making sure you guys have places to stay and are safe." she admits. "If you are in need of housing there is that here as well. Also food and other things. We just ask that people follow the rules of the Wayhouse." she adds. "You'll need to read and agree to the Freehold Laws when you pledge as well." she explains to him. "Do you have any questions?" she asks.

"No," he says, shaking his head, "No questions at the moment. I have a phone that can be used for contact, but, sometimes catching me at the Market is easier," he says, nodding.

Maggie gives a nod to that and then a smile, "Excellent. I'll send this information up to the powers that be and we'll get you all settled into the Freehold." she tells him. "I'll make a note of the phone and Market as well." she nods to him. "The Wayhouse is open to all, so please feel free to stop in should you need anything." she states.

About that time, Maxwell wanders back in from his phone call, "It's good to meet you, Cassian. I'm Maxwell, but seems that the conversation is winding down." he smiles to that. "We'll see you around." he offers to him before returning to his spot on the couch.