Goblin Fruit

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Goblin Fruit (a.k.a. Hedgefruit)

The Hedge is a cornucopia of strangeling life, and certain fruits harvested from it have abilities to heal, to help, to harm. They only faintly resemble mundane vegetation, and some may not look like plants at all. A crisp fine fruit resembling an apple may well hold a slimy, snot-like syrup in its crimson skin, while a revolting, maggot-writhing pustule may taste like the finest of faerie delights.

Some, like the viceroy butterfly, may well be harmless imitations of their poisonous monarchs. While finding fruit is child's play, finding the RIGHT fruit is the tricky part. Bound by their own obscure rules, some grow only in a single season, a single night, or a single hour every mortal century.

The information below includes all approved Hedgefruit for Fate's Harvest.

Each entry will show the plant's name, its relative rarity, a description of its appearance and properties, and, important to you gardeners out there, the number value assigned to it for Hollow Garden purposes. See the Merits page for more details on that particular HR.

Healing Fruit

There are as many varieties of healing fruit as there are trees; these are just the established and growable varieties. If you would like to submit a new fruit for consideration and addition to the IG +hedgefruit system, please send up a +req/fae.

If you are in a scene and prefer to invent one on the fly, that, too, is fine. Healing fruits invented for a scene may only heal 1L or 2B each without requiring staff approval.

Amaranthine (CtL p.223) - Rare
Appearance: Small red eggplant
Garden plots: 3
Heals 1 Aggravated damage when eaten. No additional effects. Works only once per scene.

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Glamour Fruit

Precious to those lost in the Thorns, Glamour fruit can restore what was taken, or give just enough oomph to win a battle when your strength is ebbing low.

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Other Fruits

These fruits have various effects, some beneficial, some less so.

Coupnettle (CtL p.223) - Common
Appearance: Delicate leafy plant
Garden plots: 1
Often used to make tea. Bitter minty taste. Consuming an entire plant restores 1 Willpower.

Fear Gortach (CtL p.223) - Common
Appearance: Grass-like plant
Garden plots: 1
Makes the eater famished. No matter how much they eat, they madly want more. A character who tastes this plant temporarily suspends the effects of any other goblin fruit he has eaten (unless their effects are immediate, like healing or glamour fruits), and no other fruits have any effects for the remainder of the scene, INCLUDING new healing fruits, until the fear gortach has worn off. If more fear gortach is encountered, the eater must succeed at a Wits + Composure roll to avoid immediately consuming it again, lengthening the period of its effects. Those with with Gluttony vice suffer a -3 penalty to this roll. This fruit DOES affect mortals and other creatures.

Jarmyn (CtL p.223) - Common
Appearance: Leafy plant with edible seed-ovaries
Garden plots: 1
Both the leaves and the ovaries are edible. The leaves are a stimulant, and add a +3 bonus to attempts to stay awake after periods of extensive wakefulness (WoD pp.179-180) during the scene in which they are eaten. The ovaries negate fatigue penalties, also for a scene. They can both be consumed at once, and both effects will work at the same time. After the scene is done and the effects wear off, the changeling falls into a deep sleep for one full day per fruit/leaf he consumed, with a maximum of 7 days.

Nightcap/Buglewort (CtL p.224) - Uncommon
Appearance: Unspecified; for the sake of argument, purple and yellow flowers, dark blue fruits
Garden plots: 2
These two fruits are so similar, it requires an Intelligence + Survival/Occult roll to distinguish which of them the changeling has foraged. Nightcap leaves anyone who eats it lethargic, cutting their Speed in half (round down) until the character achieves four successes on an extended Stamina + Resolve roll, which may be attempted once per hour. Buglewort gives the eater the equivalent of a caffeine high, super alert, and increases their Initiative by 4 for the duration of the scene. Additional doses do not stack, but both plants may be eaten at once, and both effects will work at the same time.


Not all goblin fruits are necessarily "fruits" by the mortal sense of the word, or even edible. Some are useful as tools, some are just plain bizarre. A list follows.

Gallowsroot (CtL p.224) - Uncommon
Appearance: A ropy vine which grows on low, sprawling bushes, vine-ends shaped like nooses
Garden plots: 2
When slipped over the head and around the neck of any living victim, the root immediately constricts like a hangman's rope. It attacks as a Strength 3 combatant wielding a garrote for three turns. See the rules for Strangle Wire in Armory p.35 for how to break free.

Jennystones (CtL p.224) - Uncommon
Appearance: Hard, reeking tooth-shaped seeds of the Jennystone bush.
Garden plots: 2
They stink. It's awful. So much worse than skunk. The scent is exuded in a 5-yard diameter, and inflicts a -1 dice pool penalty to anyone with a sense of smell unfortunate enough to be there.

Promise Leaves (CtL p.224) - Uncommon
Appearance: Engorged leaves of whichever plant they've attached to/assimilated, with a distinct parchment-like feeling when touched.
Garden plots: n/a
These leaves can extend the duration of certain Contracts' effects (such as the Blessing of Perfection clause on CtL p.135). The duration of extension is determined by the clause in question, and typically requires the expenditure of 1 Willpower. To use a leaf, the changeling must crumple it in his hand while invoking its power with the Contract. The leaf dessicates and falls to the ground/blows away in queer faerie winds.

NOTE: Once a week, you may use the +hedgefruit/promise command to have the system roll your Wits + Survival for you. If the roll succeeds, a promise leaf will be added to your hedgefruit inventory.

Stabapple (CtL p.224) - Uncommon
Appearance: Benign boring pinkish fruits, sharp hard thorns.
Garden plots: 2
The fruits have no effect other than being filling, mild and savory. The thorns, however, are hard and sharp as bone, as long as a man's forearm. The thorns may be used as knives. They do 1L and have Size 1.